715 research outputs found

    Yukawa particles in a confining potential

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    We study the density distribution of repulsive Yukawa particles confined by an external potential. In the weak coupling limit, we show that the mean-field theory is able to accurately account for the particle distribution. In the strong coupling limit, the correlations between the particles become important and the mean-field theory fails. For strongly correlated systems, we construct a density functional theory which provides an excellent description of the particle distribution, without any adjustable parameters.Comment: Submitte

    Peste suína clássica: custo de um surto.

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    Occlusal Interferences in Localised and Generalized Periodontitis

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    Značaj okuzijskih zapreka u razvoju i u terapiji parodontnih bolesti i poremećaja iznimno je kontroverzan. Još uvijek su u najstručnijim krugovima znanstvenika aktualne rasprave o povezanosti zapreka i okluzijske traume i o njihovoj ulozi u parodontnoj bolesti. Svrha rada bila je istražiti postoji li statistički znatna razlika u pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka ( na radnoj i balansnoj strani) između skupine pacijenata s lokaliziranim parodontitisom i skupine pacijenata s generaliziranim parodontitisom. Ispitanici su bili pacijenti s parodontnom bolesti, koji su klasificirani prema Extent and Severity Indexu (ESI) na ispitivanu skupinu lokaliziranih parodontitisa i ispitivanu skupinu generaliziranih parodontitisa. Kretnje na laterotruzijskoj strani/kontakti u interkaninom području tijekom protruzijske kretnje bilježene su plavim artikulacijskim papirom debljine 12µ, a kontakti na mediotruzijskoj strani/kontakti u lateralnim područjima tijekom protruzijske kretnje bilježeni su crvenim artikulacijskim papirom debljine 12µ. U obje ispitivane skupine 45,12% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na radnoj strani, a 48,78% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na balansnoj strani. U skupini lokaliziranoga parodontitisa 33,33% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na radnoj strani, a 50,81% ispitanika imalo ih je u skupini generaliziranoga parodontitisa. Zapreke na balansnoj strani postojale su u 52,38% ipitanika u skupini lokaliziranoga parodontitisa, a 47,54% ispitanika imalo ih je u skupini generaliziranoga parodontitisa. Hi-kvadrat testom utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički znatna razlika između pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka u skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom u usporedbi sa skupinom ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom. Iako nema statistički znatne razlike, postoji tendencija razlike u frekvencijama (p = 0,054) te je vidljivo da u skupini ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom postoji više slučajeva bez zapreka na balansnoj strani (52,45%) u odnosu prema skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom (47,61%). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji statistički znatna razlika u pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka u skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom i u skupini ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom.The significance of occlusal interference in the development and therapy of periodontal disease is very controversial. There are still very vivid discussions going on between experts whether or not interferences cause occlusal trauma, and wath is its role in periodontal disease. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there i statistically significant difference in the manifestation of occlusal interferences (working side and balancing side) among a group of patients sufferig from localised periodontitis and a group of patients with generalized periodontitis. Examinees were patients with periodontal disease, classified according to Extent and Severity Index (ESI) into a group with localised periodontitis and a group with generalized peiodontitis. Movements on the laterotrusion side/contacts in the intercanine segment in protrusion were marked with blue articulation paper 12µ thick, while contacts on the mediotrusion side/contacts in lateral segments during protrusion were marked with red articulation paper (12µ thick). Of al patients, there were 45.12% with working side interferences, and 48.78% with balancing side interferences in both examined groups. 33.33% of the examinees in the group with localised periodontitis had working side interferences, and 50.81% of the examinees in the group with generalized periodontitis. Balancing side interferences were found in 52.38% of patients in the group with localised periodontitis, and 47.54% of patients in the group with generalized periodontitis. Chi-square test showed that there was statistically significant difference between manifestation of occlusal interferences in the group of patients with localised periodontitis compared to manifestation of articulation interferences in the group of patients with generalized periodontitis (chi-square = 3.561; p = 0.313). Although there was no statistically significant difference, there was a tendency to difference in frequencies (p = 0.054), and it is shown that in the group of patients with generalized periodontitis there were more cases with no balancing side interferences on any side (52.45%), compared to the group of patients with localised periodontitis (47.61%). Results showed that there was no difference in manfestation of occlusal interferences in localised peiodontitis compared to generalized periodontitis

    Avaliação da seletividade inicial de herbicidas para o tomateiro por meio da análise de fluorescência da clorofila.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar a fluorescência da clorofila por meio da avaliação da taxa de transporte de eletrons em tomateiro como forma de avaliar a seletividade inicial de hervicidas aplicados em pré-transplate

