342 research outputs found

    Sistem Energi Angin Skala Kecil Untuk Pedesaan

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    Energi angin adalah sumber energi terbarukan yang telah dimanfaatkan selama lebih dari seabad. Pemanfaatan teknologi energi angin skala kecil dapat diterapkan di pedesaan atau didaerah terpencil yang tidak memiliki jaringan listrik. Potensi angin yang tersedia merupakan dasar pertimbangan desain dan penerapan sistem. Kincir angin sederhana telah digunakan secara luas terutama untuk pemompaan pada tambak garam dan di pedesaan. Pemanfaatan kincir angin atau turbin angin lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan pemanfaatan mesin diesel, photovoltaik atau penambahan jaringan listrik. Biaya awal sistem energi angin yang belum terjangkau oleh masyarakat pedesaan perlu dicarikan solusinya. Makalah juga menguraikan penerapan berbagai teknologi energi angin di Indonesia dan upaya pengembangan sistem dan penyebarluasannya

    Reformasi Hukum Tanah dalam Rangka Perlindungan Hak Atas Tanah Perorangan dan Penanam Modal dalam Bidang Agrobisnis

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    The problem which would be discussed is how the policy format of law in the future mentioned the rights protection on individual land property and investment in agribusiness field. This research is juridical normative research using statutory approach. Data processing and analysis which was performed is descriptive qualitative. The result of the research concluded that; first, it is necessary to form regulation of land property rights, so that it could support the certainty of land property rights for individual and the certainty of law for every sector of capital investment. Second, the formation of the legislation prioritized the citizen’s aspiration and the community of agribusiness industrial field

    Tanggap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kedelai Terhadap Pemberian Abu Vulkanik Sinabung Dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam

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    The aim of research was to known the effect by application Sinabung volcanic ash and chicken manure. The research was done at Tanjung Sari Medan district (±25 meters from sea) form October 2014 until January 2015. It was used Randomized Block Design with two factorials Sinabung volcanic ash (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 g / plot) and chicken manure (0, 500, 1000 g / plot) with three replicate. The result showed with application Sinabung volcanic ash was significant effect to steam diameters three week after planted, the numbers of pods seeds, the number of seed per plant, the seed weight per plant, yield of plant, the seed weight in one hundred. The chicken was significant effect to steam diameters three week after planted, the numbers of pods seeds, the number of seed per plant, the seed weight per plant, yield of plant, the seed weight in one hundred. The interaction with Sinabung volcanic ash and chicken manure was significant effect to steam diameters three week after planted, the numbers of pods seeds, the number of seed per plant, the seed weight per plant, yield of plant, the seed weight in one hundred

    Speech Act in Arafat Nur’s Novel Tanah Surga Merah

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    This study focuses on the speech act in the novel Tanah Surga Merah written by Arafat Nur. The researcher uses Searle’s speech act theory in John R. (1985). The speech act theory consists of declarations, representatives, expressive, directives and comissives. This study aimed to find out the kinds of speech act and to reveal the kinds of speech act expressed by the first character. This research is library research proposed by Khotari (2004). The design of the research is descriptive qualitative research. The aim of descriptive qualitative research is to clarify the nature of a phenomenon in a specified, static context while viewed from a specific, fixed perspective [8]. The data are the utterances in the novel. The source of the data is the novel Tanah Surga Merah written by Arafat Nur. The research findings show that, declaratives are used for 14.28%, representatives 21.42%, expressive 28.57%, directives 21.42% and commisives 14.28%. Based on the findings, the expressives are the dominant form of speech acts in the novel.   Keywords: declaration, representative, expressiveness, directives and comissives

    Postpurchase Dissonance Observed From Consumer's Intention as an Innovator, Ability as an Opinion Leaders and Level of Creativity

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    This research aims to examine post‐purchase dissonance from the intention of being an innovator, ability as an opinion leader and level of creativity, which were used as indicators by consumers in purchasing some electronic products. In this research the data were collected by using three scales and one assessment tool. They are: Postpurchase Dissonance Scale, Intention as an Innovator Scale, Ability as an Opinion Leader Scale and Figural Creativity Test (Subtest no. 3: Circle). Respondents in this research were those who purchased electronic products with these following conditions: (1). Purchase made no later than one month after the research was conducted; (2). Experienced dissonance after buying the product (with N sample = 120). Data collected in this research were examined by using multiple regression analysis. Based on major hypothesis, it can be concluded that the intention as an innovator, ability as an opinion leader and level of creativity can be used as indicators to predict the arousal of post‐purchase dissonance (where F count = 4.800; p=0.003; R=0.110 & adjusted R square = 0.087). Minor hypothesis also shows that the intention as an innovator can be an indicator to predict the arousal of post‐purchase dissonance (r= ‐0.227; p0.05, whereas the level of creativity has r score = ‐0.072; p>0.05

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Quantum Teaching terhadap Hasil Belajar Kompetensi Perawatan Kulit Wajah

