158 research outputs found

    Appearance Potential Spectroscopy of Solid Surfaces

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    Among the techniques utilized for the study of unfilled density of states above the Fermi level in a system, appearance potential spectroscopy (APS) has emerged as one of the simplest. Some review papers on APS have appeared in the last decade. Since then APS has been applied to several interesting systems, the studies of which have been limited by other experimental techniques available. This paper reviews some of these applications of APS. We discuss briefly the one-electron theory describing the APS process and outline the basic experimental set-ups used by workers in this field. We then survey some important applications of this technique to simple, as well as, multi-component systems. The results of the applications cited are compared with those from other techniques wherever available. The electronic structure of transition metals, rare earths and their intermetallics as obtained from APS spectra are discussed. The phenomena of adsorption and fine structure which are dependent on the surface sensitivity of APS are also dealt with by including some interesting applications. Finally, we take into account the strengths and limitations of this technique and outline the prospects of this spectroscopy in attaining its importance among the various surface spectroscopies

    Road traffic accidents attending casualty in a tertiary care hospital : a 03 year study from South Western India

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    Background: Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is any vehicular accident occurring on the roadway i.e. originating on, terminating on, or involving a vehicle partially on the roadway. Road traffic accidents are a human tragedy which has an immeasurable impact on the families affected. The WHO estimates that over 1.2 million people pass away every year on the world’s roads, and between 20 and 50 million fall victims to non-fatal injuries.  The incidence of RTA remains poorly measured in India.Methods: The present study is conducted at casualty department of a tertiary care hospital in South Western India among victims of road traffic accident. This cross sectional study was conducted to elucidate the role of various factors involved in road traffic accidents and to study demographic profile and injury pattern among RTA victims. All the reported RTA cases from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2018 were included in the study.Results: A total of 875 cases of RTA were studied. There were 83.77%(n=733) male and 16.23%(n=142) female accident victims. Most of the patients were aged between 21 and 30 years. Monsoons witnessed 46.63%(n=408) cases. Most cases occurred between 6 and 12pm (54.4%, n=476). Commonest injury was a simple injury (72.91%, n=638), dangerous injuries (27.09% percent, n=237) and dead was (7.43%, n=65). The highest number of accidents took place in the month of June (19.09%, n=167) and on Sundays (22.17%). Among the motorized vehicles, two-wheeler drivers were more (76.91%, n=673) involved in accidents. In this study 17.60% (n=154) were under influence of alcohol while driving.Conclusions: This study shows there are multiple factors associated with road traffic accidents. Most of the factors responsible for RTA and its fatal consequences are preventable. India, as a signatory to the Brasilia declaration, intends to reduce road accidents and traffic fatalities by 50% by 2022. A comprehensive multipronged approach can mitigate most of them

    EXAFS study of intermetallics of the type RGe<SUB>2</SUB> (R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Y) Part I: determination of Ge-Ge distances

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    A study of the EXAFS associated with the K x-ray absorption discontinuity of germanium in pure germanium and in the rare-earth germanides RGe2 (where R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Y) has been carried out. The Ge-Ge distances have been obtained in these compounds. Considering the phase to the RGe2 system, the bond lengths in these compounds have been determined. The values obtained by us for the RGe2 compounds (R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy and Y) agree with those obtained earlier by crystallographic methods. The bond lengths for the compounds TbGe2, HoGe2 and ErGe2 are also being reported

    Measuring Success for a Future Vision: Defining Impact in Science Gateways/Virtual Research Environments

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    Scholars worldwide leverage science gateways/VREs for a wide variety of research and education endeavors spanning diverse scientific fields. Evaluating the value of a given science gateway/VRE to its constituent community is critical in obtaining the financial and human resources necessary to sustain operations and increase adoption in the user community. In this paper, we feature a variety of exemplar science gateways/VREs and detail how they define impact in terms of e.g., their purpose, operation principles, and size of user base. Further, the exemplars recognize that their science gateways/VREs will continuously evolve with technological advancements and standards in cloud computing platforms, web service architectures, data management tools and cybersecurity. Correspondingly, we present a number of technology advances that could be incorporated in next-generation science gateways/VREs to enhance their scope and scale of their operations for greater success/impact. The exemplars are selected from owners of science gateways in the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) clientele in the United States, and from the owners of VREs in the International Virtual Research Environment Interest Group (VRE-IG) of the Research Data Alliance. Thus, community-driven best practices and technology advances are compiled from diverse expert groups with an international perspective to envisage futuristic science gateway/VRE innovations

    Cyclodextrin Complexes of Reduced Bromonoscapine in Guar Gum Microspheres Enhance Colonic Drug Delivery

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    Here, we report improved solubility and enhanced colonic delivery of reduced bromonoscapine (Red-Br-Nos), a cyclic ether brominated analogue of noscapine, upon encapsulation of its cyclodextrin (CD) complexes in bioresponsive guar gum microspheres (GGM). Phase−solubility analysis suggested that Red-Br-Nos complexed with β-CD and methyl-β-CD in a 1:1 stoichiometry, with a stability constant (Kc) of 2.29 × 103 M−1 and 4.27 × 103 M−1. Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy indicated entrance of an O−CH2 or OCH3−C6H4−OCH3 moiety of Red-Br-Nos in the β-CD or methyl-β- CD cavity. Furthermore, the cage complex of Red-Br-Nos with β-CD and methyl-β-CD was validated by several spectral techniques. Rotating frame Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy revealed that the Ha proton of the OCH3−C6H4−OCH3 moiety was closer to the H5 proton of β-CD and the H3 proton of the methyl-β-CD cavity. The solubility of Red-Br-Nos in phosphate buffer saline (PBS, pH ∼ 7.4) was improved by ∼10.7-fold and ∼21.2-fold when mixed with β-CD and methyl-β-CD, respectively. This increase in solubility led to a favorable decline in the IC50 by ∼2-fold and ∼3-fold for Red-Br-Nos−β-CD-GGM and Red-Br-Nos−methyl-β-CD-GGM formulations respectively, compared to free Red-Br-Nos−β-CD and Red-Br-Nos−methyl-β-CD in human colon HT-29 cells. GGM-bearing drug complex formulations were found to be highly cytotoxic to the HT-29 cell line and further effective with simultaneous continuous release of Red-Br-Nos from microspheres. This is the first study to showing the preparation of drug-complex loaded GGMS for colon delivery of Red-Br-Nos that warrants preclinical assessment for the effective management of colon cancer

    Magnetic hyperthermia controlled drug release in the GI tract : solving the problem of detection

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    Drug delivery to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is highly challenging due to the harsh environments any drug- delivery vehicle must experience before it releases it’s drug payload. Effective targeted drug delivery systems often rely on external stimuli to effect release, therefore knowing the exact location of the capsule and when to apply an external stimulus is paramount. We present a drug delivery system for the GI tract based on coating standard gelatin drug capsules with a model eicosane- superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle composite coating, which is activated using magnetic hyperthermia as an on-demand release mechanism to heat and melt the coating. We also show that the capsules can be readily detected via rapid X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), vital for progressing such a system towards clinical applications. This also offers the opportunity to image the dispersion of the drug payload post release. These imaging techniques also influenced capsule content and design and the delivered dosage form. The ability to easily change design demonstrates the versatility of this system, a vital advantage for modern, patient-specific medicine
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