12 research outputs found

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    Књига Наративни сентименти Недељке Бјелановић резултат је настојања да се у оквир књижевнонаучних истраживања укључи емоционално подручје наратива, које би проучавало (1) емотивни спектар приповедачке инстанце, ликова, као и стварног и/или имплицитног аутора, (2) афективне хронотопе и атмосферу/тон дела и (3) емотивни одговор читаоца у рецепцији. Постављајући у фокус својих истраживања прозну емотивност, ауторка се ослања на наратолошка проучавања (пре свега из области когнитивне и афективне наратологије), а теоријске закључке изводи на основу брижљиво одабраних примера из дела српске и светске књижевности. Како се монографија развила превасходно из ауторкиних личних преиспитивања осећања у вези с читањем, строгим научним претензијама није дата предност над емотивно обојеним ставом, што представља посебну драж ове књиге

    The waterworks: a context for understanding chemistry concepts in the seventh grade of primary school

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    Industry field trips provide the contexts that enable students to improve their understanding of chemical concepts and processes. The aim of this research study was to explore to what extent students improve their understanding of water, solutions, mixtures, and the methods used for separating mixture components in the context of the waterworks, and what their views towards such an approach are. The sample consisted of 36 students aged 13 to 14 years, equally divided into the experimental and control group. The teaching unit Water and its significance for the living world was realised within the context of the waterworks in the experimental group, while in the control group it was realised using a conventional approach at school. Prior to the elaboration of the teaching unit the students from both groups had been tested using a pre-test, and upon the completion they were tested using a post-test. The views of the experimental group were examined using a questionnaire. The obtained results showed that the activities in the context of waterworks improved the understanding of the studied concepts, that students recognised the relevance of the applied context for their personal and societal life, as well as for their own future professional activities

    Product Design Involving Culture, Sustainability and User Experience

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    It is well known that design of a product is a key driver of the success or failure in this field. In industrial design, product design process is not entirely controlled by physical conditions as material properties, the structural strength or production constrains. Besides usability, ergonomics and functionality it is also influenced by many known and unknown factors. One of them is culture, because culture affects the way users respond to the product. And not only the culture of users, but also the designer’s own culture, their aesthetic preferences, emotions and other non-physical aspects. For that reason, any activity of product design must include the knowledge of culture. For understanding the relation between culture, designer, users and the product itself—modern product design has to involve also the concept of sustainability and (especially) the connection between culture and sustainability. In this respect, there are nowadays a lot of talk about the so-called UX (user experience) design, which also be discussed in this article

    Flexural vibration and buckling analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using different gradient elasticity theories based on Reddy and Huu-Tai formulations

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    The aim of the present work is to analyze free flexural vibration and buckling of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) under compressive axial loading based on different constitutive equations and beam theories. The models contain a material length scale parameter that can capture the size effect, unlike the classical Euler-Bernoulli or Reddy beam theory. The equations of motion of the Reddy and the Huu-Tai beam theories are reformulated using different gradient elasticity theories, including stress, strain and combined strain/inertia. The equations of motion are derived from Hamilton’s principle in terms of the generalized displacements. Analytical solutions of free vibration and buckling are presented to bring out the effect of the nonlocal behavior on natural frequencies and buckling loads. The presented theoretical analysis is illustrated by a numerical example, and the results are qualitatively compared by another results

    CFD Calculation of Helicopter Tail Rotor Airloads for Fatigue Strength Experiments

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    This work focuses on defining loads and fatigue life estimation of helicopter tail rotor blades. The original metal construction of these blades was replaced with a new construction of blades made from composite materials. The subject of this investigation is the precise determination of loads of helicopter composite tail rotor blades together with experimental verification of their fatigue strength. In this research to determine loads of tail rotor blades computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulations are used. To study the fatigue behavior of composite blades, the blades are here tested under static and fatigue load spectra. For determination of aerodynamic loads of tail rotor blades in this investigation, two computation models are used. In first model, an isolated tail rotor blade is considered. In the second computation model, the complete helicopter is modeled, including fuselage together with main and tail rotor blades. The tail rotor hub is not included in these computational models. To verify the strength of the composite structure of the tail rotor blade, it is tested under the static load and fatigue load spectra. The experimental fatigue test results under the load spectrum are included

    Tools for designing amphipathic helical antimicrobial peptides

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    Methods are described for the design of amphipathic helical AMPs, to improve potency and/or increase selectivity with respect to host cells. One method is based on the statistical analysis of known helical AMPs to derive a sequence template and ranges of charge, hydrophobicity, and amphipathicity (hydrophobic moment) values that lead to broad-spectrum activity, but leaves optimization for selectivity to subsequent rounds of SAR determinations. A second method uses a small database of anuran AMPs with known potency (MIC values vs. E. coli) and selectivity (HC50 values vs. human erythrocytes), as well as the concept of longitudinal moment, to suggest sequences or sequence variations that can improve selectivity. These methods can assist in the initial design of novel AMPs with useful properties in vitro, but further development requires knowledge-based decisions and a sound prior understanding of how structural and physical attributes of this class of peptides affect their mechanism of action against bacteria and host cells