28,236 research outputs found

    Test instrumentation evaluates electrostatic hazards in fluid system

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    RJ-1 fuel surface potential is measured with a probe to determine the degree of hazard originating from static electricity buildup in the hydraulic fluid. The probe is mounted in contact with the fluid surface and connected to an electrostatic voltmeter

    Theoretical Transmission Spectra During Extrasolar Giant Planet Transits

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    The recent transit observation of HD 209458 b - an extrasolar planet orbiting a sun-like star - confirmed that it is a gas giant and determined that its orbital inclination is 85 degrees. This inclination makes possible investigations of the planet atmosphere. In this paper we discuss the planet transmission spectra during a transit. The basic tenet of the method is that the planet atmosphere absorption features will be superimposed on the stellar flux as the stellar flux passes through the planet atmosphere above the limb. The ratio of the planet's transparent atmosphere area to the star area is small, approximately 10^{-3} to 10^{-4}; for this method to work very strong planet spectral features are necessary. We use our models of close-in extrasolar giant planets to estimate promising absorption signatures: the alkali metal lines, in particular the Na I and K I resonance doublets, and the He I 23S2^3S - 23P2^3P triplet line at 1083.0 nm. If successful, observations will constrain the line-of-sight temperature, pressure, and density. The most important point is that observations will constrain the cloud depth, which in turn will distinguish between different atmosphere models. We also discuss the potential of this method for EGPs at different orbital distances and orbiting non-solar-type stars.Comment: revised to agree with accepted paper, ApJ, in press. 12 page

    Probabilistic Combination of Noisy Points and Planes for RGB-D Odometry

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    This work proposes a visual odometry method that combines points and plane primitives, extracted from a noisy depth camera. Depth measurement uncertainty is modelled and propagated through the extraction of geometric primitives to the frame-to-frame motion estimation, where pose is optimized by weighting the residuals of 3D point and planes matches, according to their uncertainties. Results on an RGB-D dataset show that the combination of points and planes, through the proposed method, is able to perform well in poorly textured environments, where point-based odometry is bound to fail.Comment: Accepted to TAROS 201

    Probate Laws - Some Needed Changes

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    Static and Dynamic Spectroscopy of (Al,Ga)As/GaAs Microdisk Lasers with Interface Fluctuation Quantum Dots

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    We have studied the steady state and dynamic optical properties of semiconductor microdisk lasers whose active region contains interface fluctuation quantum dots in GaAs/(Ga,Al)As quantum wells. Steady-state measurements of the stimulated emission via whispering gallery modes yield a quality factor Q∼5600Q \sim 5600 and a coupling constant β∼0.09\beta \sim 0.09. The broad gain spectrum produces mode hopping between spectrally adjacent whispering gallery modes as a function of temperature and excitation power. Time- and energy-resolved photoluminescence measurements show that the emission rise and decay rates increase significantly with excitation power. Marked differences are observed between the radiative decay rates in processed and unprocessed samples.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Loss (of Revenue) of State Within Taxation Crimes in Indonesia

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    The difference of state\u27s tax loss amount between tax investigation, which has been completely declared by the Prosecutor, and judicial verdict can not be separated from the existence of the defendant\u27s right to propose Witnesses/Experts, and or the dualism between the administrative penalties and the state\u27s revenue loss. Due to the nature of tax and the ultimum remedium of tax investigation, the element (may) cause a losses (on income) of the state should be more legally certain as material offense, and must be explicitly regulated in Indonesian tax provisions which confirms the limitation of administrative penalties and tax criminal penalties. IntisariMasih timbulnya perbedaan jumlah kerugian pada pendapatan negara antara penyidikan pajak yang telah dinyatakan lengkap oleh Jaksa Penuntut dengan putusan peradilan tidak dapat terlepas dari adanya hak tersangka/terdakwa untuk mengajukan Saksi/Ahli yang dapat meringankannya, dan atau adanya dualisme pengaturan antara kerugian administrasi dengan kerugian (in revenue) Negara. Mengingat sifat alami pajak dan penyidikan pajak sebagai upaya akhir, maka unsur (dapat) menimbulkan kerugian (in revenue) negara adalah lebih mengandung kepastian hukum sebagai delik materiil, dan harus diatur secara eksplisit dalam ketentuan pidana pajak di Indonesia yang menegaskan batasan bahwa suatu perbuatan merupakan pelanggaran administrasi perpajakan atau merupakan tindak pidana perpajakan

    The Criminal Liability of Corporate Taxpayer in the Perspective of Tax Law Reform in Indonesia

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    The raise of tax evasion by corporation has been detrimental of state revenue, so it is required to ascertain the persona in crime and formulation of in absentia investigation of the corporate taxpayer crime in Indonesia. This legal descriptive-comparative-analytical research generates that corporate an/or human can be accounted for either jointly or individually in tax crime undertaken of the corporate taxpayer. Furthermore, in absentia investigation of the corporate taxpayer crime could be filed as long as fulfilling formil and material requisite. It is expected the affirmation of any person definition and corporate taxpayer crime categories in the future tax reform framework. IntisariMaraknya penggelapan pajak oleh badan hukum sangat merugikan pendapatan negara sehingga perlu untuk mengetahui pertanggungjawaban pidana dan formulasi penyidikan in absentia pidana yang dilakukan Wajib Pajak Badan di Indonesia. Penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif – komparatif - analitis ini menghasilkan bahwa badan hukum dan/atau manusia dapat dipertanggungjawabkan baik bersama-sama atau sendiri-sendiri dalam pidana yang dilakukan Wajib Pajak Badan. Selain itu, penyidikan in absentia dalam pidana Wajib Pajak Badan di Indonesia dapat diberkaskan dengan tetap memenuhi syarat formil dan materiil. Dalam kerangka pembaharuan hukum pajak diharapkan terdapat penegasan dalam undang-undang perpajakan terhadap unsur setiap orang dan kategori pidana Wajib Pajak Badan
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