9,481 research outputs found

    Search For A Permanent Electric Dipole Moment Using Atomic Indium

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    We propose indium (In) as a possible candidate for observing the permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) arising from the violations of parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetries. This atom has been laser cooled and therefore the measurement of its EDM has the potential of improving on the current best EDM limit for a paramagnetic atom which comes from thallium. We report the results of our calculations of the EDM enhancement factor due to the electron EDM and the ratio of the atomic EDM to the electron-nucleus scalar-pseudoscalar (S-PS) interaction coupling constant in In in the framework of the relativistic coupled cluster theory. It might be possible to get new limits for the electron EDM and the S-PS CP violating coupling constant by combining the results of our calculations with the measured value of the EDM of In when it is available. These limits could have important implications for the standard model (SM) of particle physics.Comment: 5 pages, 1 fig, Rapid Communicatio

    State-insensitive trapping of Rb atoms: linearly versus circularly polarized lights

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    We study the cancellation of differential ac Stark shifts in the 5s and 5p states of rubidium atom using the linearly and circularly polarized lights by calculating their dynamic polarizabilities. Matrix elements were calculated using a relativistic coupled-cluster method at the single, double and important valence triple excitations approximation including all possible non-linear correlation terms. Some of the important matrix elements were further optimized using the experimental results available for the lifetimes and static polarizabilities of atomic states. "Magic wavelengths" are determined from the differential Stark shifts and results for the linearly polarized light are compared with the previously available results. Possible scope of facilitating state-insensitive optical trapping schemes using the magic wavelengths for circularly polarized light are discussed. Using the optimized matrix elements, the lifetimes of the 4d and 6s states of this atom are ameliorated.Comment: 13 pages, 13 tables and 4 figure

    Spectacular Role of Electron Correlation in the Hyperfine Interactions in 2D5/2^2D_{5/2} States in Alkaline Earth Ions

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    The low-lying n(=3,4,5)d 2D5/2^2D_{5/2} states alkaline earth ions are of vital importance in a number of different physical applications. The hyperfine structure constants of these states are characterized by unusually strong electron correlation effects. Relativistic coupled-cluster theory has been employed to carry out {\it ab initio} calculations of these constants. The role of the all order core-polarization effects was found to be decisive in obtaining good agreement of the results of our calculations with accurate measurements. The present work is an apt demonstration of the power of the coupled-cluster method to cope with strongly interacting configurations.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters, 3 figures and 5 table

    Spectroscopy on a single trapped 137Ba+ ion for nuclear magnetic octupole moment determination

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    We present precision measurements of the hyperfine intervals in the 5D3/2 manifold of a single trapped Barium ion, 137 Ba+ . Measurements of the hyperfine intervals are made between mF = 0 sublevels over a range of magnetic fields allowing us to interpolate to the zero field values with an accuracy below a few Hz, an improvement on previous measurements by three orders of magnitude. Our results, in conjunction with theoretical calculations, provide a 30-fold reduction in the uncertainty of the magnetic dipole (A) and electric quadrupole (B) hyperfine constants. In addition, we obtain the magnetic octupole constant (C) with an accuracy below 0.1 Hz. This gives a subsequent determination of the nuclear magnetic octupole moment, {\Omega}, with an uncertainty of 1% limited almost completely by the accuracy of theoretical calculations. This constitutes the first observation of the octupole moment in 137 Ba+ and the most accurately determined octupole moment to date.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Accurate estimations of circumstellar and interstellar lines of quadruply ionized vanadium using the coupled cluster approach

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    Accurate {\it ab initio} calculations have been carried out to study the valence electron removal energies and oscillator strengths of astrophysically important electromagnetic transitions of quadruply ionized vanadium, V4+V^{4+}. Many important electron correlations are considered to all-orders using the relativistic coupled-cluster theory. Calculated ionization potentials and fine structure splittings are compared with the experimental values, wherever available. To our knowledge, oscillator strengths of electric dipole transitions are predicted for the first time for most of the transitions. The transitions span in the range of ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions and are important for astrophysical observations.Comment: Submitted in Astrophysical

