606 research outputs found

    Kinship Terms Used by Strangers Towards Two Offsprings of Inter-ethnic Married Couples in Surabaya

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    This research investigates the kinship terms produced by strangers towards two young offsprings of inter-ethnic married couples who were used as enticements to generate the production along with the social factors. The data taken from both natural conversations and informal conversational interviews were analyzed using the theories of address Indonesian in Indonesian (John & Stokes, 1977), Javanese (Kuntjara, 2001), Dutch (Matres & Sekel, 2007), and those produced by Chinese-Indonesian (Kuntjara, 2009) and social factors proposed by Holmes (1992) and Wardhaugh (2006). The findings resulted in the mixture of kinship terms from Indonesian, Javanese, Chinese, Dutch, and zero address term which were addressed by strangers to M and F. In addition, addressors mostly considered their own aspects, ethnicity, setting, transactional status and function, and prior knowledge and personal preference as the decisive factors when choosing kinship terms. While the addressee's aspects, physical features and visible appearance, were the minor factors they took into account

    Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Pekerjaan, Kepuasan Kerja, dan Komitmen terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    The objectives of this research are to analyze direct influence of job satisfaction to employee's performance, to analyze indirect influence of job satisfaction to employees performance through commitment, to analyze direct influence job characteristic to employees performance, and to analyze indirect influence of job characteristic to employees performance through commitment.Using questionnaire, data were collected from 111 employee's overall BPR at Kota Malang, sample taken by Proportional Random Sampling. Analysis used Path Analysis to test the direct influence and indirectly between job satisfaction to performance, and direct influence and indirectly between job to performance thorugh commitment.Result of research indicates that the job satisfaction have the direct influence to performance and also have the indirect influence to performance through commitment. This finding support the research Morisson (1997), Alhassan (2002), Riza (2001), Bhuian and Menguc (2002), and Pantja Djati and M. Khusaini ( 2003). Job characteristic only have the indirect influence to employees performance that is through komitmen. This finding supporting the research of Chonko and Wood ( 1985) and Ramaswami, Agarwal And Bhargava (1993), but not supporting the research of Fried and Ferris (1987). This research shown that the best influence is direct job satisfaction to performance, its meaning most influencing variable of performance attainment is the make-up of job satisfactio

    The Women Representation in Detergent Product Packaging Designs

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    Gender representation in media often depicts gender stereotype. For example, women representation in a particular culture and society shows what women should do and how to behave. Regarding this, the present study titled “The Women Representation in Detergent Product Packaging Designs” aims to reveal how women are represented in detergent product package and what ideology is conveyed behind these representations. Employing descriptive qualitative method to analyze visual images and reveal women representation, this study is framed under the Social Semiotics theory of Reading Images proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006). On the other hand, the ideology is disclosed by using Barthes' Signification Order. The results show that women are mostly represented as feminine, gentle, motherly, mature, independent, warm, caring, loving, attractive, friendly and happy. In consequence, the ideology relayed is ideology of feminity. This ideology is conveyed through several ways including media codes such us fashion, colors, and non-verbal codes

    Kajian Hukum Tentang Pembatalan Hasil Lelang Eksekusi Objek Jaminan Hak Tanggungan oleh Pengadilan Karena Tidak Berwenangnya Debitur Pemberi Hak Tanggungan (Studi Putusan No. 18/pdt.g/2010/pn. Ttd)

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    In a banking credit contract, a Bank is usually more interested in mortgage given by a debtor that can bound with collateral. The collateral has to legally belong to the debtor according to the prevailing legal provisions. The research used judicial normative and descriptive analytic. The result of the research shows that the hypothecation is implemented when a debtor is default in paying off his debt so that creditor has the fight to sell the collateral in auction hall in order to get his right and give the remaining to the debtor. The legal ground of judge's consideration in revoking the foreclosure sale because the debtor has no right to give the collateral under the verdict. that the Bank as the creditor who holds Hypothecation certificate does not have any authority/privilege as stipulated in UUHT No. 4/1996 on the Collateral. Besides that, credit contract between creditor and debtor doe not have any collateral anymore although hypothecation contract has been signe

    Metode Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting (FSAW) pada Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan di Klinik Pengobatan Keluarga Kita Jakarta

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    Measurement of the performance of a company is very important to evaluate andplan the future. Employee performance assessment absolutely must be done to determine theaccomplishments to be achieved every employee. For that every company has a different wayof assessing employee performance. In practice, the assessment of the achievements ofemployees should be done with a good method and precise, so there is no error in judgement.The results of the assessment should ensure fair treatment and satisfactory to the employeesassessed, so that in turn foster loyalty and morale. There are several tools that are commonlyused to assess employee performance. Decision support system is a tool that can be used toassess employee performance by improving methods of assessment of the performanceappraisal. Fuzzy Simple Additive weighting method chosen for assessing and ranking theemployees\u27 performance. From the test results can be concluded that this application can beimplemented for the performance appraisal in Klinik Pengobatan Keluarga Kita. To the authorstried to propose a study that the authors give the title: “application methods of Fuzzy SimpleAdditive Weighting (FSAW) On Employee Performance Appraisal in Klinik PengobatanKeluarga Kita Jakarta” Keywords: FSAW, Assessment of Employee Performance, Support System Decision, Loyalty,Performance
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