49 research outputs found

    Značaj ekološke metode procjene životnog ciklusa (PŽC) pri proizvodnji željeza i čelika

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    The following paper contains importance of LCA in the iron and steel industry. The metallurgy sector is highly energy intensive and the production of crude steel is associated with significant CO2 emissions. ULCOS (Ultra Low CO2 Steelmaking) is the world’s initiative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 50 % by 2 050 compared with today’s best routes from steel production by developing new breakthrough technologies. A new environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method has been undertaken in ULCOS as the most holistic approach of assessing environmental impact and selecting new technologies. Usage of LCA enables to compare alternative metallurgical technologies.Ovaj rad prikazuje važnost metode procjene životnog ciklusa (PŽS) u proizvodnji željeza i čelika. Metalurgija zahtijeva velike količine energije i proizvodnja čelika je povezana sa značajnom emisijom CO2. Vrlo niska emisija CO2 u proizvodnji čelika (VNECO2PČ) je svjetska inicijativa da se razvijanjem novih tehnologija do 2 050 smanji sadržaj CO2 na 50% u odnosu na današnje najpogodnije postupke. Nova ekološka metoda procjene životnog ciklusa je sastavni dio projekta vrlo niske emisije CO2 u proizvodnji čelika omogućuje holistički pristup procjene utjecaja na okoliš i odabira novih tehnologija. Korištenje procjene životnog ciklusa omogućuje usporedbu alternativnih metalurških tehnologija

    Chemometric study of the sinter mixtures used in sinter plants in Poland

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    The main goal of the study was the analysis of chemical parameters of sinter mixtures used in sinter plants in Poland. For this purpose the chemometric method was used, in this case hierarchical clustering analysis. This method allowed to examine the similarities and differences between the studied sinter mixtures

    Chemical composition analysis of raw materials used in iron ore sinter plants in Poland

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    The main goal of the study was the analysis of the chemical compositions of raw materials used in iron ore sinter plants in Poland. The iron ore sintering process is the largest source of emissions of dust and gas pollution in the iron and steel industry. Hematite ores, magnetite concentrates, admixtures (dolomite, limestone and burnt lime), fuels (coke breeze, anthracite) and by-products are used in Poland to produce the sinter mixture

    Harmful admixtures assessment in sinter mixtures used in iron ore sinter plants in Poland

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    In this study composition of sinter mixtures used in Polish sinter plants were established. Seven sinter mixtures composition were examined, based on iron-bearing materials, admixtures and fuels. Contents of harmful admixtures were examined according to three kinds of environmental impacts: emissions of SOx, heavy metals, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs)

    Primjena nove smjese i tehnologije granulacije sirovine za proces sinterovanje željezne rude

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    This paper presents a new technology for preparing the mixture for iron ore sintering process. The nature of component mixing and granulation has been discussed. The application of the intensive mixer in the preparation of the process components has been shown. The results of the analysis of the sintering mixture granulation process using laboratory installation for mixing and granulation have been presented.Članak donosi nove tehnologije za primjenu smjese za sinterovanje željezne rude. Raspravljena je priroda komponenti smjese i granulacija. Prikazana je intenzivna primjena smjese u pripremnom procesu komponenti. Prikazani su, rabljenjem laboratorijske opreme za smjesu i granulaciju, rezultati analiza granulacije sinterovane smjese

    Depletion of abiotic resources in the steel production in Poland

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    Steelmaking processes consume a lot of energy and materials, therefore researchers are constantly looking for new ways of reducing the consumption of resources in the production processes. The main purpose of the article is to present abiotic resource depletion the in steel production in the case of integrated steelmaking route in Poland and its role in life cycle assessment. There are different methods of life cycle assessment for abiotic resources, the use of which affects the quality of the obtained information. The article presents some results of life cycle assessment of abiotic depletion

    Water scarcity assessment of steel production in national integrated steelmaking route

