582 research outputs found

    Modeling of Spiking-Bursting Neural Behavior Using Two-Dimensional Map

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    A simple model that replicates the dynamics of spiking and spiking-bursting activity of real biological neurons is proposed. The model is a two-dimensional map which contains one fast and one slow variable. The mechanisms behind generation of spikes, bursts of spikes, and restructuring of the map behavior are explained using phase portrait analysis. The dynamics of two coupled maps which model the behavior of two electrically coupled neurons is discussed. Synchronization regimes for spiking and bursting activity of these maps are studied as a function of coupling strength. It is demonstrated that the results of this model are in agreement with the synchronization of chaotic spiking-bursting behavior experimentally found in real biological neurons.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Azimuthal Correlation in Lepton-Hadron Scattering via Charged Weak-Current Processes

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    We consider the azimuthal correlation of the final-state particles in charged weak-current processes. This correlation provides a test of perturbative quantum chromodynamics. The azimuthal asymmetry is large in the semi-inclusive processes in which we identify a final-state hadron, say, a charged pion compared to that in the inclusive processes in which we do not identify final-state particles and use only the calorimetric information. In semi-inclusive processes the azimuthal asymmetry is more conspicuous when the incident lepton is an antineutrino or a positron than when the incident lepton is a neutrino or an electron. We analyze all the possible charged weak-current processes and study the quantitative aspects of each process. We also compare this result to the ep scattering with a photon exchange.Comment: 25 pages, 2 Postscript figures, uses RevTeX, fixes.st

    On measuring alpha in B(t)-> rho^\pm pi^\mp

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    Defining a most economical parametrization of time-dependent B-> rho^\pm pi^\mp decays, including a measurable phase alpha_{eff} which equals the weak phase alpha in the limit of vanishing penguin amplitudes, we propose two ways for determining alpha in this processes. We explain the limitation of one method, assuming only that two relevant tree amplitudes factorize and that their relative strong phase, delta_t, is negligible. The other method, based on broken flavor SU(3), permits a determination of alpha in B^0-> rho^\pm pi^\mp in an overconstrained system using also rate measurements of B^{0,+}-> K^* pi and B^{0,+}->rho K. Current data are shown to restrict two ratios of penguin and tree amplitudes, r_\pm, to a narrow range around 0.2, and to imply an upper bound |alpha_{eff} - alpha| < 15 degrees. Assuming that delta_t is much smaller than 90 degrees, we find alpha =(93\pm 16) degrees and (102 \pm 20) degrees using BABAR and BELLE results for B(t)-> rho^\pm pi^mp. Avoiding this assumption for completeness, we demonstrate the reduction of discrete ambiguities in alpha with increased statistics, and show that SU(3) breaking effects are effectively second order in r_\pm.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, data and references updated, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Mekanisme Imbal Jasa Lingkungan Di Sub-das Cikapundung (Studi Kasus Pada Desa Cikole Dan Desa Suntenjaya Kabupaten Bandung Barat)

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    Mekanisme Imbal Jasa Lingkungan (IJL) merupakan salah satu upaya dalampengelolaan sub-DAS. Mekanisme ini telah diimplementasikan di sub-DAS Cikapundung.Kesepakatan program IJL di sub-DAS Cikapundung terjadi antara kelompok tani Giri PutriDesa Cikole dengan Pustanling dan kelompok tani Syurga Air dengan PT Aetra. BPLHDberperan sebagai mediator dalam kesepakatan ini. Pada pelaksanaannya, mekanisme IJL disub-DAS Cikapundung dikategorikan sebagai mekanisme IJL yang belum sepenuhnyamencerminkan mekanisme IJL yang berkelanjutan. Kriteria mekanisme IJL yangberkelanjutan seharusnya memenuhi aspek-aspek: realistic, voluntarily, conditional, danpro-poor (Munawir, 2009). Pada mekanisme IJL di sub-DAS Cikapundung hal ini belumsepenuhnya terjadi.Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi yangdapat dilakukan agar mekanisme IJL di sub-DAS Cikapundung menjadi berkelanjutan.Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan datadilakukan melalui wawancara dan kuisioner dengan kelompok tani Syurga Air dan GiriPutri, PT Aetra, Pustanling, BPLHD, serta LP3ES. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisiskesenjangan, analisis peran faktor dan analisis SWOT. Mekanisme IJL di sub-DASCikapundung belum berjalan secara berkelanjutan dikarenakan masalah dalamkelembagaan dalam pengelolaan dan monitoring perkembangannya di lapangan. Selain itudana yang diberikan kepada kelompok tani juga masih tergolong belum mencukupi untukaktivitas konservasi lahan. Untuk mewujudkan mekanisme IJL yang berkelanjutan makadiperlukan upaya-upaya strategis terutama dalam kaitannya dengan kelembagaan mediasikesepakatan dengan pembentukan lembaga mediator mekanisme IJL yang bukan dariinstitusi pemerintah agar fasilitasi, advokasi dan koordinasi mekanisme IJL berjalan lebihoptimal, juga perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pada regulasi terkaitIJL, meningkatkan optimalisasi setiap forum pertemuan, meningkatkan kinerjastakeholders, serta melakukan negosiasi dengan potential buyer

