21 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Patterning: A Novel Approach to the Identification of Potential Drug Target Sites in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Malaria continues to be the most lethal protozoan disease of humans. Drug development programs exhibit a high attrition rate and parasite resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs exacerbates the problem. Strategies that limit the development of resistance and minimize host side-effects are therefore of major importance. In this study, a novel approach, termed evolutionary patterning (EP), was used to identify suitable drug target sites that would minimize the emergence of parasite resistance. EP uses the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (ω) to assess the patterns of evolutionary change at individual codons in a gene and to identify codons under the most intense purifying selection (ω≤0.1). The extreme evolutionary pressure to maintain these residues implies that resistance mutations are highly unlikely to develop, which makes them attractive chemotherapeutic targets. Method validation included a demonstration that none of the residues providing pyrimethamine resistance in the Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase enzyme were under extreme purifying selection. To illustrate the EP approach, the putative P. falciparum glycerol kinase (PfGK) was used as an example. The gene was cloned and the recombinant protein was active in vitro, verifying the database annotation. Parasite and human GK gene sequences were analyzed separately as part of protozoan and metazoan clades, respectively, and key differences in the evolutionary patterns of the two molecules were identified. Potential drug target sites containing residues under extreme evolutionary constraints were selected. Structural modeling was used to evaluate the functional importance and drug accessibility of these sites, which narrowed down the number of candidates. The strategy of evolutionary patterning and refinement with structural modeling addresses the problem of targeting sites to minimize the development of drug resistance. This represents a significant advance for drug discovery programs in malaria and other infectious diseases

    Hysteresis Control 3-Level SI-NPC Inverter with Wind Energy System

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    The system is a 3-level Neutral point clamped hysteresis current controlled Inverter with Wind energy as power source. The input DC Power for the multi-level inverter is drawn from wind turbine generator connected through a rectifier circuit. An inductor has been introduced for smoothening the DC output from the rectifier. The inverter uses Neutral Point Clamped topology. The switching pulses for the inverter are achieved by hysteresis current control technique. This system is advantageous over the conventional SPWM based system as the hysteresis current control allows to reduce the low frequency harmonics while also allowing to control the fundamental amplitude depending on frequency. The outputs for the system are verified using MATLAB simulations. The hardware for Hysteresis current control for the inverter is implemented by using a dSPIC microcontroller. The proposed system can be implemented in households for supplying backup power in case of power shortage and can also be used as a primary power source if wind flow is abundant. It is easy to implement, economical and provides clean energ

    Absence of Acanthocytosis in Huntington's Disease-like 2: A Prospective Comparison with Huntington's Disease

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    Background:&nbsp;Huntington&rsquo;s Disease-like 2 (HDL2) is classified as a neuroacanthocytosis; however, this remains unverified. We aim to determine if acanthocytes are present in HDL2 and whether acanthocytes can differentiate HDL2 from Huntington&rsquo;s disease (HD).Methods:&nbsp;We prospectively compared 13 HD and 12 HDL2 cases against 21 unaffected controls in Johannesburg. Blood smears were prepared using international standards and reviewed by at least two blinded reviewers. An acanthocytosis rate of greater than 1.2% in the dry smear or greater than 3.7% in the wet smear was designated a priori as the threshold for clinical significance based on previously established standards. Flow cytometry was performed on all but four of the cases. Red cell membrane protein analysis was performed on all participants.Results:&nbsp;There were 12 HDL2, 13 HD, and 21 controls enrolled. None of the HD or HDL2 participants had defined acanthocytosis or other morphological abnormalities. None of the HD or HDL2 cases had evidence of an abnormal band 3.Discussion:&nbsp;Acanthocytosis was not identified in either HDL2 or HD in our patient population. Our results, based on the first prospective study of acanthocytes in HDL2 or HD, suggest that screening for acanthocytes will not help establish the diagnosis of HD or HDL2, nor differentiate between the two disorders and raises the question if HDL2 should be placed within the neuroacanthocytosis syndromes.</p