24 research outputs found

    Populism as new wine in old bottles in the context of Germany: 'symbolic violence' as collective habitus that devalues the human capital of Turks

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    Populism in Germany is not a new phenomenon. For a long time, the alleged integration problems of Turkish workers in Germany have been at the center of the dominant discourse and academic studies. This paper demonstrates how ‘symbolic violence’ as collective habitus frames the human capital of Turks as deficient, a phenomenon which has prevailed even prior to the recent populist movements. Drawing on a company case study, interviews, and observations, our empirical investigation operationalises and expands the Bourdieusian conceptual trinity of habitus, capital, and symbolic violence through the lens of ethnicity and how it relates to populism

    Intermediaries and destination reputations: Explaining flows of skilled migration

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this record.Governments have increasingly commercialised their migration services, which has fuelled a mushrooming migration industry creating a ripe context for the central role of migration intermediaries . It is therefore timely to explore the new actors responsible for shaping contemporary flows of skilled migration. Drawing on the work of existing studies and a wide variety of secondary data, we argue that the range of intermediaries who have emerged as a result of the commercialisation process, have been poorly understood in the skilled migration and migration industries literatures . Discussion of these actors sheds important theoretical light on how intermediaries, destination reputations and skilled migration flows intersect. Accordingly, we outline six propositions that identify the interconnected relationship between migration intermediaries, reputation and skilled migration flows

    The ‘new’ migration for work phenomenon: The pursuit of emancipation and recognition in the context of work

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    This article examines the ‘new’ migration for work phenomenon gripping Southern Europe since the Global Financial Crisis struck in 2008, by focusing on the case of skilled Greeks migrating to Germany for work purposes. In applying Honneth’s concept of emancipation to the domain of work, the article frames emancipation as a phenomenon which emerges from an individual’s search for meaningful work and as a form of resistance to deteriorating institutions and social injustice. Informed by this is an assessment of the new migration for work phenomenon from Greece to Germany by employing survey data on the perceptions of skilled emigrants. Following analysis of the findings, it is concluded that migration is a form of emancipation that allows individuals to regain recognition and self-respect while also to protest the erosion of social and human rights in their home country

    Transformations in network governance: the case of migration intermediaries

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    types: Article"This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies on 3 February 2015 available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/1369183X.2014.1003803Market liberalisation has fundamentally changed state interventions in the supply of services and supportive infrastructure across a range of public services. While this trend has been relatively well documented, there has been a dearth of research into the changing nature of state interventions in migration and mobility. Indeed the increasing presence of migration intermediaries to service the many and varied needs of migrant workers, particularly skilled migrants, remains significantly under-researched both theoretically and empirically. In providing an analysis of the location, role and changing nature of migration intermediaries, we highlight the implications of commercially-driven governance structures. In particular we suggest that the shift from government to network governance has important implications for skilled migration including: inequities in access to information regarding the process of migration and labour market integration; and, greater dependence on (largely unregulated) private intermediaries. Accordingly, we present empirical examples of migration intermediaries to illustrate their role and the relationship with and implications of their exchange with migrants

    Assessing fitness-to-practice of overseas-trained health practitioners by Australian registration & accreditation bodies

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    Assessment of fitness-to-practice of health professionals trained overseas and who wish to practice in Australia is undertaken by a range of organisations. These organisations conduct assessments using a range of methods. However there is very little published about how these organisations conduct their assessments. The purpose of the current paper is to investigate the methods of assessment used by these organisations and the issues associated with conducting these assessments

    Indicators of Citizenship Rights for Immigrants (ICRI) by WZB Berlin

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    The Indicators of Citizenship Rights for Immigrants (ICRI) measures the inclusiveness of a country’s policies toward immigrants along two dimensions – individual equality and cultural difference. This book chapter reviews the ICRI and identifies future directions for the measuring tool. The purpose of the ICRI is to provide a cross comparative analysis of outcomes from the sets of indicators captured by the index. The ICRI’s key strengths lie in its theoretical foundations, unique contributions, broad coverage of countries and open access. However, these strengths are tempered by various limitations, including its focus on only certain subgroups of migrants, its Euro-centric approach, limited engagement with and application of the index by policy makers and more broadly across the research community, and methodological concerns related to the selection and scoring of indicators. In closing, future directions are suggested to ensure the continued viability of this index