    Model Independent Extraction of Vbc|V_{\rm bc}| Without Heavy Quark Symmetry

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    A new method to extract Vbc|V_{\rm bc}| is proposed based on a sum--rule for semileptonic decays of the BB meson. The method relies on much weaker assumptions than previous approaches which are based on heavy--quark symmetry. This sum--rule only relies on the assumption that the virtual ccc \overline{c} pair content of the BB meson can be neglected. The extraction of the CKM matrix element also requires that the sum--rule saturates in the kinematically accessible region.Comment: 10 pages revtex3 manuscript. No figures, U. of MD PP #94--086. With our apologies, some innocuous errors corrected and some references added that had been brought to our attentio

    Quark-binding effects in inclusive decays of heavy mesons

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    We present a new approach to the analysis of quark-binding effects in inclusive decays of heavy mesons within the relativistic dispersion quark model. Various differential distributions, such as electron energy spectrum, q2q^2- and MXM_X-distributions, are calculated in terms of the BB meson soft wave function which also determines long-distance effects in exclusive transition form factors. Using the quark-model parameters and the BB meson wave function previously determined from the description of the exclusive bub \to u transitions within the same dispersion approach, we provide numerical results on various distributions in the inclusive BXclνB \to X_c l\nu decays.Comment: revtex, 18 pages, preprint HD-THEP-99-50 (Heidelberg) and RM3-TH/99-13 (Roma

    Hysteresis and bi-stability by an interplay of calcium oscillations and action potential firing

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    Many cell types exhibit oscillatory activity, such as repetitive action potential firing due to the Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics of ion channels in the cell membrane or reveal intracellular inositol triphosphate (IP3_3) mediated calcium oscillations (CaOs) by calcium-induced calcium release channels (IP3_3-receptor) in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The dynamics of the excitable membrane and that of the IP3_3-mediated CaOs have been the subject of many studies. However, the interaction between the excitable cell membrane and IP3_3-mediated CaOs, which are coupled by cytosolic calcium which affects the dynamics of both, has not been studied. This study for the first time applied stability analysis to investigate the dynamic behavior of a model, which includes both an excitable membrane and an intracellular IP3_3-mediated calcium oscillator. Taking the IP3_3 concentration as a control parameter, the model exhibits a novel rich spectrum of stable and unstable states with hysteresis. The four stable states of the model correspond in detail to previously reported growth-state dependent states of the membrane potential of normal rat kidney fibroblasts in cell culture. The hysteresis is most pronounced for experimentally observed parameter values of the model, suggesting a functional importance of hysteresis. This study shows that the four growth-dependent cell states may not reflect the behavior of cells that have differentiated into different cell types with different properties, but simply reflect four different states of a single cell type, that is characterized by a single model.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Perturbative contribution to the sin(phi) asymmetry in inclusive pi^{+} electroproduction

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    We consider the sin(phi) single target-spin asymmetry in deep-inelastic pi^{+} inclusive electroproduction off a longitudinally polarized target. We show that at larger transverse momentum of the outgoing hadron the evaluated asymmetry decreases if one takes into account the first order alpha_S perturbative contribution to the cross section, integrated over the azimuthal angle. This leads to good agreement with recent HERMES data.Comment: 4 pages with one figure, LaTeX, typos corrected. Contribution to the Proceedings of the QCD'00 Euroconference, Montpellier, 6-13th July 2000, to appear in the Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    Bloch-Nordsieck cancellations beyond logarithms in heavy particle decays

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    We investigate the one-loop radiative corrections to the semileptonic decay of a charged particle at finite gauge boson mass. Extending the Bloch-Nordsieck cancellation of infrared logarithms, the subsequent non-analytic terms are also found to vanish after eliminating the pole mass in favor of a mass defined at short distances. This observation justifies the operator product expansion for inclusive decays of heavy mesons and implies that infrared effects associated with the summation of the radiative corrections are suppressed by at least three powers of the mass of the heavy decaying particle.Comment: LATEX, 7 pages, one figure appended as uu-encoded ps-file, MPI-PhT/94-1