35 research outputs found

    Might Heterostyly Underlie Spider Occurrence On Inflorescences? A Case Study Of Palicourea Rigida (rubiaceae), A Common Shrub From Brazilian Cerrado

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    We carried out a research on the Palicourea rigida (Rubiaceae) inflorescences, a distylous shrub of Brazilian Cerrado. Our objective was to compare the inflorescence architectural complexity and its quality in the two floral morphs and search for any relationship with spider occurrence. In order to assess the quality of inflorescence resources, we quantified the nectar volume and its sugar concentration and the number of fruits and flowers (intact and aborted) for both inflorescence morphs with and without spiders. For the architectural heterogeneity, we quantified floral structures and inflorescence levels of branching. Spider occurrence was higher in longistylous inflorescences than in brevistylous ones. The sampled spiders were classified into the guilds ambushers, jumpers, or orb-weavers. Ambushers, jumpers, and total richness were much higher among longistylous inflorescences. We found no difference between morphs neither in volume or nectar concentration nor in amount of fruits and flowers. However, longistylous inflorescences presented greater architectural heterogeneity than brevistylous ones. Therefore, we suggested that architectural heterogeneity is an important factor underlying the occurrence of cursorial spiders on P. rigida inflorescences, which possibly arose from the relationship between refuge availability and inflorescence architecture. © 2012 Suzana Diniz et al.Foelix, R.F., (1996) Biology of Spiders, , Oxford, UK Oxford University PressRomero, G.Q., Gonzaga, M.O., Santos, A., Japyassú, H.F., Aranhas como agentes de controle biológico em agroecossistemas (2007) Ecologia e Comportamento de Aranhas, pp. 301-315. , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Editora InterciênciaRomero, G.Q., Souza, J.C., Vasconcellos-Neto, J., Anti-herbivore protection by mutualistic spiders and the role of plant glandular trichomes (2008) Ecology, 89 (11), pp. 3105-3115. , 2-s2.0-63849343303 10.1890/08-0267.1Halaj, J., Ross, D.W., Moldenke, A.R., Importance of habitat structure to the arthropod food-web in Douglas-fir canopies (2000) Oikos, 90 (1), pp. 139-152Nahas, L., Gonzaga, M.O., Del-Claro, K., Emergent Impacts of ant and spiders interactions: Herbivory reduction in a tropical savanna tree (2012) Biotropica, 44 (4), pp. 498-505Teixeira De Souza, A.L., Martins, R.P., Distribution of plant-dwelling spiders: Inflorescences versus vegetative branches (2004) Austral Ecology, 29 (3), pp. 342-349. , DOI 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2004.01371.xDe Souza, A.L.T., Martins, R.P., Foliage density of branches and distribution of plant-dwelling spiders (2005) Biotropica, 37 (3), pp. 416-420. , DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00055.xHatley, C.L., MacMahon, J.A., Spider community organization: Seasonal variation and the role of vegetation architecture (1980) Environmental Entomology, 9, pp. 632-639Evans, T.A., Distribution of social crab spiders in eucalypt forests (1997) Austral Ecology, 22 (1), pp. 107-111. , 2-s2.0-17444414259Balfour, R.A., Rypstra, A.L., The influence of habitat structure on spider density in a no-till soybean agroecosystem (1998) Journal of Arachnology, 26 (2), pp. 221-226. , 2-s2.0-0032219751Raizer, J., Amaral, M.E.C., Does the structural complexity of aquatic macrophytes explain the diversity of associated spider assemblages? 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    Contextualização dos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável no Brasil e na Embrapa.

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    A construção do mercado para o café em Alto Paraíso de Goiás.

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    Este estudo apresenta os principais resultados da análise de como habitantes de Alto Paraíso de Goiás estão buscando alternativas para o desenvolvimento sustentável do município, por meio da implantação, pela Embrapa, de projeto relativo ao resgate do café. A mineração e as atividades agropecuárias foram exercidas na região até os anos 60, quando a atividade principal passou a ser o turismo, a partir da criação do Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros e da inauguração de Brasília. Em 2000, o fluxo de turistas decaiu devido a problemas relativos à saúde pública, acarretando estagnação da economia local. Nos últimos anos, produtores familiares despertaram para a existência, ali, de um café que pode ser comercializado em nichos de mercado de grãos especiais: orgânicos e de origem definida, e buscaram, na Embrapa, o desenvolvimento de projeto de pesquisa. O estudo na região revelou que por meio do desvelamento de valores - história, cultura e tradições - é possível estabelecer estratégia mais eficiente de busca de mercado, a partir da experiência revelada no trabalho concreto e na cultura dos produtores. E que o desenvolvimento rural deve ser buscado por meio do desenvolvimento de atividades da nova ruralidade e da aplicação de abordagem territorial de desenvolvimento

    Multidisciplinary approach in breast cancer.

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    Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm among women. Worldwide, there will be about 2.1 million newly diagnosed female breast cancer cases in 2018, accounting for almost 1 in 4 cancer cases among women. The disease is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the vast majority of the countries. The purpose of this article is to report the positive experience of a multidisciplinary team in the care of women with breast cancer and their family members. Our approach that is part of the Cancer Patient Support Center (CPSC) at the public health (IPSEMG) in Brazil has been developed taking into account a broader concept of health care. We value not only individual dimensions in patient care, but also common ones, we recognize the importance of dealing with non-biological aspects of the disease, such as socioeconomic, political and cultural facets and our service is focused on health promotion rather than merely on curative treatment. Among the advantages of our approach, we highlight the facilitated accessibility to health services, the patient-centered communication and shared decision making, and the strong bonds between health professionals, patients, and family members. As part of CPSC`s activities, we emphasize the services provided by ?Aconchego? (?Warmth?), that is our breast cancer support group at public health in Brazil