27,456 research outputs found

    A Laplace Transform Method for Molecular Mass Distribution Calculation from Rheometric Data

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    Polydisperse linear polymer melts can be microscopically described by the tube model and fractal reptation dynamics, while on the macroscopic side the generalized Maxwell model is capable of correctly displaying most of the rheological behavior. In this paper, a Laplace transform method is derived and different macroscopic starting points for molecular mass distribution calculation are compared to a classical light scattering evaluation. The underlying assumptions comprise the modern understanding on polymer dynamics in entangled systems but can be stated in a mathematically generalized way. The resulting method is very easy to use due to its mathematical structure and it is capable of calculating multimodal molecular mass distributions of linear polymer melts

    Bose Hubbard model in the presence of Ohmic dissipation

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    We study the zero temperature mean-field phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model in the presence of local coupling between the bosons and an external bath. We consider a coupling that conserves the on-site occupation number, preserving the robustness of the Mott and superfluid phases. We show that the coupling to the bath renormalizes the chemical potential and the interaction between the bosons and reduces the size of the superfluid regions between the insulating lobes. For strong enough coupling, a finite value of hopping is required to obtain superfluidity around the degeneracy points where Mott phases with different occupation numbers coexist. We discuss the role that such a bath coupling may play in experiments that probe the formation of the insulator-superfluid shell structure in systems of trapped atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Error found in v1, now corrected, leads to qualitative changes in result

    Elastic Light Scattering by Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    Elastic light scattering by low-dimensional semiconductor objects is investigated theoretically. The differential cross section of resonant light scattering on excitons in quantum dots is calculated. The polarization and angular distribution of scattered light do not depend on the quantum-dot form, sizes and potential configuration if light wave lengths exceed considerably the quantum-dot size. In this case the magnitude of the total light scattering cross section does not depend on quantum-dot sizes. The resonant total light scattering cross section is about a square of light wave length if the exciton radiative broadening exceeds the nonradiative broadening. Radiative broadenings are calculated

    Influence of Anomalous Dispersion on Optical Characteristics of Quantum Wells

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    Frequency dependencies of optical characteristics (reflection, transmission and absorption of light) of a quantum well are investigated in a vicinity of interband resonant transitions in a case of two closely located excited energy levels. A wide quantum well in a quantizing magnetic field directed normally to the quantum-well plane, and monochromatic stimulating light are considered. Distinctions between refraction coefficients of barriers and quantum well, and a spatial dispersion of the light wave are taken into account. It is shown that at large radiative lifetimes of excited states in comparison with nonradiative lifetimes, the frequency dependence of the light reflection coefficient in the vicinity of resonant interband transitions is defined basically by a curve, similar to the curve of the anomalous dispersion of the refraction coefficient. The contribution of this curve weakens at alignment of radiative and nonradiative times, it is practically imperceptible at opposite ratio of lifetimes . It is shown also that the frequency dependencies similar to the anomalous dispersion do not arise in transmission and absorption coefficients.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Sub-millimeter nuclear medical imaging with high sensitivity in positron emission tomography using beta-gamma coincidences

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    We present a nuclear medical imaging technique, employing triple-gamma trajectory intersections from beta^+ - gamma coincidences, able to reach sub-millimeter spatial resolution in 3 dimensions with a reduced requirement of reconstructed intersections per voxel compared to a conventional PET reconstruction analysis. This 'γ\gamma-PET' technique draws on specific beta^+ - decaying isotopes, simultaneously emitting an additional photon. Exploiting the triple coincidence between the positron annihilation and the third photon, it is possible to separate the reconstructed 'true' events from background. In order to characterize this technique, Monte-Carlo simulations and image reconstructions have been performed. The achievable spatial resolution has been found to reach ca. 0.4 mm (FWHM) in each direction for the visualization of a 22Na point source. Only 40 intersections are sufficient for a reliable sub-millimeter image reconstruction of a point source embedded in a scattering volume of water inside a voxel volume of about 1 mm^3 ('high-resolution mode'). Moreover, starting with an injected activity of 400 MBq for ^76Br, the same number of only about 40 reconstructed intersections are needed in case of a larger voxel volume of 2 x 2 x 3~mm^3 ('high-sensitivity mode'). Requiring such a low number of reconstructed events significantly reduces the required acquisition time for image reconstruction (in the above case to about 140 s) and thus may open up the perspective for a quasi real-time imaging.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figutes, 3 table

    Green's and spectral functions of the small Frolich polaron

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    According to recent Quantum Monte Carlo simulations the small polaron theory is practically exact in a wide range of the long-range (Frohlich) electron-phonon coupling and adiabatic ratio. We apply the Lang-Firsov transformation to convert the strong-coupling term in the Hamiltonian into the form of an effective hopping integral and derive the single-particle Green's function describing propagation of the small Frohlich polaron. One and two dimensional spectral functions are studied by expanding the Green's function perturbatively. Numerical calculations of the spectral functions are produced. Remarkably, the coherent spectral weight (Z) and effective mass (Z') renormalisation exponents are found to be different with Z'>>Z, which can explain a small coherent spectral weight and a relatively moderate mass enhancement in oxides.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 2 postscript figures, LaTeX processing problems correcte

    Polaronic slowing of fermionic impurities in lattice Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    We generalize the application of small polaron theory to ultracold gases of Ref. [\onlinecite{jaksch_njp1}] to the case of Bose-Fermi mixtures, where both components are loaded into an optical lattice. In a suitable range of parameters, the mixture can be described within a Bogoliubov approach in the presence of fermionic (dynamic) impurities and an effective description in terms of polarons applies. In the dilute limit of the slow impurity regime, the hopping of fermionic particles is exponentially renormalized due to polaron formation, regardless of the sign of the Bose-Fermi interaction. This should lead to clear experimental signatures of polaronic effects, once the regime of interest is reached. The validity of our approach is analyzed in the light of currently available experiments. We provide results for the hopping renormalization factor for different values of temperature, density and Bose-Fermi interaction for three-dimensional 87Rb−40K^{87}\rm{Rb}-^{40}\rm{K} mixtures in optical lattice.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Alternative approach to computing transport coefficients: application to conductivity and Hall coefficient of hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We introduce a theoretical framework for computing transport coefficients for complex materials. As a first example, we resolve long-standing inconsistencies between experiment and theory pertaining to the conductivity and Hall mobility for amorphous silicon and show that the Hall sign anomaly is a consequence of localized states. Next, we compute the AC conductivity of amorphous polyanaline. The formalism is applicable to complex materials involving defects and band-tail states originating from static topological disorder and extended states. The method may be readily integrated with current \textit{ab initio} methods.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Momentum average approximation for models with boson-modulated hopping: Role of closed loops in the dynamical generation of a finite quasiparticle mass

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    We generalize the momentum average approximation to study the properties of single polarons in models with boson affected hopping, where the fermion-boson scattering depends explicitly on both the fermion's and the boson's momentum. As a specific example, we investigate the Edwards fermion-boson model in both one and two dimensions. In one dimension, this allows us to compare our results with exact diagonalization results, to validate the accuracy of our approximation. The generalization to two-dimensional lattices allows us to calculate the polaron's quasiparticle weight and dispersion throughout the Brillouin zone and to demonstrate the importance of Trugman loops in generating a finite effective mass even when the free fermion has an infinite mass.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure
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