    The Relationship Between Type of Occlusion and TMJ Sounds

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    Utjecaj okluzije na nastanak zvuka u temporomandibularnom zglobu nije potpuno potvrđen. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila utvrditi utjecaj okluzijskih koncepcija na nastanak zvuka u temporomandibularnome zglobu. Ispitivana skupina sastojale se je od 96 ispitanika u dobi od 24 - 52 godine (x = 35,03 ± 6,92). Okluzijske koncepcije određene su kliničkim pregledom. U ovisnosti o kontaktima na laterotruzijskoj i meziotruzijskoj strani ispitanici su kategorizirani u tri skupine (okluzija vođena očnjakom, grupna funkcija, te bilateralno uravnotežena okluzija). Kliničkim pregledom te auskultacijom s pomoću stetoskopa registrirano je postojanje zvuka. 70,83 % ispitanika imalo je okluziju vođenu očnjakom, 16,66 % grupnu funkciju, a 12,5 % bilateralno uravnoteženu okluziju. Zvuk u temporomandibularnom zglobu postojao je u 41,6 % slučajeva. Rezultati statističke raščlambe (Pearson ?2) pokazuju da između skupina nema statistički znatne razlike (?2 = 2,09 p = 0,351). Rezultati ovog istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da okluzijske koncepcije nemaju utjecaja na nastanak zvuka u temporomandibularnom zglobu.The influence of occlusion on the occurrence of sound in the temporomandibular joint had not been complately proved. The objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of type of occlusion on the occurrence of sounds in the TMJ. A group of 96 subjects, aged from 24-52 years (x = 35.03 ± 6.92) was examined. The type of occlusion was dentermined by clinical examination. Depending on the contacts on the laterotrusal and mediotrusal side the subjects were categorized into three groups (canine guided occlusion, group function and balanced occlusion). The existence of sounds was registred by means of a clinical examination and auscultation by stethoscope. In the examined group 70.83% of examinees had canine guidance, 16.66 % group function and 12.5 % balanced occlusion. Temporomandibular joint sound was present in 41.6 % of subjects. The results of the statistical analysis (Pearson ?2) shows no statistically significant difference between these 3 groups (?2 = 2.09 p = 0.351). The results of this study suggest that the type of occlusion does not have an influence on the occurrence of sound in the TMJ

    The Relationship Between Occlusion and Temporomadibular Disorders

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    Etiologija temporomandibularnih poremećaja i može bitini utjecaj nisu potpuno razjašnjeni. Svrha istraživanja bila je utvrditi utjecaj okluzijskih odnosa na funkciju stomatognatoga sustava. Ispitivana skupina sastojala se je od 96 ispitanika u dobi od 24-52 godine (x = 35,03 ± 6,92). Kliničkim pregledom utvrđen je broj zuba, broj zuba u okluziji, okluzijska koncepcija (okluzija vođena očnjakom, grupna funkcija i bilateralno uravnotežena okluzija). Izjereni su iznosi okomitog preklopa i vodoravnog pregriza. RKP položaj određen je chin-point tehnikom i fiksiran Luciajigom. Klizanje iz RKP u IKP položaj izmjereno je u anteroposteriornom, okomitom i postraničnome smjeru. Mjerenja maksimalnih kretnji izvršena su s pomoću precizne pomične mjerke. Registrirana je možebitna pojava zvuka i boli. Izvršena je palpacija temporomandibularnih zglobova, žvačnih i vratnih mišića. Izračunani su Helkimov okuzijski, anamnestiči i klinički disfunkcijski indeks (indeks mandibularne pokretljivosti, indeks funkcije temporomandibularnoga zgloba, indeks bolnosti mandibularnih kretnji te indeks mišićne i zglobne boli). 3,21% ispitanika bilo je bez okluzijskih poremećaja (Oi0), 52,32% imalo je umjerene okluzijske poremećaje (OiI), a 38,56% imalo je ozbiljne okluzijske poremećaje (OiII). U usporedbi s anamnestičkim i kliničkim disfunkcijskim indeksom Pearson ?2 test pokazuje da ozbiljni okluzijski poremećaji nisu povezani sa ozbiljnim disfunkcijskim poremećajima. Razlika među skupinama nije statistički znatna (p > 0,05). Rezultati ovoga istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da okluzija nema utjecaja na nastanak i tijek TMD-a.The etiology of temporomandibular disorders and the role of occlusion, has still not been entirely clarified. The objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of occlusal relationship on the function of the stomatognathic system. A group of subjects, aged from 24-52 years (x = 35.03 ± 6.92) was examined. The number of teeth, the number of teeth in occlusion, type of occlusion (canine guided occlusion, group function and balanced occlusion) was determined by clinical examination. Overbite and overjet were measured. RCP position was determined by chinpoint technique and fixing by Lucia-jig. The sliding from RCP to IKP position was determined in the anteroposterior, vertical and lateral direction. A precise calliper was used to measure maximal jaw movement. Pain and sounds were registred. Temporomandibular joints, masticatory and neck muscles were palpated. Helkimo Occlusal, Anamnestic and Clinical Dysfunction Indexes (Index of mandibular movement, index of TMJ function, Index of painful mandibular movements, index of muscular and TMJ pain) were calculated. 3.21% of the subjects were without occlusal disorders (Oi0), 58.32% had moderate occlusal problems (OiI) and 38.56% had severe occlusal problems (OiII). When compared to Anamnestic and Clinical Dysfunction Index the Pearson ?2 test analysis shows that severe occlusal problems are not correlated to severe dysfunction. The difference between the groups is not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The results of this study suggest that occlusion does not have an influence on the occurrence of TMD

