2,980 research outputs found

    A Covolume Method Based on Rotated Bilinears for the Generalized Stokes Problem

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    We introduce a covolume or marker and cell (MAC) method for approximating the generalized Stokes problem on an axiparallel domain. Two grids are needed, the primal grid made up of rectangles and the dual grid of quadrilaterals. The velocity is approximated by nonconforming rotated bilinear elements with degrees of freedom at midpoints of rectangular elements and the pressure by piecewise constants. The error in the velocity in the Hh norm and the pressure in the L2 norm are of first order, provided that the exact velocity is in H2 and the exact pressure in H1

    ηc\eta_c mixing effects on charmonium and BB meson decays

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    We include the ηc\eta_c meson into the η\eta-η′\eta'-GG mixing formalism constructed in our previous work, where GG represents the pseudoscalar gluball. The mixing angles in this tetramixing matrix are constrained by theoretical and experimental implications from relevant hadronic processes. Especially, the angle between ηc\eta_c and GG is found to be about 11∘11^\circ from the measured decay widths of the ηc\eta_c meson. The pseudoscalar glueball mass mGm_G, the pseudoscalar densities mqq,ss,ccm_{qq,ss,cc} and the U(1) anomaly matrix elements associated with the mixed states are solved from the anomalous Ward identities. The solution mG≈1.4m_G\approx 1.4 GeV obtained from the η\eta-η′\eta'-GG mixing is confirmed, while mqqm_{qq} grows to above the pion mass, and thus increases perturbative QCD predictions for the branching ratios Br(B→η′K)Br(B\to\eta'K). We then analyze the ηc\eta_c-mixing effects on charmonium magnetic dipole transitions, and on the B→η(′)KSB\to\eta^{(\prime)}K_S branching ratios and CP asymmetries, which further improve the consistency between theoretical predictions and data. A predominant observation is that the ηc\eta_c mixing enhances the perturbative QCD predictions for Br(B→η′K)Br(B\to\eta'K) by 18%, but does not alter those for Br(B→ηK)Br(B\to\eta K). The puzzle due to the large Br(B→η′K)Br(B\to\eta'K) data is then resolved.Comment: 12 pages, version to appear in PR

    Saari's homographic conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem in Newton gravity

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    Saari's homographic conjecture in N-body problem under the Newton gravity is the following; configurational measure \mu=\sqrt{I}U, which is the product of square root of the moment of inertia I=(\sum m_k)^{-1}\sum m_i m_j r_{ij}^2 and the potential function U=\sum m_i m_j/r_{ij}, is constant if and only if the motion is homographic. Where m_k represents mass of body k and r_{ij} represents distance between bodies i and j. We prove this conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem. In this work, we use three sets of shape variables. In the first step, we use \zeta=3q_3/(2(q_2-q_1)) where q_k \in \mathbb{C} represents position of body k. Using r_1=r_{23}/r_{12} and r_2=r_{31}/r_{12} in intermediate step, we finally use \mu itself and \rho=I^{3/2}/(r_{12}r_{23}r_{31}). The shape variables \mu and \rho make our proof simple

    Stochastic Lorentz forces on a point charge moving near the conducting plate

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    The influence of quantized electromagnetic fields on a nonrelativistic charged particle moving near a conducting plate is studied. We give a field-theoretic derivation of the nonlinear, non-Markovian Langevin equation of the particle by the method of Feynman-Vernon influence functional. This stochastic approach incorporates not only the stochastic noise manifested from electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations, but also dissipation backreaction on a charge in the form of the retarded Lorentz forces. Since the imposition of the boundary is expected to anisotropically modify the effects of the fields on the evolution of the particle, we consider the motion of a charge undergoing small-amplitude oscillations in the direction either parallel or normal to the plane boundary. Under the dipole approximation for nonrelativistic motion, velocity fluctuations of the charge are found to grow linearly with time in the early stage of the evolution at the rather different rate, revealing strong anisotropic behavior. They are then asymptotically saturated as a result of the fluctuation-dissipation relation, and the same saturated value is found for the motion in both directions. The observational consequences are discussed. plane boundary. Velocity fluctuations of the charge are found to grow linearly with time in the early stage of the evolution at the rate given by the relaxation constant, which turns out to be smaller in the parallel case than in the perpendicular one in a similar configuration. Then, they are asymptotically saturated as a result of the fluctuation-dissipation relation. For the electron, the same saturated value is obtained for motion in both directions, and is mainly determined by its oscillatory motion. Possible observational consequences are discussed.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure

    Optimized Broadcast for Deep Learning Workloads on Dense-GPU InfiniBand Clusters: MPI or NCCL?

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    Dense Multi-GPU systems have recently gained a lot of attention in the HPC arena. Traditionally, MPI runtimes have been primarily designed for clusters with a large number of nodes. However, with the advent of MPI+CUDA applications and CUDA-Aware MPI runtimes like MVAPICH2 and OpenMPI, it has become important to address efficient communication schemes for such dense Multi-GPU nodes. This coupled with new application workloads brought forward by Deep Learning frameworks like Caffe and Microsoft CNTK pose additional design constraints due to very large message communication of GPU buffers during the training phase. In this context, special-purpose libraries like NVIDIA NCCL have been proposed for GPU-based collective communication on dense GPU systems. In this paper, we propose a pipelined chain (ring) design for the MPI_Bcast collective operation along with an enhanced collective tuning framework in MVAPICH2-GDR that enables efficient intra-/inter-node multi-GPU communication. We present an in-depth performance landscape for the proposed MPI_Bcast schemes along with a comparative analysis of NVIDIA NCCL Broadcast and NCCL-based MPI_Bcast. The proposed designs for MVAPICH2-GDR enable up to 14X and 16.6X improvement, compared to NCCL-based solutions, for intra- and inter-node broadcast latency, respectively. In addition, the proposed designs provide up to 7% improvement over NCCL-based solutions for data parallel training of the VGG network on 128 GPUs using Microsoft CNTK.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    The Stabilization of Superconductivity by Magnetic Field in Out-of-Equilibrium Nanowires

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    A systematic study has been carried out on the previously reported "magnetic-field-induced superconductivity" of Zn nanowires. By varying parameters such as magnetic field orientation and wire length, the results provide evidence that the phenomenon is a nonequilibrium effect associated with the boundary electrodes. They also suggest there are two length scales involved, the superconducting coherence length and quasiparticle relaxation length. As wire lengths approach either of these length scales, the effect weakens. We demonstrate that it is appropriate to consider the effect to be a stabilization of superconductivity, that has been suppressed by an applied current.Comment: (Updated Version) 9 pages, 8 figure

    Numerical evidences of spin-1/2 chain approaching spin-1 chain

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    In this article, we study the one dimensional Heisenberg spin-1/2 alternating bond chain in which the nearest neighbor exchange couplings are ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) alternatively. By using exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization groups (DMRG) method, we discuss how the system approaches to the AF uniform spin-1 chain under certain condition. When the ratio of AF to FM coupling strength}α\alpha (α=JAF/JF)(\alpha=J_{AF}/J_{F}) \textit{is very small, the physical quantities of the alternating bond chain such as the spin-spin correlation, the string correlation function and the spin density coincide with that of the AF uniform spin-1 chain. The edge state problem is discussed in the present model with small}α\alpha\textit{limit. In addition, the Haldane gap of the AF uniform spin-1 chain is 4-times of the gap of the system considered.Comment: 9pages,8page
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