205 research outputs found


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    Analysis of lesion localisation at colonoscopy: outcomes from a multi-centre U.K. study

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    Background: Colonoscopy is currently the gold standard for detection of colorectal lesions, but may be limited in anatomically localising lesions. This audit aimed to determine the accuracy of colonoscopy lesion localisation, any subsequent changes in surgical management and any potentially influencing factors. Methods: Patients undergoing colonoscopy prior to elective curative surgery for colorectal lesion/s were included from 8 registered U.K. sites (2012–2014). Three sets of data were recorded: patient factors (age, sex, BMI, screener vs. symptomatic, previous abdominal surgery); colonoscopy factors (caecal intubation, scope guide used, colonoscopist accreditation) and imaging modality. Lesion localisation was standardised with intra-operative location taken as the gold standard. Changes to surgical management were recorded. Results: 364 cases were included; majority of lesions were colonic, solitary, malignant and in symptomatic referrals. 82% patients had their lesion/s correctly located at colonoscopy. Pre-operative CT visualised lesion/s in only 73% of cases with a reduction in screening patients (64 vs. 77%; p = 0.008). 5.2% incorrectly located cases at colonoscopy underwent altered surgical management, including conversion to open. Univariate analysis found colonoscopy accreditation, scope guide use, incomplete colonoscopy and previous abdominal surgery significantly influenced lesion localisation. On multi-variate analysis, caecal intubation and scope guide use remained significant (HR 0.35, 0.20–0.60 95% CI and 0.47; 0.25–0.88, respectively). Conclusion: Lesion localisation at colonoscopy is incorrect in 18% of cases leading to potentially significant surgical management alterations. As part of accreditation, colonoscopists need lesion localisation training and awareness of when inaccuracies can occur

    Polimorfismo do promotor do gene da leptina está associado ao aumento de leptina plasmática e IMC em mulheres brasileiras

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    Variants in leptin gene (LEP) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity. The relationship between LEP G-2548A polymorphism and obesity-related traits was evaluated in a sample of Brazilian women (n = 228) who were randomly selected from two clinical centers in Sao Paulo city. Blood samples were collected for DNA extraction, plasma leptin and serum lipids measurements. LEP G-2548A genotypes were identified by a PCR- RFLP strategy using the endonuclease Alw44I. LEP G-2548A was associated with obesity after adjustment for covariates (age, hypertension, coronary artery disease, smoking and physical activity). Women carrying G allele had a four times higher risk of obesity than the A allele carriers (OR: 4.11, CI95%: 1.06-15.90, p = 0.041). G allele was also related to increased plasma leptin (p = 0.024) and body mass index (p = 0.027). Hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease were associated with obesity. However LEP G-2548A polymorphism was not related to these variables. All together these data suggest that LEP G-2548A polymorphism has an important role in regulating plasma leptin levels and body mass index in women.Variantes no gene da leptina (LEP) foram implicados na patogênese da obesidade. A relação entre o polimorfismo LEP G-2548A e as características relacionadas com a obesidade foram avaliadas em mulheres brasileiras (n = 228), que foram selecionadas randomicamente de dois centros de pesquisa clínica na cidade de São Paulo. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas para extração de DNA e determinações de leptina plasmática e lipídeos séricos. Os genótipos do LEP G-2548A foram identificados pela estratégia de PCR-RFLP, empregando a endonuclease Alw44I. O polimorfismo LEP G-2548A foi associado com obesidade, após ajuste para as covariáveis: idade, hipertensão, doença arterial coronariana, tabagismo e atividade física. Mulheres com alelo G tiveram quatro vezes maior risco de obesidade que as portadoras do alelo A (OR: 4,11, CI95%: 1,06-15,90; p = 0,041). O alelo G também foi relacionado com leptina plasmática (p = 0,024) e o índice de massa corporal (p = 0,027) aumentado. A hipertensão, a hiperglicemia, a dislipidemia e a doença arterial coronariana foram associadas com obesidade. Entretanto, o polimorfismo LEP G-2548A não foi relacionado com essas variáveis. Os resultados deste estudo são sugestivos de que o polimorfismo LEP G-2548A tem papel importante na regulação da leptina plasmática e no índice de massa corporal em mulheres

