1,736 research outputs found

    Multiple relaxations in temporal planning

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    CRIKEY is a planner that separates out the scheduling from the classical parts of temporal planning. This can be seen as a relaxation of the temporal information during the classical planning phase. Relaxations in planning are used to guide the search. However, the quality of the relaxation greatly affects the performance of the planner, and in some cases can lead the search into a dead end. This can happen whilst separating out the planning and scheduling problems, leading to the production of an unschedulable plan. CRIKEY can detect these cases and change the relaxation accordingly

    A geometry package for generation of input data for a three-dimensional potential-flow program

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    The preparation of geometric data for input to three-dimensional potential flow programs was automated and simplified by a geometry package incorporated into the NASA Langley version of the 3-D lifting potential flow program. Input to the computer program for the geometry package consists of a very sparse set of coordinate data, often with an order of magnitude of fewer points than required for the actual potential flow calculations. Isolated components, such as wings, fuselages, etc. are paneled automatically, using one of several possible element distribution algorithms. Curves of intersection between components are calculated, using a hybrid curve-fit/surface-fit approach. Intersecting components are repaneled so that adjacent elements on either side of the intersection curves line up in a satisfactory manner for the potential-flow calculations. Many cases may be run completely (from input, through the geometry package, and through the flow calculations) without interruption. Use of the package significantly reduces the time and expense involved in making three-dimensional potential flow calculations

    The cardio‐respiratory effects of passive heating and the human thermoneutral zone

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    The thermoneutral zone (TNZ) defines the range of ambient temperatures at which resting metabolic rate (MR) is at a minimum. While the TNZ lower limit has been characterized, it is still unclear whether there is an upper limit, that is, beyond which MR during rest increases, and if so, what physiological upregulations explain this. We take the first step to fill this knowledge gap by measuring MR and multiple physiological variables in participants exposed to ambient heat stress while resting. Thirteen participants were exposed for an hour to 28℃-50% relative humidity (RH) air, and both 40 and 50℃ each in 25% RH and humid (50% RH) conditions. Core and skin temperatures, blood pressure, sweat-, heart-, and breathing-rate, minute ventilation, and movement levels were recorded throughout each condition. MR increased 35% (p = .015) during exposure to 40℃-25% RH compared to baseline and a further 13% (p = .000) at in 50℃-50%RH. This was not explained by increased fidgeting (p = .26), suggesting physiological upregulation. However, while greater heat stress invoked increases in heart rate (64%, p = .000), minute ventilation (78%, p = .000), and sweat rate (74%. p = .000) when comparing 50℃-50% RH with baseline, the exact size of their relative energy cost is unclear and, therefore, so is their contribution to this increase in MR. Our study shows clear evidence that resting MR increases in humans at high temperature—there is a metabolic upper critical temperature, at least as low as 40℃. Further studies should pinpoint this value and fully explain this increased MR

    A three-dimensional potential-flow program with a geometry package for input data generation

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    Information needed to run a computer program for the calculation of the potential flow about arbitrary three dimensional lifting configurations is presented. The program contains a geometry package which greatly reduces the task of preparing the input data. Starting from a very sparse set of coordinate data, the program automatically augments and redistributes the coordinates, calculates curves of intersection between components, and redistributes coordinates in the regions adjacent to the intersection curves in a suitable manner for use in the potential flow calculations. A brief summary of the program capabilities and options is given, as well as detailed instructions for the data input, a suggested structure for the program overlay, and the output for two test cases

    Stability of Monomer-Dimer Piles

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    We measure how strong, localized contact adhesion between grains affects the maximum static critical angle, theta_c, of a dry sand pile. By mixing dimer grains, each consisting of two spheres that have been rigidly bonded together, with simple spherical monomer grains, we create sandpiles that contain strong localized adhesion between a given particle and at most one of its neighbors. We find that tan(theta_c) increases from 0.45 to 1.1 and the grain packing fraction, Phi, decreases from 0.58 to 0.52 as we increase the relative number fraction of dimer particles in the pile, nu_d, from 0 to 1. We attribute the increase in tan(theta_c(nu_d)) to the enhanced stability of dimers on the surface, which reduces the density of monomers that need to be accomodated in the most stable surface traps. A full characterization and geometrical stability analysis of surface traps provides a good quantitative agreement between experiment and theory over a wide range of nu_d, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures consisting of 21 eps files, submitted to PR

    Velocity Correlations in Dense Gravity Driven Granular Chute Flow

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    We report numerical results for velocity correlations in dense, gravity-driven granular flow down an inclined plane. For the grains on the surface layer, our results are consistent with experimental measurements reported by Pouliquen. We show that the correlation structure within planes parallel to the surface persists in the bulk. The two-point velocity correlation function exhibits exponential decay for small to intermediate values of the separation between spheres. The correlation lengths identified by exponential fits to the data show nontrivial dependence on the averaging time \dt used to determine grain velocities. We discuss the correlation length dependence on averaging time, incline angle, pile height, depth of the layer, system size and grain stiffness, and relate the results to other length scales associated with the rheology of the system. We find that correlation lengths are typically quite small, of the order of a particle diameter, and increase approximately logarithmically with a minimum pile height for which flow is possible, \hstop, contrary to the theoretical expectation of a proportional relationship between the two length scales.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    Energetic Instability Unjams Sand and Suspension

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    Jamming is a phenomenon occurring in systems as diverse as traffic, colloidal suspensions and granular materials. A theory on the reversible elastic deformation of jammed states is presented. First, an explicit granular stress-strain relation is derived that captures many relevant features of sand, including especially the Coulomb yield surface and a third-order jamming transition. Then this approach is generalized, and employed to consider jammed magneto- and electro-rheological fluids, again producing results that compare well to experiments and simulations.Comment: 9 pages 2 fi

    Singular measures in circle dynamics

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    Critical circle homeomorphisms have an invariant measure totally singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure. We prove that singularities of the invariant measure are of Holder type. The Hausdorff dimension of the invariant measure is less than 1 but greater than 0