79 research outputs found

    Feminism in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Novel Gadis Pantai

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    This study deals with the life of woman in the novel Gadis Pantai by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The purposes of this study are to analyze and described feminism in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s novel using theory of feminism proposed by Clark (1990). Feminism is then a belief that women should be equal to men and now are not, and that it is also any actions, especially organized, that promote women’s rights to move towards equality with men. Feminism addresses economic, social, political and cultural disparities of power and rights. The study focused on rights of living allowance and nursing children. Qualitative method is applied in this study supported by Bogdan and Biklen (1992: 59). The source of data in this study consists of two types, i.e. primary data and secondary data. The primary data is the novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and the secondary data are documents, script and other relevant sources. The data are collected by using content analysis. The result of this study shows that feminism theory on living allowance and nursing children are clearly reflected in the novel by the character of Gadis Pantai.   Keywords: feminism, living allowance, nursing childre

    Hubungan Degradasi Ruminal Bahan Kering Protein Kasar Dan Serat Kasar Baggase Amoniasi Urea Ditambah Sumber Urease

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    This research was conducted to know the correlation of rumina I degradation between dry matter, crude protein and crude fiber content of urea-ammoniated baggase with urease. Two fistUled of Aceh bulls weight 200 kg and 5.5 years old which were fed twice of day by 25 -30 kg of Brachiaria sp. Determination of nutrient degradation was done by in-situ technique, 5 grams sample urea~ammoniated baggase with urease was placed into nylon bag (Monil T 120, 14 x 8 cm) with 0, 6, 14 24, 48 and 72 hours of incubation.. The result showed that there was possitive correlation and differently significant (r"" 0.995 ; p< 0.01) between dry matter, crude protein and crude fiber degradation of urea-ammoniated baggase with urease. Chemical composition also .affected dry matter, crude protein dan crude fiber degradation of urea-ammoniatedbaggase with urease

    Karakteristik Kondisi Rumen Sapi Pesisir Selatan Dengan Ransum Jerami Padi Amoniasi Urea

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    Charakteristics of rumen condition were measured in a total of 4 local cattle (pesisir Selatan) with an average initial body weight of 109 ± 12.9 kg. The animals were randomly allocated according to a 4 x 4 Latin Square Design to· the following experimental diets : 20% concentrate + 80% ammonia-treated rice straw (ARS) (ration A), 40% concentrate + 60% ammonia-treated rice straw (ARS) (ration 8), 60% concentrate + 40% ammoruatreated rice straw (ARS) (ration q and 80% Concentrate + 20% ammonia-treated rice straw (ARS) (ration D). Crude protein of the rations ranged from 9.4%to 14.2%, while the TON content ranged from 53.7% to 66.3%.The result showed that pH, NJ-h-N and VFA were significantly affected (p 0.05) NH3-N concentration

    A 34 Years Old Woman with Ante Partum Hemorrhage Et Causa Placenta Praevia Totalis and Transverse Fetal Lie

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    Placenta praevia is placenta with very low implantation, it covers all or half of internal uteri ostium. Placenta praevia number is higher in a woman with high parity whose age more than 30 years old. The incidence is lower in developed countries, less than 1 % and maybe caused by low number of women with high parity. A woman 34 years old came with vaginal bleeding since 14 hours before coming to hospital, fresh red colored, 5 times changed her vaginal bandage. She had had uterus contraction stronger and more frequent by the time, bloody shows. She also had previous vaginal bleeding, at 7 th and 8 th month of pregnancy. From physical examination, her vital signs were normal. Obstetrical examination: uterus height 32 cm, fetal head in the right of mother, fetal weight prediction 3.255 grams, fetal heartbeat was normal and regular, from ultrasound examination: transverse fetal lie and total placenta paevia, placenta was in posterior, hematology test was normal. This woman was diagnosed with G5P3A1 aterm pregnant, in partum, with ante partum hemorrhage et causa total placenta praevia, live single fetal, transverse fetal lie. Management: observed mother\u27s vital signs, fetal heartbeat, and uterus contraction, Amphycilin 1 gram per 8 hours, and per abdominal termination preparation. Accurate and fast diagnosis in ante partum hemorrhage case is very important to prevent its complications

