5 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw infekcji izolatami Trichoderma sp. na wzrost grzybni i plon jednozarodnikowych heterokariotycznych kultur Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach

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    The occurrence of fungi from the genus Trichoderma constitutes a serious problem in the culture of Agaricus bisporus leading to considerable losses. The aim of the investigations was to compare mutual interaction between some isolates of Trichoderma sp. and single-spore heterokaryotic cultures of A. bisporus on agar media and in cultivation conditions. The first stage of the study comprised assessment of growth for isolates of T. harzianum, T. agrressivum, T. atroviride and T. hamatum on PDA medium and growth of four heterokaryotic single-spore and strain Amycel 2600 A. bisporus cultures on peatmanure substrate. Moreover, the individual biotic effect (IEB) between isolates of Trichoderma and the tested A. bisporus cultures was also analysed. The second stage consisted in the evaluation of the volume of A. bisporus yield on the substrate, to which mycelia isolates of Trichoderma sp. were introduced. It was found that the analysed cultures and the cultivar strain of A. bisporus responded differently to the presence of Trichoderma sp. isolates both in terms of mycelium growth and the yield volume.Wyst臋powanie grzyb贸w rodzaju Trichoderma stanowi powa偶ny problem w uprawie Agaricus bisporus, powoduj膮c znaczne straty. Badania mia艂y na celu por贸wnanie wzajemnego oddzia艂ywania wybranych izolat贸w Trichoderma sp. i jednozarodnikowych heterokariotycznych kultur A. bisporus na po偶ywkach agarowych oraz w warunkach uprawy. W pierwszym etapie bada艅 dokonano oceny wzrostu izolat贸w T. harzianum, T. agrressivum, T. atroviride i T. hamatum na po偶ywce PDA oraz wzrostu czterech heterokariotycznych kultur jednozarodnikowych i rasy Amycel 2600 A. bisporus na po偶ywce obornikowo-torfowej. Okre艣lono r贸wnie偶 indywidualny efekt biotyczny (IEB) pomi臋dzy izolatami Trichoderma oraz badanymi kulturami A. bisporus. W drugim etapie oceniono wielko艣眉 plonu A. bisporus na pod艂o偶u, do kt贸rego wprowadzono grzybni臋 izolat贸w Trichoderma sp. Stwierdzono, 偶e badane kultury i rasa uprawna A. bisporus reagowa艂y w spos贸b zr贸偶nicowany na obecno艣眉 izolat贸w Trichoderma sp. zar贸wno pod wzgl臋dem wzrostu grzybni, jak i wielko艣ci plonu. Najsilniejszy hamuj膮cy wp艂yw na wzrost grzybni pieczarki mia艂 izolat T. aggressivum f. europaeum T.11/5, kt贸ry r贸wnie偶 powodowa艂 najwi臋ksz膮 obni偶k臋 plonu badanych kultur jednozarodnikowych i rasy uprawnej

    Impact of Trichoderma Pleurotum and T. Pleuroticola Isolates on Yielding of Pleurotus Ostreatus (FR.) Kumm

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    The influence of substrate infestation with Trichoderma pleurotum and T. pleuroticola isolates on yielding of two commercial strains of Pleurotus ostreatus was investigated. The examined P. ostreatus strains growing on substrates infested with Trichoderma isolates showed a considerable yield decline. T. pleuroticola isolates were found to exert a greater unfavorable impact on P. ostreatus yields than T. pleurotum isolates. The performed experiments demonstrated that the response of the examined P. ostreatus strains to infestations with T. pleurotum and T. pleuroticola isolates was similar

    Wp艂yw infekcji pod艂o偶a uprawowego izolatami Trichoderma na plonowanie Pholiota nameko (T. Ito) S. Ito et Imai

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    Green moulds caused by Trichoderma result in considerable losses in the growing of several species of cultivated and medicinal mushrooms. Pholiota nameko is a mushroom species well-known in many Asian countries. The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of substrate infestation with Trichoderma isolates on yielding of P. nameko. The experiment was conducted on four strains of P. nameko, i.e. PN01, PN04, PN05 and PN06. The substrate was infested with isolate T361, belonging to the species T. aggressivum f. europaeum and isolate Th14/5, belonging to the species T. harzianum. Infestation of the substrate with both isolates of Trichoderma resulted in a reduction of yield in the analysed strains of P. nameko. A markedly greater yield reduction was caused by infestation with isolate T361 than isolate Th14/5. Infestation of the substrate with the analysed Trichoderma isolates to a slight extent influenced mean weight of fruiting bodies in P. nameko and their morphological traits, such as cap diameter, and stem length and diameter. Substrate infestation with Trichoderma isolates had no effect on dry matter content of carpophores.Zielone ple艣nie powodowane przez Trichoderma s膮 przyczyn膮 znacznych strat w uprawie gatunk贸w grzyb贸w uprawnych i leczniczych. Pholiota nameko jest gatunkiem cenionym w wielu krajach azjatyckich. Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu infekcji pod艂o偶a uprawowego izolatami Trichoderma na plonowanie Pholiota nameko. W do艣wiadczeniach u偶yto czterech ras P. nameko, tj. PN01, PN04, PN05 i PN06. Pod艂o偶e infekowano dwoma izolatami Trichoderma: T361 nale偶膮cym do gatunku T. aggressivum f. europaeum oraz Th14/5 nale偶膮cym do gatunku T. harzianum. Infekcja pod艂o偶a uprawowego izolatami Th14/5 oraz T361 powodowa艂a zmniejszenie plonu badanych ras P nameko. Zdecydowanie wi臋ksz膮 obni偶k臋 plonu powodowa艂a infekcja izolatem T361 ni偶 izolatem Th14/5. Infekcja pod艂o偶a uprawowego badanymi izolatami Trichoderma w nieznacznym stopniu wp艂ywa艂a na 艣redni膮 mas臋 owocnik贸w P. nameko oraz ich cechy morfologiczne, takie jak 艣rednica kapelusza oraz d艂ugo艣膰 i grubo艣膰 trzonu. Infekcja pod艂o偶a uprawowego izolatami Trichoderma nie mia艂a wp艂ywu na such膮 mas臋 owocnik贸w

    Sustainable Weed, Disease and Pest Management in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

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    As for all other crops, in MAPs as well, weeds, diseases and pests are important yield-reducing factors, which may severely curtain biomass production and, that is maybe more important, may affect several qualitative aspects of production. Research about this topic is generally lacking, for two main reasons: the first is that MAPs are generally grown on rather limited areas, and the incidence of specific pests and diseases rarely takes a relevance outside rather narrow boundaries. The second reason is that the economical importance of MAPs is much lower than that ascribed to the \u201cmajor\u201d crops, which the bigger efforts of research are addressed to. In the changing scenario of latter years, however, MAPs are taking an increasing relevance, and there is the necessity to draw proper guidelines for their cultivation technique, also including the advisable strategies for their sustainable protection