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    The main goal of the study was the assessment of the water scarcity in steel production in integrated steelmaking route in Poland. The main goal of Water footprint (WF) is quantifying and mapping of direct and indirect water use in life cycle of product or technology. In the paper Water Scarcity Indicators (WSI) for steel production and unit processes in integrated steelmaking route was performed

    Innovative technologies for greenhouse gas emission reduction in steel production

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    The main goal of the study was to present the most significant technological innovations aiming at reduction of greenhouse gas emission in steel production. Reduction of greenhouse gas and dust pollution is a very important aspect in the iron and steel industry. New solutions are constantly being searched for to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG). The article presents the most recent innovative technologies which may be applied in the steel industry in order to limit the emission of GHG. The significance of CCS (CO2 Capture and Storage) and CCU (CO2 Capture and Utilization) in the steel industry are also discussed

    An environmental evaluation of food waste downstream management options: a hybrid LCA approach

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    Food waste treatment methods have been typically analysed using current energy generation conditions. To correctly evaluate treatment methods, they must be compared under existing and potential decarbonisation scenarios. This paper holistically quantifies the environmental impacts of three food waste downstream management options—incineration, composting, and anaerobic digestion (AD). Methods The assessment was carried out using a novel hybrid input–output-based life cycle assessment method (LCA), for 2014, and in a future decarbonised economy. The method introduces expanded system boundaries which reduced the level of incompleteness, a previous limitation of process-based LCA. Results Using the 2014 UK energy mix, composting achieved the best score for seven of 14 environmental impacts, while AD scored second best for ten. Incineration had the highest environmental burdens in six impacts. Uncertainties in the LCA data made it difficult determine best treatment option. There was significant environmental impact from capital goods, meaning current treatment facilities should be used for their full lifespan. Hybrid IO LCA’s included additional processes and reduced truncation error increasing overall captured environmental impacts of composting, AD, and incineration by 26, 10 and 26%, respectively. Sensitivity and Monte Carlo analysis evaluate the methods robustness and illustrate the uncertainty of current LCA methods. Major implication: hybrid IO-LCA approaches must become the new norm for LCA. Conclusion This study provided a deeper insight of the overall environmental performance of downstream food waste treatment options including ecological burdens associated with capital goods. Keywords Anaerobic digestion Incineration Composting Food waste Hybrid life cycle assessment Capital good

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) application in industrial processes analyses

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    W pracy przedstawiono technikę zarządzania środowiskowego – ocenę cyklu życia (LCA – Life Cycle Assessment). Podstawą LCA jest wykonanie bilansu ekologicznego. Jego celem jest ograniczenie negatywnego oddziaływania na środowisko w poszczególnych fazach wytwarzania, eksploatacji i likwidacji poużytkowej wyrobu. Aspekty oddziaływania na środowisko są integralnym elementem ekobilansu i jednym z etapów LCA. W hutnictwie żelaza i stali ocenę oddziaływania na środowisko prowadzi się uwzględniając najważniejsze kategorie wpływu na środowisko – efekt cieplarniany i zużycie energii, dlatego w tej branży prowadzi się badania w celu ograniczenia emisji CO2. ULCOS to przykład pierwszego globalnego projektu Europejskiej Platformy Technologicznej Stali mającego znacznie zmniejszyć emisje CO2. Jest to obecnie największe przedsięwzięcie na świecie. W sektorze metalurgicznym analizy LCA wykonuje się w ramach Międzynarodowego Instytutu Żelaza i Stali.The work is presented Life Cycle Assessment LCA. LCA is an environmental assessment tool for evaluation of impacts that a product or process has on the environment over the entire period of its life – from the extraction of the raw material from which it is made, through the manufacturing, packaging and marketing processes, and the use, re–use and maintenance of the product, and on to its eventual recycling or disposal as waste at the end of its useful life. The environmental aspects are very important as all metallurgical industries are burdensome to the environment. LCA study in steel industry is widely developing in the world. ULCOS (Ultra Low CO2 Steelmaking) is today the largest endeavour within the steel industry worldwide proactively looking for solutions to the threat of global warming. LCA work within Worldsteel in steel industry