21 research outputs found

    Properties and Utilisation of Andisols in Indonesia

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    Soils formed on volcanic ash parent materials and classified as Andisols are widespread in the Indonesian archipelago, covering an area about 3 million hectares. Soils are developed from mostly andesitic to basaltic rocks on Upper Pleistocene to Holocene surfaces. Weathering gradually increases downslope and with the prevailing high precipitation and high temperature produces deep soils. The Indonesian Andisols mostly have dark epipedons with high content of organic carbon and low bulk densities (). soil reaction is slightly acid with negative A pH values with CEC ranges from 22 to 30 cmol(+) kg^. Major minerals in the sand fraction are quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, augite, hypersthene, olivine and volcanic glass. Short-range-order minerals like allophane, imogolite and/or ferrihydrite dominate the clay fraction, whilst halloysite, gibbsite, cristobalite are also detected in lesser amount. The surface charge of Indonesian Andisols containing allophane and imogolite is pH dependent (variable charge) resulting high phosphate fixation. The Langmuir phosphorus sorption maxima ranged from 300 to 2, 500 mg P kg^. Most of the Indonesian Andisols are among the most productive soils. These soils are intensively cultivated with both annual and perennial of upland crops like tea, coffee, cocoa with quite high productivity. The areas in the vicinity of volcanoes are also well-known as the horticultural centre and support more than 50% of the Indonesian people. The tea and Arabica coffee plantations occupied hundreds hectares of land from lower to medium slopes of volcanoes both in Sutmatra and Java islands while secondary and primary forests formed in the upper slopes of volcano

    Changes in the chemical and mineralogical properties of Mt. Talang volcanic ash in West Sumatra during the initail weathering phase.

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    Eruptions from Talang volcano on 12 April 2005 distributed volcanic ash over portions of the Solok District of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Unleached and leached pristine volcanic ash were collected immediately after the eruption, and the third sample was collected after 2 years. The mineralogy and chemical properties of pristine volcanic ash and volcanic ash deposits that were weathered for 2 years from the 2005 eruption of Mt. Talang, Sumatra, were studied to characterize the volcanic ash, identify the primary minerals present, and determine its chemical properties. Results showed that the volcanic ash contained 30% noncrystalline minerals (or volcanic glass); the remaining ash is composed of crystalline minerals such as labradorite, hypersthene, augite, hornblende, olivine, opaque ferromagnetic minerals, and rock fragments. Notable differences in pH values were observed as the pH tended to become more acidic from the unleached, leached, and weathered volcanic ash, but the ash did not give much response to the sodium fluoride (NaF) test. Total sulfur gradually decreased from 3.28% in unleached ash to 1.93% after 2 years. Available phosphorus (P) in the unleached volcanic ash was 68 mg kg−1, and this value was decreased by 15 % after 2 years of being exposed to the atmosphere, while phosphate retention ranged between 52.8% and 66.8%. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was low with the value of 10 cmolc kg−1 although base saturation was high, exceeding 75%. The low acid oxalate–extractable silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), and iron (Fe) values of 0.07%, 0.25% and 1.17%, respectively, show the scarcity of secondary amorphous compounds in the ash. Total elemental analysis indicated that no differences were found in total silica oxide (SiO2) content of all samples, with a value about 56%, and this volcanic ash can be classified as basaltic andesite. We observed that removal of chemical elements by leaching was large for calcium oxide (CaO), magnesium oxide (MgO), and sodium oxide (Na2O) as the values decreased in time. Solid-state 29Si and 27Al magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies indicated that Al occurred in both tetrahedral and octahedral forms. Silicon was not present in the tetrahedral layer. An intense peak at −92 ppm was indicative of the presence of aluminosilicates

    Properties and utilisation of andisols in Indonesia

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    Properties and Utilisation of Andisols in Indonesia

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    Determination of the geochemical weathering indices and trace elements content of new volcanic ash deposits from Mt. Talang (West Sumatra) Indonesia

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    Since the Indonesian archipelago is part of the very active and dynamic Pacific Ring of Fires, the volcanic eruptions occur from time to time. Immediately after the eruption of Mount Talang in West Sumatra (April 12, 2005), volcanic ashes, both unleached and leached were collected. The deposits from Mt. Talang were andesitic to basaltic in composition. The volcanic ash consisted of volcanic glass, plagioclase feldspar in various proportions, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, amphibole, titanomagnetite. We conducted the total elemental analysis of the bulk samples of the volcanic ash. The contents of major, trace and rare elements as well as heavy metals were determined by wet chemical methods and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses. Although the volcanic ash of Mt. Talang are still very new, an evaluation of the geochemical weathering indices was performed with the objective of showing the volcanic ash condition at the early stage of weathering. Eight weathering indices were evaluated. The results showed that the unleached volcanic ash has higher Ruxton Ratio (R), Weathering Index of Parker (WIP), Product of Weathering Index (PWI) and Silica Titanium Index (STI) values compared to the leached ash, while the leached ash exhibited higher Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW), Vogt's Residual Index (VO), and Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA). These weathering indices can be used to quantify the condition of the volcanic ashes at the initial stage of weathering, to evaluate their fertility, to provide a better understanding of element mobility during weathering, and predict the source of soil nutrients as well as determine the products of primary minerals alteration