26 research outputs found

    Analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells by defined MHC-peptide complexes

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    MHC class II-peptide multimers are important tools for the detection, enumeration and isolation of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cells. However, their erratic and often poor performance impeded their broad application and thus in-depth analysis of key aspects of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cell responses. In the first part of this thesis we demonstrate that a major cause for poor MHC class II tetramer staining performance is incomplete peptide loading on MHC molecules. We observed that peptide binding affinity for "empty" MHC class II molecules poorly correlates with peptide loading efficacy. Addition of a His-tag or desthiobiotin (DTB) at the peptide N-terminus allowed us to isolate "immunopure" MHC class II-peptide monomers by affinity chromatography; this significantly, often dramatically, improved tetramer staining of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cells. Insertion of a photosensitive amino acid between the tag and the peptide, permitted removal of the tag from "immunopure" MHC class II-peptide complex by UV irradiation, and hence elimination of its potential interference with TCR and/or MHC binding. Moreover, to improve loading of self and tumor antigen- derived peptides onto "empty" MHC II molecules, we first loaded these with a photocleavable variant of the influenza A hemagglutinin peptide HA306-318 and subsequently exchanged it with a poorly loading peptide (e.g. NY-ESO-1119-143) upon photolysis of the conditional ligand. Finally, we established a novel type of MHC class II multimers built on reversible chelate formation between 2xHis-tagged MHC molecules and a fluorescent nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA)-containing scaffold. Staining of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cells with "NTAmers" is fully reversible and allows gentle cell sorting. In the second part of the thesis we investigated the role of the CD8α transmembrane domain (TMD) for CD8 coreceptor function. The sequence of the CD8α TMD, but not the CD8β TMD, is highly conserved and homodimerizes efficiently. We replaced the CD8α TMD with the one of the interleukin-2 receptor a chain (CD8αTac) and thus ablated CD8α TMD interactions. We observed that ΤΙ Τ cell hybridomas expressing CD8αTacβ exhibited severely impaired intracellular calcium flux, IL-2 responses and Kd/PbCS(ABA) P255A tetramer binding. By means of fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments (FRET) we established that CD8αTacβ associated with TCR:CD3 considerably less efficiently than CD8αβ, both in the presence and the absence of Kd/PbCS(ABA) complexes. Moreover, we observed that CD8αTacβ partitioned substantially less in lipid rafts, and related to this, associated less efficiently with p56Lck (Lck), a Src kinase that plays key roles in TCR proximal signaling. Our results support the view that the CD8α TMD promotes the formation of CD8αβP-CD8αβ dimers on cell surfaces. Because these contain two CD8β chains and that CD8β, unlike CD8α, mediates association of CD8 with TCR:CD3 as well as with lipid rafts and hence with Lck, we propose that the CD8αTMD plays an important and hitherto unrecognized role for CD8 coreceptor function, namely by promoting CD8αβ dimer formation. We discuss what implications this might have on TCR oligomerization and TCR signaling. - Les multimères de complexes MHC classe II-peptide sont des outils importants pour la détection, le dénombrement et l'isolation des cellules Τ CD4+ spécifiques pour un antigène d'intérêt. Cependant, leur performance erratique et souvent inadéquate a empêché leur utilisation généralisée, limitant ainsi l'analyse des aspects clés des réponses des lymphocytes Τ CD4+. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous montrons que la cause principale de la faible efficacité des multimères de complexes MHC classe II-peptide est le chargement incomplet des molécules MHC par des peptides. Nous montrons également que l'affinité du peptide pour la molécule MHC classe II "vide" n'est pas nécessairement liée au degré du chargement. Grâce à l'introduction d'une étiquette d'histidines (His-tag) ou d'une molécule de desthiobiotine à l'extrémité N-terminale du peptide, des monomères MHC classe II- peptide dits "immunopures" ont pu être isolés par chromatographic d'affinité. Ceci a permis d'améliorer significativement et souvent de façon spectaculaire, le marquage des cellules Τ CD4+ spécifiques pour un antigène d'intérêt. L'insertion d'un acide aminé photosensible entre l'étiquette et le peptide a permis la suppression de l'étiquette du complexe MHC classe- Il peptide "immunopure" par irradiation aux UV, éliminant ainsi de potentielles interférences de liaison au TCR et/ou au MHC. De plus, afin d'améliorer le chargement des molécules MHC classe II "vides" avec des peptides dérivés d'auto-antigènes ou d'antigènes tumoraux, nous avons tout d'abord chargé les molécules MHC "vides" avec un analogue peptidique photoclivable issu du peptide HA306-318 de l'hémagglutinine de la grippe de type A, puis, sous condition de photolyse, nous l'avons échangé avec de peptides à chargement faible (p.ex. NY-ESO-1119-143). Finalement, nous avons construit un nouveau type de multimère réversible, appelé "NTAmère", basé sur la formation chélatante reversible entre les molécules MHC-peptide étiquettés par 2xHis et un support fluorescent contenant des acides nitrilotriacetiques (NTA). Le marquage des cellules Τ CD4+ spécifiques pour un antigène d'intérêt avec les "NTAmères" est pleinement réversible et permet également un tri cellulaire plus doux. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse nous avons étudié le rôle du domaine transmembranaire (TMD) du CD8α pour la fonction coréceptrice du CD8. La séquence du TMD du CD8α, mais pas celle du TMD du CD8β, est hautement conservée et permet une homodimérisation efficace. Nous avons remplacé le TMD du CD8α avec celui de la chaîne α du récepteur à l'IL-2 (CD8αTac), éliminant ainsi les interactions du TMD du CD8α. Nous avons montré que les cellules des hybridomes Τ T1 exprimant le CD8αTacβ présentaient une atteinte sévère du flux du calcium intracellulaire, des réponses d'IL-2 et de la liaison des tétramères Kd/PbCS(ABA) P255A. Grâce aux expériences de transfert d'énergie entre molécules fluorescentes (FRET), nous avons montré que l'association du CD8αTacβ avec le TCR:CD3 est considérablement moins efficace qu'avec le CD8αβ, et ceci aussi bien en présence qu'en absence de complexes Kd/PbCS(ABA). De plus, nous avons observé que le CD8αTacβ se distribuait beaucoup moins bien dans les radeaux lipidiques, engendrant ainsi, une association moins efficace avec p56Lck (Lck), une kinase de la famille Src qui joue un rôle clé dans la signalisation proximale du TCR. Nos résultats soutiennent l'hypothèse que le TMD du CD8αβ favorise la formation des dimères de CD8αβ à la surface des cellules. Parce que ces derniers contiennent deux chaînes CD8β et que CD8β, contrairement à CD8α, favorise l'association du CD8 au TCR:CD3 aussi bien qu'aux radeaux lipidiques et par conséquent à Lck, nous proposons que le TMD du CD8α joue un rôle important, jusqu'alors inconnu, pour la fonction coreceptrice du CD8, en encourageant la formation des dimères CD8αβ. Nous discutons des implications possibles sur l'oligomerisation du TCR et la signalisation du TCR