    Heterogeneous coupling of the Sumatran megathrust constrained by geodetic and paleogeodetic measurements

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    Geodetic and paleogeodetic measurements of interseismic strain above the Sumatran portion of the Sunda subduction zone reveal a heterogeneous pattern of coupling. Annual banding in corals provides vertical rates of deformation spanning the last half of the 20th century, and repeated GPS surveys between 1991 and 2001 and continuous measurements at GPS stations operated since 2002 provide horizontal velocities. Near the equator, the megathrust is locked over a narrow width of only a few tens of kilometers. In contrast, the locked fault zone is up to about 175 km wide in areas where great interplate earthquakes have occurred in the past. Formal inversion of the data reveals that these strongly coupled patches are roughly coincident with asperities that ruptured during these events. The correlation is most spectacular for rupture of the M_w 8.7 Nias-Simeulue earthquake of 2005, which released half of the moment deficit that had accumulated since its previous rupture in 1861, suggesting that this earthquake was overdue. Beneath the Mentawai islands, strong coupling is observed within the overlapping rupture areas of the great earthquakes of 1797 and 1833. The accumulated slip deficit since these events is slowly reaching the amount of slip that occurred during the 1833 earthquake but already exceeds the slip that occurred during the 1797 earthquake. Thus, rerupture of part of the Mentawai patch in September 2007 was not a surprise. In contrast, coupling is low below the Batu islands near the equator and around Enggano island at about 5°S, where only moderate earthquakes (M_w < 8.0) have occurred in the past two centuries. The correlation of large seismic asperities with patches that are locked during the interseismic period suggests that they are persistent features. This interpretation is reinforced by the fact that the large locked patches and great ruptures occur beneath persistent geomorphologic features, the largest outer arc islands. Depth- and convergence-rate-dependent temperature might influence the pattern of coupling, through its effect on the rheology of the plate interface, but other influences are required to account for the observed along-strike heterogeneity of coupling. In particular, subduction of the Investigator Fracture Zone could be the cause for the low coupling near the equator

    Positive lymph node retrieval ratio optimises patient staging in colorectal cancer

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    Alternative lymph node (LN) parameters have been proposed to improve staging in colorectal cancer. This study compared these alternative parameters with conventional TNM staging in predicting long-term survival in patients undergoing curative resection. A total of 295 consecutive patients (mean age 70 years; range 39–95; s.d. 10.4) underwent resection for colorectal cancer from 2001 to 2004. Age, sex, primary tumour site, TNM stage and chemotherapy/radiotherapy were recorded. Patients with colon and rectal cancers were analysed separately for LN parameters: LN total; adequate LN retrieval (⩾12) and inadequate (<12); total number of negative LN; total number of positive LN and the ratio of positive LN to total LN (pLNR). Univariate and multivariate survival analysis was performed. The median number of LN retrieved was 10 (1–57) with adequate LN retrieval in 147 cases (49.8%). For each T and N stage, inadequate LN retrieval did not adversely affect long-term survival (P>0.05). On multivariate analysis, only pLNR was an independent predictor of overall survival in both colon and rectal cancers (HR 11.65, 95% CI 5.00–27.15, P<0.001 and HR 13.40, 95% CI 3.64–49.10, P<0.001, respectively). Application of pLNR subdivided patients into four prognostic groups. Application of the pLNR improved patient stratification in colorectal cancer and should be considered in future staging systems

    Renal Involvement in Leptospirosis: The Effect of Glycolipoprotein on Renal Water Absorption

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    on vasopressin (Vp) action in the guinea pig inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD). Copenhageni, GLPc, n = 5); Group II, IMCD from normal guinea-pigs in the presence of GLPc (GLPc group, n = 54); Group III, IMCD from injected animals with GLPc ip (n = 8). (GLPp, non pathogenic, 250 µg) did not alter Vp action. In Group III, GLPc (250 µg) injected intraperitoneally produced a decrease of about 20% in IMCD Aquaporin 2 expression.The IMCD Pf decrease caused by GLP is evidence, at least in part, towards explaining the urinary concentrating incapacity observed in infected guinea-pigs
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