90 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional AdS gravity and extremal CFTs at c=8m

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    We note that Witten's proposed duality between extremal c=24k CFTs and three-dimensional anti-de Sitter gravity may possibly be extended to central charges that are multiples of 8, for which extremal self-dual CFTs are known to exist up to c=40. All CFTs of this type with central charge 24 or higher, provided that they exist, have the required mass gap and may serve as candidate duals to three-dimensional gravity at the corresponding values of the cosmological constant. Here, we compute the genus one partition function of these theories up to c=88, we give exact and approximate formulas for the degeneracies of states, and we determine the genus two partition functions of the theories up to c=40.Comment: 17 pages, harvmac; v2: references added, version accepted in JHE

    Counting points on hyperelliptic curves over finite fields

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    International audienceWe describe some algorithms for computing the cardinality of hyperelliptic curves and their Jacobians over finite fields. They include several methods for obtaining the result modulo small primes and prime powers, in particular an algorithm à la Schoof for genus 2 using Cantor's division polynomials. These are combined with a birthday paradox algorithm to calculate the cardinality. Our methods are practical and we give actual results computed using our current implementation. The Jacobian groups we handle are larger than those previously reported in the literature

    Equidistribution for higher-rank Abelian actions on Heisenberg nilmanifolds

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    2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37C85, 37A17, 37A45; Secondary: 11K36, 11L07.We prove quantitative equidistribution results for actions of Abelian subgroups of the (2g + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg group acting on compact (2g + 1)-dimensional homogeneous nilmanifolds. The results are based on the study of the C∞-cohomology of the action of such groups, on tame estimates of the associated cohomological equations and on a renormalization method initially applied by Forni to surface flows and by Forni and the second author to other parabolic flows. As an application we obtain bounds for finite Theta sums defined by real quadratic forms in g variables, generalizing the classical results of Hardy and Littlewood [25, 26] and the optimal result of Fiedler, Jurkat, and Körner [17] to higher dimension.This work was partially done while L. Flaminio visited the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, UK. He wishes to thank the Institute and the organizers of the program Interactions between Dynamics of Group Actions and Number Theory for their hospitality. L. Flaminio was supported in part by the Labex CEMPI (ANR-11-LABX-07). S. Cosentino was partially supported by CMAT - Centro de Matematica da Universidade do Minho, financed by the Strategic Project PEst-OE/MAT/UI0013/2014

    Engineering the Redox Potential over a Wide Range within a New Class of FeS Proteins

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    Abstract: MitoNEET is a newly discovered mitochondrial protein and a target of the TZD class of antidiabetes drugs. MitoNEET is homodimeric with each protomer binding a [2Fe-2S] center through a rare 3-Cys and 1-His coordination geometry. Both the fold and the coordination of the [2Fe-2S] centers suggest that it could have novel properties compared to other known [2Fe-2S] proteins. We tested the robustness of mitoNEET to mutation and the range over which the redox potential (EM) could be tuned. We found that the protein could tolerate an array of mutations that modified the EM of the [2Fe-2S] center over a range of ∼700 mV, which is the largest EM range engineered in an FeS protein and, importantly, spans the cellular redox range (+200 to-300 mV). These properties make mitoNEET potentially useful for both physiological studies and industrial applications as a stable, water-soluble, redox agent

    Catalytic Cycle of Multicopper Oxidases Studied by Combined Quantum- and Molecular-Mechanical Free-Energy Perturbation Methods

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    We have used combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical free-energy perturbation methods in combination with explicit solvent simulations to study the reaction mechanism of the multicopper oxidases, in particular the regeneration of the reduced state from the native intermediate. For 52 putative states of the trinuclear copper cluster, differing in the oxidation states of the copper ions and the protonation states of water- and O2-derived ligands, we have studied redox potentials, acidity constants, isomerisation reactions, as well as water- and O2 binding reactions. Thereby, we can propose a full reaction mechanism of the multicopper oxidases with atomic detail. We also show that the two copper sites in the protein communicate so that redox potentials and acidity constants of one site are affected by up to 0.2 V or 3 pKa units by a change in the oxidation state of the other site

    Two-spotted spider mite and its natural enemies on strawberry grown as protected and unprotected crops in Norway and Brazil

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    Cultivation of strawberry in plastic tunnels has increased considerably in Norway and in southeastern Brazil, mainly in an attempt to protect the crop from unsuitable climatic factors and some diseases as well as to allow growers to expand the traditional production season. It has been hypothesized that cultivation under tunnels could increase the incidence of one of its major pests in many countries where strawberry is cultivated, including Norway and Brazil, the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of tunnels on the incidence of T. urticae and on its natural enemies on strawberry in two ecologically contrasting regions, Norway (temperate) and southeastern Brazil (subtropical). In both countries, peak densities of T. urticae in tunnels and in the open fields were lower than economic thresholds reported in the literature. Factors determining that systematically seem to be the prevailing relatively low temperature in Norway and high relative humidity in both countries. The levels of occurrence in Norway and Brazil in 2010 were so low that regardless of any potential effect of the use of tunnel, no major differences were observed between the two cropping systems in relation to T. urticae densities. In 2009 in Norway and in 2011 in Brazil, increase in T. urticae population seemed to have been restrained mainly by rainfall in the open field and by predatory mites in the tunnels. Phytoseiids were the most numerous predatory mite group of natural occurrence on strawberry, and the prevalence was higher in Brazil, where the most abundant species on strawberry leaves were Neoseiulus anonymus and Phytoseiulus macropilis. In Norway, the most abundant naturally occurring phytoseiids on strawberry leaves were Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanus and Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri. Predatory mites were very rare in the litter samples collected in Norway. Infection rate of the pest by the fungus Neozygites floridana (Neozygitaceae) was low. The results of this work suggest that in Norway the use of tunnels might not affect the population densities of T. urticae on strawberry in years of lower temperatures. When temperature is not a limiting factor for the development of T. urticae in that country (apparently always the case in southern Brazil), strawberry cultivation in the tunnels may allow T. urticae to reach higher population levels than in open fields (because of the provided protection from the direct impact of rainfall), but natural enemies may prevent higher levels from being reached