227 research outputs found

    Teambuilding: a Management Intervension to Enhance Team's Effectiveness

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    Teamwork banyak didefinisikan sebagai sebuah proses yang saling bersinergi, di mana aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan di dalamnya lebih merupakan upaya kerja sama anggota grup dibandingkan upaya individual.Artikel ini membahas mengenai karakteristik dan dinamika yang dapat diciptakan dalam sebuah tim agar efektif dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi interaksi interpersonal dalam tim. Artikel ini membahas pula beberapa faktor kunci efektifnya sebuah teamwork dan mengemukakan 6 faktor penghambat efektivitasnya (structure, ineffective communications, lack of resources, lack of trust, corporate cultures, dan inappropriate use of the team approach) serta upaya-upaya yang dapat ditempuh untuk meningkatkan efektivitas teamwork. Teambuilding merupakan salah satu bentuk intervensi manajemen guna menghasilkan teamwork yang mampu bekerja efektif. Aktivitas teambuilding diberikan kepada setiap anggota dan/atau calon anggota melalui aktivitas (1) new group formation and improved relationships; (2) problems in group dynamics; (3) barriers to goal attainment; dan (4) resolution of goals and game plan; dengan strategi yang berbeda-beda sesuai kebutuhan

    Media Storage Technology Usb Flash Drive

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    USB Flash Drive is a type of NAND-type flash memory combined with a 1.1 or USB 2.0 andused as data storage devices smaller and lighter. Because of the sophistication that has madeUSB Flash Drive becoming increasingly popular as an alternative replacement disk that hasbeen used to store data.Today USB Flash Drive measures less in length between 4-7 cm and a thickness of only 0.5 -1 cm. The user can put disaku pants or shirt. No surprise that this is now a USB Flash Driveis not only popular among the IT course, this one Device was very, very popular until theelementary school was already familiar with the USB Flash Drive as a storage medium

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Pengenalan Plat Nomor Kendaraan Roda Dua pada Area Parkir

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    Sistem parkir sekarang ini masih banyak yang menggunakan cara manual yaitu petugas mencatat setiap nomor polisi kendaraan yang akan parkir. Selain itu, saat ini jumlah kendaraan meningkat khususnya roda dua yang ada di perkantoran dan lembaga pendidikan kurang didukung dengan adanya sistem yang memadai untuk mengelola parkir. Sistem yang banyak dikembangkan sekarang ini adalah penggunaan stiker yang dipasang pada sebuah kendaraan dan mengakibatkan pemalsuan stiker. Salah satu pemanfaatan teknologi yang dapat memecahkan permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan membuat sistem manajemen parkir menggunakan pengolahan citra digital dengan melakukan pengenalan pola yang memanfaatkan metode image processing pada image plat nomor kendaraan yang diambil ketika kendaraan masuk ke lahan parkir. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam sistem pengenalan pola ini yaitu pengambilan image menggunakan kamera, grayscale, deteksi tepi, dilasi, filling, erosi dan cropping. Proses akhir adalah pengenalan setiap karakter dengan metode template matching. Sedangkan analisa kemampuan sistem dilakukan terhadap plat nomor kendaraan yang sesuai dengan standar Kepolisian Republik Indonesia dan tidak mengalami modifikasi atau kerusakan, dengan variabel percobaan yaitu pencahayaan, lingkungan parkir, jenis plat nomor kendaraan, kamera, dan jenis huruf yang digunakan. Dari hasil uji coba diperoleh hasil terbaik pengambilan gambar dilakukan pada lingkungan parkir dengan pencahayaan yang redup seperti berada di area bawah tanah dan lingkungan parkir yang tertutup, di mana tingkat keberhasilan mencapai 95%. Gambar dapat diproses dengan baik oleh sistem jika ketajaman kamera minimal 5 megapixel atau ukuran gambar di atas 100kb

    Pengembangan Modul Pengajuan Cuti dan Dana

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    Service employees is an activity that is essential for any company. The larger the company would have more and more employees. Therefore the company is required to perform the service employees in a fast, accurate and on target. Companies that have employees many of course have large amounts of data. Such data require good organization to generate maximum performance. Office Automation System with the use of the Internet (web-based) can support the provision of information and processing data quickly and accurately. This technology is a solution for the employee to perform services specifically leave application and submission of funding without having to come directly to the company. With the leave application module that employees can perform leave application anytime and anywhere. While the funding submission module can control submitted for the employees often make companies lose. Back end system built using CodeIgniter PHP framework and frontend using Bootstrap CSS framework for the system to be accessed in a variety of platforms while using MySQL database. System testing is done using the Black-box testing methods, ie functional testing system to ensure that the system created in line with expectations and the company\u27s business processes. From the results of tests performed, it can be concluded that the system has been running in accordance with the business processes and the company\u27s expectations. Use of office automation systems can handle the existing problems, especially in the leave application modules and submission of funding

    Analisis Technology Acceptance Model Dalam Memahami Niat Perilaku Mahasiswa Untuk Menggunakan E-learning

