175 research outputs found

    Desain Kursi Berbahan Baku Rotan dari Masa ke Masa

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    Furniture is one of space-formed element that has a role, functions and needs in a room. Manufacture of furniture could use a variety of existing raw materials, one of which is rattan. Rattan is a natural raw materials that has a distinctive and unique characteristics in terms of webbing, flexibility, and construction, all of which it becomes the aesthetic elements of rattan furniture. Rattan chairs have been known since ancient times and nowadays there are lots of rattan chairs with a variety of designs. Today rattan furniture can be adapted to a modern design, while still showing a natural feel as it unique characteristic, so the rattan chairs can be placed in accordance with the desired theme and style

    Penetapan Awal Bulan Kamariah dan Permasalahannya di Indonesia

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    Determination of the beginning of the lunar month in Islam begins with the appearance of the new moon, which is an issue of ijtihad. Based on research shows that in rukyat there are many weaknesses so that this method needs to be elaborated with modern technology (in this case reckoning). Research and calculations carried out by experts on reckoning show that the data generated has always provided very accurate results without leaving significant differences. Basically, Reckoning is a scientific building, so it is strongly influenced by each epistemic discourse. Wujudul hilal carried by Muhammadiyah and imkanur rukyat by the Government has its own characteristics. So, the limit of equilibrium (read: balance) reckoning and imkanur rukyat lies in the extent to which the two communicate with each other, rather than taking distance

    Analisis Kerusakan X-ray Fluoresence (Xrf)

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    Analisis kerusakan alat XRF telah dilakukan. Kegiatan ini diperlukan sebagai langkah awal sebelum dilakukan langkah selanjutnya yaitu perbaikan alat. XRF merupakan alat yang terdapat di laboratorium Instalasi Radiometalurgi (IRM) yang digunakan untuk analisis unsur dalam bahan secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Hasil analisis kualitatif adalah teridentifikasinya jenis-jenis unsur makro yang terkandung dalam suatu bahan berdasarkan energi sinar-x karakteristik yang dipancarkan oleh unsur dalam bahan tersebut. Sedangkan hasil analisis kuantitatif ditunjukkan oleh adanya spektrum unsur-unsur hasil pengukuran yang ditunjukkan dalam bentuk nilai cacah (counting). Nilai counting sangat menentukan nilai konsentrasi unsur yang terkandung dalam bahan yang dianalisis. Saat ini alat XRF sedang mengalami gangguan pada sistem counting. Indikator kerusakan ditunjukkan oleh adanya ketidakstabilan nilai yang ditunjukkan oleh sistem counting tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis kerusakan. Tahap analisis dilakukan pengecekan melalui pengamatan visual dan cara pengukuran langsung, Setelah dilakukan pengecekan secara visual maupun pengukuran langsung didapat kerusakan pada bagian window detektor, modul spinner dan modul display sample holder counter, dan detektor. Kerusakan modul spinner dan display disebabkan tetesan kondensasi dewar yang jatuh pada papan modul yang menyebabkan short circuit pada rangkaian. Sedangkan kerusakan detektor disebabkan oleh adanya sensor nitrogen yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik

    Penentuan Kestabilan Sparking Spektrometer Emisi Menggunakan Bahan Paduan Aluminium

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    PENENTUAN KESTABILAN SPARKING SPEKTROMETER EMISI MENGGUNAKAN BAHAN PADUAN ALUMINIUM. Telah dilakukan penentuan kestabilan sparking spektrometer emisi dengan menggunakan bahan paduan aluminium. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja alat spektrometer emisi dalam analisis unsur logam pada bahan berbasis aluminium. Bahan yang digunakan adalah bahan standar sekunder aluminum dengan berbagai konsentrasi dan bahan standar Certificate Reference Material (CRM) ALCAN. Preparasi permukaan bahan yang dikenakan sparking dilakukan melalui proses pembubutan sampai rata dan halus, kemudian dibersihkan menggunakan air bebas mineral dan aseton. Sparking dilakukan dengan menggunakan sumber eksitasi sesuai program yang telah tersedia dalam program pengoperasian alat. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kestabilan sparking tercapai pada sparking yang ke 8 dengan cacat permukaan bahan sesuai dengan persyaratan analisis dan nilai Alcorr sekitar 6. Pada kondisi ini dilakukan pengukuran unsur Mn dan diperoleh unjuk keja alat yaitu presisi dan bias pengukuran masing- masing dengan nilai 0,79% dan 1,129%

    Performance of Chemical Vapor Deposited ZnO thin film as thermal interface material on optical properties of LED

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    Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) was used for the synthesis of ZnO thin film on Al substrates at various flow rates of O2 gas. ZnO thin film coated substrates were tested as thermal substrates on influencing the optical properties of high power LED at various operating currents. Spectrometer analysis showed that ZnO thin film prepared at 10 sccm O2 flow rate showed better performance by reducing the Color Correlated Temperature (CCT) at driving currents. CCT values were maintained with respect to driving currents by ZnO thin film interface at all driving currents than air interface (bare Al substrate). On luminous flux analysis, 5 sccm samples showed good performance on increasing the light of the give LED at all driving currents than bare Al boundary condition. The observed results were evidenced with help of particle size distribution analysis on all film surface using Nanoscope software. Overall, ZnO thin film deposited at low O2 flow rate would be an alternative to solid thin film interface material in electronic packaging applications

    A Convolutional Approach to Vertebrae Detection and Labelling in Whole Spine MRI

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    We propose a novel convolutional method for the detection and identification of vertebrae in whole spine MRIs. This involves using a learnt vector field to group detected vertebrae corners together into individual vertebral bodies and convolutional image-to-image translation followed by beam search to label vertebral levels in a self-consistent manner. The method can be applied without modification to lumbar, cervical and thoracic-only scans across a range of different MR sequences. The resulting system achieves 98.1% detection rate and 96.5% identification rate on a challenging clinical dataset of whole spine scans and matches or exceeds the performance of previous systems on lumbar-only scans. Finally, we demonstrate the clinical applicability of this method, using it for automated scoliosis detection in both lumbar and whole spine MR scans.Comment: Accepted full paper to Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2020. 11 pages plus appendi
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