61 research outputs found

    Biliary peritonitis complicating percutaneous nephrostomy

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    Biliary peritonitis is a rare but serious complication of percutaneous renal access and surgery. We present such a case and review the literature

    Bladder washing flow cytometry assessment of nephrogenic adenoma of the bladder

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    A case of nephrogenic adenoma of the bladder is reported. This rare benign lesion that histologically resembles primitive renal collecting tubules is considered to represent a metaplastic response of urothelium to several stimulating factors. DNA flow cytometry performed on preoperative bladder washing revealed an aneuploid phenotype

    TEA carotidea: poco più di un day-hospital?

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    Endovenous laser treatment of varicose vein: a three-year personal experience

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    Vengono descritti i risultati di tre anni di esperienza di trattamento della grande e piccola safena con tecnica Laser. Early and mid term results have been promisin