    Analysis, Isolation, and Activation of Antigen-Specific CD4 + and CD8+ T Cells by Soluble MHC-Peptide Complexes

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    T cells constitute the core of adaptive cellular immunity and protect higher organisms against pathogen infections and cancer. Monitoring of disease progression as well as prophylactic or therapeutic vaccines and immunotherapies call for conclusive detection, analysis, and sorting of antigen-specific T cells. This is possible by means of soluble recombinant ligands for T cells, i.e., MHC class I-peptide (pMHC I) complexes for CD8(+) T cells and MHC class II-peptide (pMHC II) complexes for CD4(+) T cells and flow cytometry. Here we review major developments in the development of pMHC staining reagents and their diverse applications and discuss perspectives of their use for basic and clinical investigations

    Spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of AGN: from observations to modelling

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    Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are one of the most luminous objects in the Universe, emitting powerful continuum and line emission across all wavelength bands. They represent an important link in the investigations of the galaxy evolution and cosmology. The resolving of the AGN inner structure is still a difficult task with current instruments, therefore the spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry are crucial tools to investigate these objects and their components, such as the properties of the supermassive black hole, the broad line region, and the dusty torus. In this review, we present the results of the project "Astrophysical spectroscopy of extragalactic objects", from the observations, data processing and analysis, to the modelling of different regions in AGN.Comment: Proceedings of the Serbian Astronomical Conference 201

    Vaccination with LAG-3Ig (IMP321) and Peptides Induces Specific CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Responses in Metastatic Melanoma Patients-Report of a Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial.

