871 research outputs found

    Reply to Comment on "Critical analysis of a variational method used to describe molecular electron transport"

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    We show that the failure of the Delaney-Greer (DG) variational ansatz for transport demonstrated by us in Phys.\ Rev.\ B {\bf 80}, 165301 (2009) (I) is not related to an unsuitable constraint that prevents a broken time-reversal symmetry or to real orbitals, as DG incorrectly claim. The complex orbitals suggested by them as a way-out solution merely represent a particular case of the general case considered by us in I, which do not in the least affect our conclusion.Comment: Manuscript as submitted to Phys. Rev. B on 30 November 2010. Sections VII, VIII, and IX present significant details, which enlarge the analysis of the published versio


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    This paper treats the methodology used in the product unit diagnostic analysis by entities where products are obtained in several subordinated entities with management autonomy. It also presents the relations based on which overall effects of the structural changes on cost per product unit are quantified, as well as the relations used in the analysis of some calculation items.cost per product unit; structure; constant costs; variable costs

    Global Schr\"{o}dinger maps

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    We consider the Schr\"{o}dinger map initial-value problem in dimension two or greater. We prove that the Schr\"{o}dinger map initial-value problem admits a unique global smooth solution, provided that the initial data is smooth and small in the critical Sobolev space. We prove also that the solution operator extends continuously to the critical Sobolev space.Comment: 60 page

    Calculating potentials of mean force and diffusion coefficients from nonequilibirum processes without Jarzynski's equality

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    In general, the direct application of the Jarzynski equality (JE) to reconstruct potentials of mean force (PMFs) from a small number of nonequilibrium unidirectional steered molecular dynamics (SMD) paths is hindered by the lack of sampling of extremely rare paths with negative dissipative work. Such trajectories, that transiently violate the second law, are crucial for the validity of JE. As a solution to this daunting problem, we propose a simple and efficient method, referred to as the FR method, for calculating simultaneously both the PMF U(z) and the corresponding diffusion coefficient D(z) along a reaction coordinate z for a classical many particle system by employing a small number of fast SMD pullings in both forward (F) and time reverse (R) directions, without invoking JE. By employing Crook's transient fluctuation theorem (that is more general than JE) and the stiff spring approximation, we show that: (i) the mean dissipative work W_d in the F and R pullings are equal, (ii) both U(z) and W_d can be expressed in terms of the easily calculable mean work of the F and R processes, and (iii) D(z) can be expressed in terms of the slope of W_d. To test its viability, the FR method is applied to determine U(z) and D(z) of single-file water molecules in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). The obtained U(z) is found to be in very good agreement with the results from other PMF calculation methods, e.g., umbrella sampling. Finally, U(z) and D(z) are used as input in a stochastic model, based on the Fokker-Planck equation, for describing water transport through SWNTs on a mesoscopic time scale that in general is inaccessible to MD simulations.Comment: ReVTeX4, 13 pages, 6 EPS figures, Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Fluctuation-Driven Molecular Transport in an Asymmetric Membrane Channel

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    Channel proteins, that selectively conduct molecules across cell membranes, often exhibit an asymmetric structure. By means of a stochastic model, we argue that channel asymmetry in the presence of non-equilibrium fluctuations, fueled by the cell's metabolism as observed recently, can dramatically influence the transport through such channels by a ratchet-like mechanism. For an aquaglyceroporin that conducts water and glycerol we show that a previously determined asymmetric glycerol potential leads to enhanced inward transport of glycerol, but for unfavorably high glycerol concentrations also to enhanced outward transport that protects a cell against poisoning.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 3 figures; Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let