7 research outputs found

    Chemical characterization of Lavandula latifolia Medik. essential oil from Spanish wild populations

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    A survey of Lavandula latifolia Medik. wild populations was carried out covering the distribution area of the species in Spain. Samples (194) from 6 different biogeographic provinces were gathered, dried, hydrodistilled and their essential oils analyzed by gas chromatography (GC). Forty compounds were identified, three of them (1,8-cineole, linalool and camphor) accounting for more than 70% of the total oil in all the analyzed samples. Linalool and camphor were inversely correlated. Camphor production seemed to be helped by lower altitudes. Two-step clustering analysis was conducted and samples were classified into three different clusters C1 characterized by its high content in camphor, borneol, camphene, α- and β-pinene; C2 characterized by its high content in linalool and terpinen-4-ol and C3 characterized by the presence of limonene, transcaryophyllene and/or β-phellandrene, compounds that did not appear in significant percentages in the other two groups. C1 populations are the most frequent in samples from Eastern and North-Eastern Iberian Peninsula (Balearic-Catalonian-Provençal and Cévenno-Pyrenean biogeographic provinces). Populations from Central Iberian Peninsula (Mediterranean Central and West Iberian biogeographic provinces) and upland areas from the South of Spain (Betican and Murcian-Almerian biogeographic provinces) were mainly grouped in C2. C3 samples were also found in Cévenno-Pyrenean province and, to a lesser extent, in the Central provinces (Mediterranean Central and West Iberian). This distribution showed certain relationship between the chemical composition of the essential oils and their geographical origin. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    Biocidal Potential and Chemical Composition of Industrial Essential Oils from Hyssopus officinalis, Lavandula × intermedia var. Super, and Santolina chamaecyparissus

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    This work presents the biocidal (insecticidal, ixodicidal, nematicidal, and phytotoxic) effects and chemical compositions of three essential oils obtained from the industrial steam distillation (IEOs) of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.), lavandin (Lavandula × intermedia or L. × hybrida var. Super), and cotton lavender (Santolina chamaecyparissus L.). Their chemical composition analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry showed 1,8‐cineole (53%) and β‐pinene (16%) as the major components of H. officinalis, linalyl acetate (38%) and linalool (29%) of L. × intermedia; and 1,8‐cineole (10%) and 8‐methylene‐3‐oxatricyclo[,4]nonane (8%) in S. chamaecyparissus. The biocidal tests showed that L. × intermedia IEO was the most active against the insect Spodoptera littoralis and toxic to the tick Hyalomma lusitanicum, IEO of H. officinalis was strongly active against S. littoralis, and finally, S. chamaecyparissus IEO was a strong antifeedant against the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, toxic to H. lusitanicum and with moderate effects against Leptinotarsa decemlineata, S. littoralis, and Lolium perenne.This research has been supported by the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA, http://inia.es) by the projects RTA2012‐00051‐C03‐03 and RTA2013‐00005‐00‐00, and by the project CTQ2015‐64049‐C3‐1‐R (MINECO / FEDER). Ortiz de Elguea‐Culebras also thanks to the Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla‐La Mancha) and the European Social Fund (ESF) for additional funding. We are really grateful to Alejandro Calvo López and Jesús Serrano Jiménez for their assistance.Peer reviewe

    Comparative chemistry and biological properties of the solid residues from hydrodistillation of Spanish populations of <em>Rosmarinus officinalis</em> L.