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    PURPOSE: Cancer vaccines aim to generate and maintain antitumor immune responses. We designed a phase I/IIa clinical trial to test a vaccine formulation composed of Montanide ISA-51 (Incomplete Freund's Adjuvant), LAG-3Ig (IMP321, a non-Toll like Receptor agonist with adjuvant properties), and five synthetic peptides derived from tumor-associated antigens (four short 9/10-mers targeting CD8 T-cells, and one longer 15-mer targeting CD4 T-cells). Primary endpoints were safety and T-cell responses. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Sixteen metastatic melanoma patients received serial vaccinations. Up to nine injections were subcutaneously administered in three cycles, each with three vaccinations every 3 weeks, with 6 to 14 weeks interval between cycles. Blood samples were collected at baseline, 1-week after the third, sixth and ninth vaccination, and 6 months after the last vaccination. Circulating T-cells were monitored by tetramer staining directly ex vivo, and by combinatorial tetramer and cytokine staining on in vitro stimulated cells. RESULTS: Side effects were mild to moderate, comparable to vaccines with Montanide alone. Specific CD8 T-cell responses to at least one peptide formulated in the vaccine preparation were found in 13 of 16 patients. However, two of the four short peptides of the vaccine formulation did not elicit CD8 T-cell responses. Specific CD4 T-cell responses were found in all 16 patients. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that vaccination with IMP321 is a promising and safe strategy for inducing sustained immune responses, encouraging further development for cancer vaccines as components of combination therapies. Clin Cancer Res; 22(6); 1330-40. ©2015 AACR

    NY-ESO-1-Specific Circulating CD4+ T Cells in Ovarian Cancer Patients Are Prevalently TH1 Type Cells Undetectable in the CD25+FOXP3+Treg Compartment

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    Spontaneous CD4+ T-cell responses to the tumor-specific antigen NY-ESO-1 (ESO) are frequently found in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). If these responses are of effector or/and Treg type, however, has remained unclear. Here, we have used functional approaches together with recently developed MHC class II/ESO tetramers to assess the frequency, phenotype and function of ESO-specific cells in circulating lymphocytes from EOC patients. We found that circulating ESO-specific CD4+ T cells in EOC patients with spontaneous immune responses to the antigen are prevalently TH1 type cells secreting IFN-γ but no IL-17 or IL-10 and are not suppressive. We detected tetramer+ cells ex vivo, at an average frequency of 1∶25000 memory cells, that is, significantly lower than in patients immunized with an ESO vaccine. ESO tetramer+ cells were mostly effector memory cells at advanced stages of differentiation and were not detected in circulating CD25+FOXP3+Treg. Thus, spontaneous CD4+ T-cell responses to ESO in cancer patients are prevalently of TH1 type and not Treg. Their relatively low frequency and advanced differentiation stage, however, may limit their efficacy, that may be boosted by immunogenic ESO vaccines

    Evaluation of Cavitation Erosion Behavior of Commercial Steel Grades Used in the Design of Fluid Machinery

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    The erosion response under cavitation of different steel grades was assessed by studying the erosion rate, the volume removal, the roughness evolution, and the accumulated strain energy. A 20 kHz ltrasonic transducer with a probe diameter of 5 mm and peak-to-peak amplitude of 50 lm was deployed in distilled water to induce damage on the surface of commercial chromium and carbon steel samples. After a relatively short incubation period, cavitation induced the formation of pits, cracks, and craters whose features strongly depended on the hardness and composition of the tested steel. AISI 52100 chromium steel showed the best performance and is, therefore, a promising design candidate for replacing the existing fluid machinery materials that operate within potential cavitating environments

    MHC class II/ESO tetramer-based generation of in vitro primed anti-tumor T-helper lines for adoptive cell therapy of cancer.

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    Generation of tumor-antigen specific CD4(+) T-helper (T(H)) lines through in vitro priming is of interest for adoptive cell therapy of cancer, but the development of this approach has been limited by the lack of appropriate tools to identify and isolate low frequency tumor antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells. Here, we have used recently developed MHC class II/peptide tetramers incorporating an immunodominant peptide from NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a tumor antigen frequently expressed in different human solid and hematologic cancers, to implement an in vitro priming platform allowing the generation of ESO-specific T(H) lines. We isolated phenotypically defined CD4(+) T-cell subpopulations from circulating lymphocytes of DR52b(+) healthy donors by flow cytometry cell sorting and stimulated them in vitro with peptide ESO(119-143), autologous APC and IL-2. We assessed the frequency of ESO-specific cells in the cultures by staining with DR52b/ESO(119-143) tetramers (ESO-tetramers) and TCR repertoire of ESO-tetramer(+) cells by co-staining with TCR variable β chain (BV) specific antibodies. We isolated ESO-tetramer(+) cells by flow cytometry cell sorting and expanded them with PHA, APC and IL-2 to generate ESO-specific T(H) lines. We characterized the lines for antigen recognition, by stimulation with ESO peptide or recombinant protein, cytokine production, by intracellular staining using specific antibodies, and alloreactivity, by stimulation with allo-APC. Using this approach, we could consistently generate ESO-tetramer(+) T(H) lines from conventional CD4(+)CD25(-) naïve and central memory populations, but not from effector memory populations or CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg. In vitro primed T(H) lines recognized ESO with affinities comparable to ESO-tetramer(+) cells from patients immunized with an ESO vaccine and used a similar TCR repertoire. In this study, using MHC class II/ESO tetramers, we have implemented an in vitro priming platform allowing the generation of ESO-monospecific polyclonal T(H) lines from non-immune individuals. This is an approach that is of potential interest for adoptive cell therapy of patients bearing ESO-expressing cancers

    Assessment of vaccine-induced CD4 T cell responses to the 119-143 immunodominant region of the tumor-specific antigen NY-ESO-1 using DRB1*0101 tetramers.