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    Generally, facial skin care materials are considered difficult because students are required to be able to remember the steps of facial skin care treatment, therefore, it is important to using instructional models that can help to improve the ability of students in receiving instructional materials. This study aims to determine the effect of instructional model Quantum Teaching on the Basic Skin Care subject as a basic competence of X class Tata Kecantikan SMK Negeri 1 Beringin. This research was conducted by pre experiment methods. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Beringin in February 2015. The descriptive result of 31 students' tendency of facial skin care study before being given the application of a quantum teaching (X) model included sufficient category and facial skin care learning after applying Quantum Teaching (Y) including high category. The results obtained showed that there is a significant effect between the results of facial skin care study after being given the application of Quantum Teaching models in students of SMK Negeri 1 Beringin

    Pengaruh Goal Setting terhadap Performance : Tinjauan Teoritis

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    This article is the conceptual view of goal setting theory and effects of goal setting on individual performance. Goal setting is recognized, and is a major theory of work motivation. Difficult goals have consistently been shown to lead to higher levels of performance than easy goals. If there is no commitment, a goal can have no motivational effect. Goals are central to current treatments of work motivation, and goal commitment is a necessary condition for difficult goals to result in higher task performance

    Analisis USAhatani dan Pemasaran Bibit Karet Rakyat (Hevea Brasilliensis Muell Arg.) ( Studi Kasus : Desa Naga Jaya I, Kecamatan Bandar Huluan, Kabupaten Simalungun)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis USAhatani dan pemasaran bibit karet rakyat di Desa Naga Jaya I, Kecamatan Bandar Huluan, Kabupaten Simalungun. Diantaranya dengan menganalisis R/ C ratio USAhatani bibit karet rakyat dan analisis Break Event Point ( BEP), menganalisis konsentrasi ratio untuk mengetahui struktur pasar bibit karet rakyat, menganalisis bagaimana rantai pemasaran bibit karet rakyat, dan menganalisis price spread dan share margin yang terjadi pada petani dan pedagang bibit karet rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari petani melalui wawancara langsung dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan yang telah dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu. Petani responden diambil dengan menggunakan metode slovin sehingga ditentukan besar sampel petani bibit karet rakyat sebanyak 34 orang yang mengusahakan USAhatani bibit karet rakyat . Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis R/C ratio, Break Event Point ( BEP), Konsentrasi Ratio, Rantai Pemasaran, Marketing Margin; Price Spread dan Share Margin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nilai R/C ratio USAhatani bibit karet rakyat ini sebesar 4,37 (nilai R/C>1), yang artinya USAhatani tersebut layak untuk diusahakan. Nilai Break Event Point ( BEP) USAhatani bibit karet rakyat pada BEP volume produksi dan BEP harga produksi berada pada titik impas. Dalam Rantai Pemasaran bibit karet rakyat terdapat 3 lembaga yang terlibat yaitu petani, pedagang, konsumen. Konsentrasi Ratio menghasilkan struktur pasar USAhatani bibit karet rakyat adalah oligopsoni konsentrasi sedang. Marketing Margin, Price Spread dan Share Margin dalam USAhatani bibit karet rakyat menunjukkan adanya perbedaan masing- masing harga yang diterima oleh petani maupun pedagang bibit karet

    Transformasi Mite “Misteri Gang Keramat” Menjadi Naskah Drama sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 05 Medan Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Transformasi Mite “Misteri Gang Keramat” Menjadi Naskah Drama Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 05 Medan Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020”. Penelitian ini diangkat untuk mentransformasikan mite “Misteri Gang Keramat” menjadi naskah drama dan dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa SMP kelas VIII SMP Muhammdiyah 05 Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara sistematis, faktual, dan akurat dengan menggunakan kata-kata atau kalimat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai bulan November 2018 sampai dengan Oktober 2019. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik simak bebas libat cakap. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data lisan berupa mite “Misteri Gang Keramat”. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah informan dari masyarakat Gang Keramat, Mabar, Medan Deli. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif, yaitu reduksi, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Teknik validitas data menggunakan triangulasi metode dan sumber. Prosedur penelitian meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan peyusunan laporan. Hasil penelitian diketahui mite “Misteri Gang Keramat” ini terbentuk karena adanya unsur mistis di daerah tersebut, terdapat sebuah pohon yang dianggap keramat dan sering didatangi oleh masyarakat sekitar untuk meminta sesuatu. Tujuan masyarakat bermacam-macam, ada yang meminta kesembuhan, keberuntungan dan sebagainya. Jika permintaan atau permohonannya terkabul, maka para penduduk sekitar akan meletakkan sesajen di bawah pohon sebagai wujud syukur. Sehingga dahulu para orang tua mengingatkan anaknya untuk tidak keluar malam karena daerah tersebut merupakan keramat, dari situlah mite ini muncul. Mite yang telah disusun kemudian ditransformasikan oleh peneliti menjadi naskah drama untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar Bahasa Indonesia