448 research outputs found

    Improving Nutrition Literacy in Primary Care

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    Abstract By the year 2030, nearly one in every two adults will have obesity (Body Mass Index [BMI] ≥30 kg/m2.), and one in four adults will have severe obesity (BMI ≥35 kg/m2) (Ward et al., 2019). Equally troubling is that obesity poses a threat to the health of individuals, decreases the quality of life, shortens life expectancy, causes and worsens comorbidities, and increases all- cause mortality (Abdelaal et al., 2017). Studies have shown a link between BMI, nutritional knowledge, and dietary practices. Nutrition literacy is a newer term that refers to the complex relationship between nutrition knowledge, dietary behavior, and necessary skills. Nutrition literacy is critical to preventing and reversing obesity and needs to be studied. Primary care is an opportune place to address nutrition literacy. This project aimed to investigate the efficacy of delivering digital nutritional education. A pre- and post-questionnaire design was used to measure nutrition literacy in adults with a BMI ≥26 kg/m2 before and immediately after providing the educational intervention. A sample size of 16 adults participated. The intervention group (n = 8) gained nutrition literacy by 8.6% with a confidence interval of 95%. The outcomes from this evaluation project suggest that nutrition literacy in patients with a BMI ≥26 kg/m2 can be improved with web-based nutritional education. Key Words: obesity, nutrition knowledge, dietary behaviors, nutrition literacy, digital learning, nutrition education, primary car

    Deflectable beam linear strip cesium contact ion thruster system

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    Deflectable dual beam, linear strip cesium contact, ion thruster system design and performance testin

    Advanced electrostatic ion thruster for space propulsion

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    The suitability of the baseline 30 cm thruster for future space missions was examined. Preliminary design concepts for several advanced thrusters were developed to assess the potential practical difficulties of a new design. Useful methodologies were produced for assessing both planetary and earth orbit missions. Payload performance as a function of propulsion system technology level and cost sensitivity to propulsion system technology level are among the topics assessed. A 50 cm diameter thruster designed to operate with a beam voltage of about 2400 V is suggested to satisfy most of the requirements of future space missions

    September 2003 Livestock and wildlife disease report, no. 9

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    September 2003

    Species conservation in the Pacific Islands: taking effective steps forward

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    Pacific species face heightened levels of threat due to the relatively small size, fragility and rapid environmental changes from human development and invasive species in many Pacific Island Countries and Territories. The geographic isolation of many islands is also a major barrier to the spread of scientific and traditional knowledge on threatened species, and facilitation of supportive networks for strengthening collaboration on species conservation. An additional block is the lack of consolidated approaches to many species conservation issues within the Pacific Island Countries and Territories, particularly for noncharismatic species that are often overlooked or are low on the agenda. Furthermore, the capacity and availability of resources for conservation – including both people and available scientific information – are known to be heavily biased towards developed countries in Oceania. The combined impacts of these gaps and blocks are clearly evident in several related public outputs including: national and regional species inventories, National Biodiversity and Strategic Action Plans, and progress on undertaking and implementing IUCN Red-List species assessments for the Pacific Islands

    Daphnia as an Emerging Epigenetic Model Organism

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    Daphnia offer a variety of benefits for the study of epigenetics. Daphnia's parthenogenetic life cycle allows the study of epigenetic effects in the absence of confounding genetic differences. Sex determination and sexual reproduction are epigenetically determined as are several other well-studied alternate phenotypes that arise in response to environmental stressors. Additionally, there is a large body of ecological literature available, recently complemented by the genome sequence of one species and transgenic technology. DNA methylation has been shown to be altered in response to toxicants and heavy metals, although investigation of other epigenetic mechanisms is only beginning. More thorough studies on DNA methylation as well as investigation of histone modifications and RNAi in sex determination and predator-induced defenses using this ecologically and evolutionarily important organism will contribute to our understanding of epigenetics

    Deletion of the trpc4 gene and its role in simple and complex strategic learning

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    The TRPC4 ion channel is expressed extensively in corticolimbic and a subpopulation of midbrain dopamine neurons. While TRPC4 knockout (KO) rats exhibit reduced sociability and social exploration, little is known about the role of TRPC4 in motivation and learning. To identify a function for TRPC4 channels in learning processes  we tested TRPC4 KO and normal wild type (WT) rats. TRPC4 KO and WT rats exhibited no differences in Y-­maze learning or simple discrimination learning. Furthermore, on a more complex serial reversal shift task designed  to assess strategic learning where the reward and non-­reward cues were repeatedly reversed between training sessions both TRPC4 KO and WT rats   performed equally well. Finally, we found no   performance differences when using a conditional reversal shift task where a tone signals the reversal of reward and non-reward cues within sessions. These data suggest that although TRPC4 channels may play a role in social interaction/anxiety  they exert a minimal role in simple and complex strategic learning

    Analisa Dampak Lalu Lintas Akibat Keterbatasan Lahan pada Ruang Parkir Pasar Tradisional di Kota Semarang

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    Pasar tradisional umumnya disediakan macam bahan pokok keperluan rumah tangga dan biasanya berlokasi di tempat terbuka. Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan adalah salah satu pasar tradisional di Kota Semarang. Lahan parkir yang tersedia di wilayah kedua pasar tersebut sangat terbatas, sehingga tidak mampu untuk menampung jumah kendaraan yang masuk ke area parkir. hal ini menyebabkan banyak kendaraan memilih parkir di badan jalan dan mengganggu arus lalu lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kegiatan parkir di halaman pasar, menganalisa kebutuhan ruang parkir dan pengaruh kinerja jalan akibat parkir di badan jalan kaitannya dengan dampak lalu lintas, memberi rekomendasi penyelenggaraan parkir dan mengetahui nilai pelayanan yang dibutuhkan untuk menentukan biaya optimum.Pada penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa survei lapangan dan data sekunder sebagai acuan dalam menganalisis kebutuhan ruang parkir dan pengaruh kinerja jalan akibat dampak lalu lintas di Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan.Adapun hasil penelitian dengan metode distribusi kedatangan didapatkan rata-rata di Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan yaitu 36 dan 32 kend/jam, untuk distribusi waktu pelayanan didapatkan rata-rata di parkir Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan yaitu 57 dan 46 menit, dipadukan dengan disediakan ruang parkir konsep kedua pasar tradisional adalah tipe A, ruang parkir Pasar Karangayu untuk mobil yaitu 550 m2 dan motor 229,5 m2. Pasar Sampangan untuk mobil yaitu 300 m2 dan motor 463,5 m2. Nilai derajat kejenuhan sesuai MKJI jalan di depan Pasar Sampangan tahun 2016 adalah 0,93>0,75 digambarkan bahwa kinerja jalan dalam kondisi macet karena adanya aktifitas pasar yang digunakan parkir di badan jalan dan Pasar Karangayu dari arah timur sebesar 0,58<0,75 kinerja jalan dalam kondisi lancar walau ada aktifitas pasar.Dapat disimpulkan dengan ditentukan nilai rasio luas lahan parkir harus disediakan terhadap luas bangunan pasar maka area parkir dapat mencukupi kendaraan parkir hingga 5 tahun ke depan dibuat dapat semakin lancar kendaraan yang akan mencari ruang parkir ataupun yang keluar dari area parkir pasar tersebut. Sehingga Pemerintah Daerah bisa menjadikan patokan setiap adanya pembangunan pasar baru ataupun renovasi pasar lama agar dapat menggunakan rasio luas area parkir sebesar 0,24 untuk area parkir motor dan 0,20 untuk area parkir mobil terhadap luas bangunan pasar sebagai syarat perizina