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    Abstract: Purpose: NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a tumor-specific antigen of the cancer/testis group, is presently viewed as an important model antigen for the development of generic anticancer vaccines. The ESO119-143 region is immunodominant following immunization with a recombinant ESO vaccine. In this study, we generated DRB1*0101/ESO119-143 tetramers and used them to assess CD4 T-cell responses in vaccinated patients expressing DRB1*0101 (DR1). Experimental Design: We generated tetramers of DRB1*0101 incorporating peptide ESO119-143 using a previously described strategy. We assessed ESO119-143-specific CD4 T cells in peptide-stimulated post-vaccine cultures using the tetramers. We isolated DR1/ESO119-143 tetramer(+) cells by cell sorting and characterized them functionally. We assessed vaccine-induced CD4(+) DR1/ESO119-143 tetramer(+) T cells ex vivo and characterized them phenotypically. Results: Staining of cultures from vaccinated patients with DR1/ESO119-143 tetramers identified vaccine-induced CD4 T cells. Tetramer(+) cells isolated by cell sorting were of T(H)1 type and efficiently recognized full-length ESO. We identified ESO123-137 as the minimal optimal epitope recognized by DR1-restricted ESO-specific CD4 T cells. By assessing DR1/ESO119-143 tetramer(+) cells using T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain variable region (V beta)-specific antibodies, we identified several frequently used V beta. Finally, direct ex vivo staining of patients' CD4 T cells with tetramers allowed the direct quantification and phenotyping of vaccine-induced ESO-specific CD4 T cells. Conclusions: The development of DR1/ESO119-143 tetramers, allowing the direct visualization, isolation, and characterization of ESO-specific CD4 T cells, will be instrumental for the evaluation of spontaneous and vaccine-induced immune responses to this important tumor antigen in DR1-expressing patient

    Tumor antigen-specific FOXP3+ CD4 T cells identified in human metastatic melanoma: peptide vaccination results in selective expansion of Th1-like counterparts.

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    We have previously shown that vaccination of HLA-A2 metastatic melanoma patients with the analogue Melan-A(26-35(A27L)) peptide emulsified in a mineral oil induces ex vivo detectable specific CD8 T cells. These are further enhanced when a TLR9 agonist is codelivered in the same vaccine formulation. Interestingly, the same peptide can be efficiently recognized by HLA-DQ6-restricted CD4 T cells. We used HLA-DQ6 multimers to assess the specific CD4 T-cell response in both healthy individuals and melanoma patients. We report that the majority of melanoma patients carry high frequencies of naturally circulating HLA-DQ6-restricted Melan-A-specific CD4 T cells, a high proportion of which express FOXP3 and proliferate poorly in response to the cognate peptide. Upon vaccination, the relative frequency of multimer+ CD4 T cells did not change significantly. In contrast, we found a marked shift to FOXP3-negative CD4 T cells, accompanied by robust CD4 T-cell proliferation upon in vitro stimulation with cognate peptide. A concomitant reduction in TCR diversity was also observed. This is the first report on direct ex vivo identification of antigen-specific FOXP3+ T cells by multimer labeling in cancer patients and on the direct assessment of the impact of peptide vaccination on immunoregulatory T cells

    Improved process conditions for increasing expression of MHC class II protein from a stable Drosophila S2 cell line.

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    To investigate the effects of operational process conditions on expression of MHC class II protein from a stable Drosophila S2 cell line. When the Drosophila S2 cells were grown in vented orbitally shaken TubeSpin bioreactor 600 containers, cell growth was improved three-fold and the yield of recombinant major histocompatibility (MHC) class II protein (HLA-DR1 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@1b28618d ) increased four-fold over the levels observed for the same cells cultivated in roller bottles (RB) without vented caps. Culturing in RB with vented caps while increasing the rotation speed from 6 rpm to 18 rpm also improved cell growth five-fold and protein productivity three-fold which is comparable to the levels observed in the orbitally shaken containers. Protein activity was found to be almost identical between the two vessel systems tested. Optimized cell culture conditions and a more efficient vessel type can enhance gas transfer and mixing and lead to substantial improvement of recombinant product yields from S2 cells