    Kecernaan Ransum Sapi Peranakan Ongole Berbasis Limbah Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Yang Diamoniasi Urea

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    The utilization of palm plantation waste as feed is constrained because of its high fiber and anti nutrition content, also lower protein content. The treatment of ammoniated palm plantation waste with long period of harvest for 7 days give the best result based on the dried content and lower fiber content. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of different frequency of feed to the dry matter intake, crude fiber, crude protein and crude fat of Ongole crossbreed cattle based on palm plantation waste feed ammoniated by urea. This research was conducted by an in - vitro method for 135 days, included 15 days of adaptation period and 120 days of data collecting. The method use in this research was Latin square 4 x 4. The treatment was different feed frequency, A = ad libitum feed, B = the feeding frequency gave twice in a day, C = the feeding frequency gave three times in a day, and D = the feeding frequency gave four times in a day. The result showed that the feeding frequency did not significantly affect (P>0,05) to dry matter intake, crude fiber, crude protein and crude fat content of Ongole crossbreed feed based on oil plantation waste ammoniated by ure

    Potensi Lumpur Sawit/palm Oil Sludge (Pos) Sebagai Pakan Sapi Potong Di Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The objective of this study was to know potencial of solid waste in Bagan Sinembah, Rokan Hilir distric, Riau. Research carried out at December 2007 in Bagan Sinembah, by using three factories of Elaeis guineensis (PKS). The three factories were used from data collection were PT. Sinar Perdana Caraka (SPC), PT. Dharma Wungu Guna (DWG), and Pr. Geliga Bagan Riau (GBR). The results of study indicate that solid waste in Bagan Sinembah, Rokan Hilir district, Riau Province had a great potencial. Productions of solid waste in Bagan Sinembah was around 25.360,20 tons/year and carrying capacity 3.474 Animals Unit. Farmers will use solid waste at large quantity if they raised livestock in commercially, for instance for fattening purpose. The strategies which can be applied to maximize solid waste utilization is through partnership between farmers and factories or local goverrimen

    Pengaruh Kompensasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan yang Dialihdayakan (Studi Kasus pada PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk)

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    Employee satisfaction is important for a company in creating employment viability, regardless of the type of work. One effort to create high satisfaction of employment is to provide adequate compensation for employees. Lately companies that use outsourced workers or employees who are outsourcing more and more prevalent and it is a challenge for corporate users of outsourcing employees to realize the employee job satisfaction, one way is to provide appropriate compensation. Their are two forms of compensation, direct compensations and indirect compensations, direct compensations are namely salary, incentive and bonus compensations while indirect compensations consists of health support, safety support, holiday allowances, and employee welfare facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of compensation given to outsourced employees at PT. Bakrie Telecom, to find out the level of employment satisfaction of outsourced employees, to know the influence of compensation towards employment satisfaction, and the types of employee compensation that have a significant influence on employment satisfaction. This research is uses a descriptive analysis, the variables used in this research are; direct compensation (X1), indirect compensation (X2) and empoyment satisfaction (Y) As for the samples taken for this reasearch consist of 50 respondents. The sampling method used for this reasearch is probability sampling. Based on the calculation the hypothesis test showed that the partial direct compensation variable (X1) adversely affect the Employee Satisfaction variable (Y) and indirect compensation variable (X2 ) has a positive effect on Employment satisfaction variable (Y). The results of the analysis uses a multiple linear Regression method where the R-square obtained is at 0.548. While the variable that has the most significant influence is Indirect Compensation variable, with a value of B (beta) at 0.582

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Pakan Ruminansia Pada Peternak Rakyat Di Kecamatan Rengat Barat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate characteristics of feeding management and utilization of crop residues at the animal husbandry system in Pematang Reba, Indragiri Hulu. Data were obtained through a survey and analyzed descriptively. The results of experiment indicated that animal raising system was mostly carried out in a traditional way (90%), in which animals freely during the day and tigh at night (80%), kept their animals only at night/semi intensive (7.5%) and freely during the day and kept their animal in cage at night (2.5%). The number of farmers who kept their animal in cage (intensive) was lower, i.e 10%. The percentage of farmers who utilized crop residues as feeding source was still low i.e 20%. There are not the farmers (0%) who knew about feeding technology and applied those technologies
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