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    Development of science and technology is rapidly increasing, especially Communication and information technology that is influence most aspects of daily life including education. The latest trend in education is about e-learning, which is facilitating students to get material for lecture easily. However, it is not that easy to build e-learning by integrating technology in education system. Within development and implementation process of e-learning, it is necessary to consider how the students' reaction and understanding of e-learning system. The educational institution, especially private colleges in Bandar Lampung, should be able to cover it. The results of the testing show the perception of easiness using e-learning is influenced by self efficacy and accessibility system. While subjective norm does not influence students' behavior in using e-learnin

    Perbanyakan Amorphophallus Titanum Becc (Araceae) Dengan Teknologi in Vitro

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    Propagation of Amorphophallus titanum Becc (Araceae) via In Vitro Technology. Amorphophallus titanum is a unique plant with gigantic inflorescence and radiating corpselike odorl and therefore has become a botanical flagship and attract visitors. Its existence innature may be endangered due to habitat conversion that reduce population size required for cross pollination to occur. Propagation via non-conventional technique is much needed for the resulting planting material to be exchanged among botanical garden or even traders. Mass propagation using in vitro technology has been successful. An improvement of the propagation method has been developed by incorporating high level of cyitokinin BA of 1-2 mg/l in the medium for shoot proliferation and lowering it to 0-0,1 mg/l for shoot elongation. Shoot elongation is effectively influenced by age and the phase of medium whereas the liquid phase induced the enlargement of the shoots significantly without even promoting any hyperhidricity.The plantlets produced survive acclimatization

    Performa Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Nila Hitam (Oreochromis Niloticus Bleeker) Melalui Penambahan Enzim Papain Dalam Pakan Buatan

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    Pemanfaatan protein dalam pakan merupakan salah satu masalah dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan nila hitam yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan pertumbuhan. Penambahan enzim papain pada pakan dilakukan untuk dapat memanfaatkan protein secara maksimal dan lebih optimal pada kultivan. Papain merupakan enzim protease yang mampu menghidrolisis protein menjadi unsur-unsur yang lebih sederhana yaitu peptida hingga asam amino, sehingga meningkatkan pemanfaatan protein pakan oleh tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan enzim papain dalam pakan buatan serta dosis enzim papain yang optimal terhadap performa pertumbuhan benih ikan nila hitam (O. niloticus Bleeker). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih nila hitam dengan bobot rata-rata 2,49±0,25 gr.ekor-1 dan padat tebar 1 ekor.L-1. Pemberian pakan 3 kali sehari pada pukul 08.00, 12.00, dan 16.00 secara at satiation. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan A (0% papain), perlakuan B (1,125% papain), perlakuan C (2,25% papain) dan perlakuan D (3,375% papain). Variabel yang diamati adalah laju pertumbuhan relatif, protein efisiensi rasio, efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan, kelulushidupan dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan enzim papain dalam pakan buatan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan relatif, protein efisiensi rasio, efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan dan tidak berpengaruh (P>0,05) terhadap kelulushidupan. Dosis papain: 2,38%, 2,34%, 2,33%, 2,72% mampu menghasilkan laju pertumbuhan relatif, protein efisiensi rasio, efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan dan net protein utilization optimal masing-masing sebesar 1,84%/hari, 2,38%, 71,6%, 0,804% untuk benih nila hitam. Kualitas air selama penelitian masih berada dalam kisaran yang layak untuk media budidaya ikan nila hitam. Utilization of protein in a feed is one of the problems in the black tilapia aquaculture that are closely related to the growth. The addition of the papain enzyme in the feed is used to get a full advantage from protein maximally and more optimally for the kultivan. Papain is a protease enzyme that is able hydrolyze a proteins into simpler elements like peptides to amino acids, so it can be increase the utilization of protein in feed by the body. The purpose of this research were to determine the effect of addition papain enzyme in artificial feed and to determine the optimal dose of papain enzyme to growth performance of black tilapia seed (O. niloticus Bleeker). Test fish used black tilapia seed with weight approximately 2.49±0.25 g.fish-1 and stock density 1 fish. L-1. Feeding was done in 3 times a day at 08:00, 12:00, and 16:00 in at satiation method. The research used experimental method by completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment A (0% papain), treatment B (1.125% papain), treatment C (2.25% papain) and treatment D (3.375% papain). The observed variables were relative growth rate, protein efficiency ratio, efficiency of feed utilization, survival rate and water quality. The results showed that the addition of papain enzyme in artificial feed gave a significant effect (P<0.05) to increase the relative growth, protein efficiency ratio, feed utilization efficiency and had no effect (P>0.05) on survival rate. The dose of papain which was obtained is: 2.38%, 2.34%, 2.33%, 2.72% capable to produce relative growth rate, efficiency ratio, efficiency feed utilization and net protein utilization optimal 1.84%/day, 2.38%, 71,6%, 0,804% for the black tilapia. Water quality during the research is still in a decent range for a medium black tilapia fish aquaculture
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