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    Solid residues from the hydrodistillation of selected Spanish populations of rosemary (<em>Rosmarinus officinalis</em> L.) have been analyzed for their polyphenol composition, and antioxidant and bioplaguicide activities. The objective was to evaluate and select the most suitable plant materials as sources of natural antioxidants and crop protectants. Total polyphenol content and polyphenol composition of rosemary populations were very dependent on the growth location: populations from Aranjuez showed a higher content of total polyphenols and were richer in rosmarinic acid as compared with their equivalent populations from Cuenca, whereas these latter were characterized by an overall higher content in genkwanin and carnosol. Most of the antioxidant activities were highly correlated with the total content of polyphenols although some polyphenols like carnosic acid and carnosol seemed to favor such activities. The extracts from <em>R. officinalis</em> were strong antifeedants against <em>Leptinotarsa decemlineata</em> Say and moderate against <em>Spodoptera littoralis</em> Boisd and <em>Myzus persicae</em> Sulzer, according to their feeding ecologies. The biological effects of the active samples cannot be accounted by their chemical composition, suggesting additive or synergistic effects. Both the phytotoxic and stimulating effects on <em>Lactuca sativa</em> L., and <em>Lolium perenne</em> L. leaf and/or root growth were observed.<br><br>Se ha analizado la composición en polifenoles y las actividades antioxidante y bioplaguicida de los residuos sólidos procedentes de la hidrodestilación de poblaciones seleccionadas de romero (<em>Rosmarinus officinalis</em> L.). El objetivo fue evaluar y seleccionar los materiales vegetales más adecuados como fuente de antioxidantes y bioplaguicidas naturales. El contenido total y la composición en polifenoles de las poblaciones de romero dependieron mucho de la localidad de cultivo: las poblaciones de Aranjuez mostraron un mayor contenido en polifenoles y fueron más ricas en ácido rosmarínico en comparación con sus equivalente poblaciones de Cuenca, mientras que éstas últimas en general se caracterizaron por un mayor contenido de genkwanina y carnosol. La mayoría de las actividades antioxidantes estuvieron altamente correlacionadas con el contenido total en polifenoles aunque algunos polifenoles como el ácido carnósico y el carnosol parecen favorecer dichas actividades. Los extractos de <em>R. officinalis</em> mostraron una fuerte actividad fagorepelente frente a <em>Leptinotarsa decemlineata</em> Say y moderada sobre <em>Spodoptera littoralis</em> Boisd. y <em>Myzus persicae</em> Sulzer, de acuerdo a sus adaptaciones tróficas. Los efectos sobre el comportamiento alimentario observados no se justifican por la composición química del extracto, lo que sugiere la existencia de efectos aditivos y/o sinérgicos. Se observaron efectos tanto fitotóxicos como estimulantes sobre la elongación de la raíz y del tallo de <em>Lactuca sativa</em> L. y <em>Lolium perenne</em> L

    Comparative chemistry and biological properties of the solid residues from hydrodistillation of Spanish populations of <em>Rosmarinus officinalis</em> L.

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    Solid residues from the hydrodistillation of selected Spanish populations of rosemary (<em>Rosmarinus officinalis</em> L.) have been analyzed for their polyphenol composition, and antioxidant and bioplaguicide activities. The objective was to evaluate and select the most suitable plant materials as sources of natural antioxidants and crop protectants. Total polyphenol content and polyphenol composition of rosemary populations were very dependent on the growth location: populations from Aranjuez showed a higher content of total polyphenols and were richer in rosmarinic acid as compared with their equivalent populations from Cuenca, whereas these latter were characterized by an overall higher content in genkwanin and carnosol. Most of the antioxidant activities were highly correlated with the total content of polyphenols although some polyphenols like carnosic acid and carnosol seemed to favor such activities. The extracts from <em>R. officinalis</em> were strong antifeedants against <em>Leptinotarsa decemlineata</em> Say and moderate against <em>Spodoptera littoralis</em> Boisd and <em>Myzus persicae</em> Sulzer, according to their feeding ecologies. The biological effects of the active samples cannot be accounted by their chemical composition, suggesting additive or synergistic effects. Both the phytotoxic and stimulating effects on <em>Lactuca sativa</em> L., and <em>Lolium perenne</em> L. leaf and/or root growth were observed.<br><br>Se ha analizado la composición en polifenoles y las actividades antioxidante y bioplaguicida de los residuos sólidos procedentes de la hidrodestilación de poblaciones seleccionadas de romero (<em>Rosmarinus officinalis</em> L.). El objetivo fue evaluar y seleccionar los materiales vegetales más adecuados como fuente de antioxidantes y bioplaguicidas naturales. El contenido total y la composición en polifenoles de las poblaciones de romero dependieron mucho de la localidad de cultivo: las poblaciones de Aranjuez mostraron un mayor contenido en polifenoles y fueron más ricas en ácido rosmarínico en comparación con sus equivalente poblaciones de Cuenca, mientras que éstas últimas en general se caracterizaron por un mayor contenido de genkwanina y carnosol. La mayoría de las actividades antioxidantes estuvieron altamente correlacionadas con el contenido total en polifenoles aunque algunos polifenoles como el ácido carnósico y el carnosol parecen favorecer dichas actividades. Los extractos de <em>R. officinalis</em> mostraron una fuerte actividad fagorepelente frente a <em>Leptinotarsa decemlineata</em> Say y moderada sobre <em>Spodoptera littoralis</em> Boisd. y <em>Myzus persicae</em> Sulzer, de acuerdo a sus adaptaciones tróficas. Los efectos sobre el comportamiento alimentario observados no se justifican por la composición química del extracto, lo que sugiere la existencia de efectos aditivos y/o sinérgicos. Se observaron efectos tanto fitotóxicos como estimulantes sobre la elongación de la raíz y del tallo de <em>Lactuca sativa</em> L. y <em>Lolium perenne</em> L

    Essential oils of Lavandula genus: a systematic review of their chemistry

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