6 research outputs found

    A Shot in the Dark: Failing to Recognize the Link Between Physical and Mental Illness

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    A 74-year-old widowed white man with chronic rheumatoid arthritis presented with nausea and weight loss. He was diagnosed with failure to thrive and admitted for hydration. Misoprostol was determined to be the etiology of his symptoms and he was discharged home. Three days later, he killed himself with a gunshot to the head. Clinicians often fail to recognize those at high risk for suicide. Suicidal risk is increased in both psychiatric and physical illness, and particularly when both are present. Psychiatric illness, particularly depression, often underlies chronic medical illness. The purpose of this case report is to remind health care providers of the strong association between depression and chronic medical illness, and to consider this in all patients, including those who present solely with physical symptoms. Recognizing this association and screening for it, as recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, may prevent the unnecessary tragedy of suicide

    História econômica e regionalização: contribuição a um desafio teórico-metodológico

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    O objetivo do trabalho é avançar na reflexão do próprio conceito de região, e mais especificamente de regionalização, pensando sua aplicabilidade e capacidade explicativa segundo uma perspectiva eminentemente histórica. Para tanto, são mobilizados estudos de campos diversos do conhecimento, em particular da economia e da geografia em geral, postos a dialogar com a questão histórica e a historiografia pertinente. De um ponto de vista metodológico, apresentam-se bases para a produção de segmentações do espaço tendo por norte seu aspecto estrutural e funcional; não obstante, pensando em detalhe a questão histórica, busca-se articular essa funcionalidade analítica à necessidade de se tratar o espaço de forma não anacrônica, buscando compreender tanto sua dinâmica própria a partir de fontes coevas, quanto o específico da transformação nas concepções do espaço no período analisado. Por fim, é realizado um pequeno exercício aplicativo para Minas Gerais nos séculos 18 e 19.<br>This paper intends to contribute to the theoretical and methodological debate on regionalization and history. Firstly, it starts discussing the very concept of region on its several related approaches: geography, political economy, history and historiography. Then, a methodological issue is analyzed, that is to say: the paper tries to articulate the most important criteria of spatial segmentation embedded on regionalization (analytical functionalism, heterogeneity and homogeneity) with: a) the necessity of non-anachronism; and b) the necessity of a historical dynamic approach on definition of regional boundaries