    Development and performance evaluation of manual/bullock operated multicrop planter for hilly region

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    In hills, sowing of various crops is generally performed manually by broadcasting of seeds, and that not only consume higher seed rate but also cause uneven distribution of seed at improper depth and moisture, poor germination, unhealthy plants and ultimately lower the yield.  To overcome these problems, a single row manual/bullock multicrop planter was designed and developed for line sowing of wheat, maize, soybean, lentil, pea, mustard, millet etc. for hilly small fields.  The power and pull requirements were 74.6 W and 12 kgf, respectively.  The machine has a nylon made cell type seed metering mechanism with 4 types of cells of different sizes on a roller, and also has a fluted roller for fertilizer metering.  Shovel type and Inverted T-type furrow openers can be used as the need.  Two persons are required to operate the machine manually by one using handle and one with bullocks.  The effective field capacity was observed 0.0378, 0.05, 0.058 and  0.056 hah-1 in wheat, lentil, mustard and pea, respectively.  The cost of operation was observed 42% less in multicrop planter with 21%-33% increase in yield as compared to traditional broadcasting method

    Generalized Brans-Dicke cosmology in the presence of matter and dark energy

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    We study the Generalized Brans-Dicke cosmology in the presence of matter and dark energy. Of particular interest for a constant Brans-Dicke parameter, the de Sitter space has also been investigated.Comment: 9 page

    Role of Mineralogy, Mineral Chemistry and Geochemistry in Mineral Processing : A case study for High Phosphorous manganese ores of Nishikhal, South Orissa, India

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    Conformable manganese ore bands are present in the khond-alite suite of rocks belonging to the Eastern Ghats Complex of South Orissa,India. The ores cart be classified as high-grade, siliceous and ferruginous. Cryptomelane, romanechite, pyrolusite, jacobsite, hausmannite, braunite, lithiophorite, birnessite and pyrophanite represent the manganese minerals. Goethite, limonite, graphite, hematite, magnetite are the associated opaque gangue minerals while quartz,orthoclase, hyalophane, garnet, kaolinite, apatite, collophane,. fibrolite,zircon, biotite and muscovite are the silicate gangue minerals recorded in these ores. Optical microscopic and Electron Probe Microanalysis studies revealed that the phosphorous, in these ores, present in the form of (i) apatite inclusions within qua-rtz, orthoclase and garnet, (ii) amorphous calcium phos-phate (collophane) within the voids of garnet, (iii) ads-orbed component within the manganese oxide and silicate phases as well as in the iron oxide phase (goethite) Geochemical studies indicated that high amount of phos-phorous is linked with ferruginous manganese ores. Regression analysis of the geochemical data suggests a strong positive correlation between P-Fe and P-Mn. Magnetic separation studies on low- and off- grade bulk manganese samples, indicated that the phosphorous contributed by apatite is relatively low (4.44 to 17.76%) compared to the phosphorous held in adsorption(82.24 to 95.56%), while the contribution of phosphorous by collophane is insignificant.The above studies confirm that the association of phosphorous in Nishikhal ores is very complex. Since most of the phosphorous is in adsorption, these low and off grade ores are expected to respond well to dephosphorisation by reduction roasting followed by magnetic separation or roast alkali leaching method

    Ab initio determination of the lifetime of the 62P3/26^2P_{3/2} state f or 207Pb+^{207}Pb^+ by relativistic many-body theory

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    Relativistic coupled-cluster(RCC) theory has been employed to calculate the life time of the 62P3/26 ^2P_{3/2} state of single ionized lead(207Pb^{207}Pb) to an accurac y of 3% and compared with the corresponding value obtained using second order r elativistic many-body perturbation theory(RMBPT). This is one of the very few ap plications of this theory to excited state properties of heavy atomic systems. C ontributions from the different electron correlation effects are given explicitl y