    Phosphorus fractions in the vineyard soil of the Serra GaĂşcha of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

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    The study aimed to evaluate the accumulation of P fractions in a vineyard soil profile with successive applications of phosphate fertilizers. In January 2010 an area was selected of native forest and a vineyard at age 33 with a history of phosphate fertilizer application, in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul state. Soil samples were collected from 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm layers, prepared and submitted to chemical fractionation of P. The excessive application of phosphate fertilizers during 33 years in the vineyard soil increased the levels of organic and inorganic P until the 20 cm layer in all P fractions. The highest levels of P in the vineyard soil were found mainly in the labile fractions extracted with anion exchange resin and NaHCO3, which indicates high nutrient availability to plants, but also indicates the potential of transfer of solution from soil to surface run-off or percolated through the soil profile, which represents greater potential for contamination of surface and subsurface waters

    Role of tipranavir in treatment of patients with multidrug-resistant HIV

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    The worldwide emergence of multidrug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 strains has the driven the development of new antiretroviral (ARV) agents. Over the past 5 years, HIV-entry and integrase inhibitor ARVs, as well as improved non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and protease inhibitors (PIs), have become available for treatment. It is important to assess how these new ARVs might be most judiciously used, paying close attention to viral susceptibility patterns, pharmacodynamic parameters, and the likelihood that patients will adhere to their therapy. Herein we review published material in Medline, EMBASE, and ISI for each antiretroviral agent/classes currently approved and summarize the available data on their efficacy, safety, and pharmacologic parameters. We focus on the role of tipranavir, a recently approved nonpeptidic PI, for treating HIV-infected children, adolescents, and adults with a history of multidrug-resistant HIV

    Usher syndrome: An effective sequencing approach to establish a genetic and clinical diagnosis

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    12noUsher syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, sensorineural hearing loss and, in some cases, vestibular dysfunction. The disorder is clinically and genetically heterogeneous and, to date, mutations in 11 genes have been described. This finding makes difficult to get a precise molecular diagnosis and offer patients accurate genetic counselling. To overcome this problem and to increase our knowledge of the molecular basis of Usher syndrome, we designed a targeted resequencing custom panel. In a first validation step a series of 16 Italian patients with known molecular diagnosis were analysed and 31 out of 32 alleles were detected (97% of accuracy). After this step, 31 patients without a molecular diagnosis were enrolled in the study. Three out of them with an uncertain Usher diagnosis were excluded. One causative allele was detected in 24 out 28 patients (86%) while the presence of both causative alleles characterized 19 patients out 28 (68%). Sixteen novel and 27 known alleles were found in the following genes: USH2A (50%), MYO7A (7%), CDH23 (11%), PCDH15 (7%) and USH1G (2%). Overall, on the 44 patients the protocol was able to characterize 74 alleles out of 88 (84%). These results suggest that our panel is an effective approach for the genetic diagnosis of Usher syndrome leading to: 1) an accurate molecular diagnosis, 2) better genetic counselling, 3) more precise molecular epidemiology data fundamental for future interventional plans.partially_openembargoed_20160106Lenarduzzi, S.; Vozzi, D; Morgan, A.; Rubinato, E.; D'Eustacchio, A.; Osland, T.M.; Rossi, C.; Graziano, C.; Castorina, P.; Ambrosetti, U.; Morgutti, M.; Girotto, G.Lenarduzzi, Stefania; Vozzi, Diego; Morgan, Anna; Rubinato, Elisa; D'Eustacchio, A.; Osland, TERESA MARIA; Rossi, C.; Graziano, C.; Castorina, P.; Ambrosetti, U.; Morgutti, Marcello; Girotto, Giorgi
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