401 research outputs found

    Type-Constrained Representation Learning in Knowledge Graphs

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    Large knowledge graphs increasingly add value to various applications that require machines to recognize and understand queries and their semantics, as in search or question answering systems. Latent variable models have increasingly gained attention for the statistical modeling of knowledge graphs, showing promising results in tasks related to knowledge graph completion and cleaning. Besides storing facts about the world, schema-based knowledge graphs are backed by rich semantic descriptions of entities and relation-types that allow machines to understand the notion of things and their semantic relationships. In this work, we study how type-constraints can generally support the statistical modeling with latent variable models. More precisely, we integrated prior knowledge in form of type-constraints in various state of the art latent variable approaches. Our experimental results show that prior knowledge on relation-types significantly improves these models up to 77% in link-prediction tasks. The achieved improvements are especially prominent when a low model complexity is enforced, a crucial requirement when these models are applied to very large datasets. Unfortunately, type-constraints are neither always available nor always complete e.g., they can become fuzzy when entities lack proper typing. We show that in these cases, it can be beneficial to apply a local closed-world assumption that approximates the semantics of relation-types based on observations made in the data

    SemLAV: Local-As-View Mediation for SPARQL Queries

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    International audienceThe Local-As-View(LAV) integration approach aims at querying heterogeneous data in dynamic environments. In LAV, data sources are described as views over a global schema which is used to pose queries. Query processing requires to generate and execute query rewritings, but for SPARQL queries, the LAV query rewritings may not be generated or executed in a reasonable time. In this paper, we present SemLAV, an alternative technique to process SPARQL queries over a LAV integration system without generating rewritings. SemLAV executes the query against a partial instance of the global schema which is built on-the-fly with data from the relevant views. The paper presents an experimental study for SemLAV, and compares its performance with traditional LAV-based query processing techniques. The results suggest that SemLAV scales up to SPARQL queries even over a large number of views, while it significantly outperforms traditional solutions

    On correctness in RDF stream processor benchmarking

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    Two complementary benchmarks have been proposed so far for the evaluation and continuous improvement of RDF stream processors: SRBench and LSBench. They put a special focus on different features of the evaluated systems, including coverage of the streaming extensions of SPARQL supported by each processor, query processing throughput, and an early analysis of query evaluation correctness, based on comparing the results obtained by different processors for a set of queries. However, none of them has analysed the operational semantics of these processors in order to assess the correctness of query evaluation results. In this paper, we propose a characterization of the operational semantics of RDF stream processors, adapting well-known models used in the stream processing engine community: CQL and SECRET. Through this formalization, we address correctness in RDF stream processor benchmarks, allowing to determine the multiple answers that systems should provide. Finally, we present CSRBench, an extension of SRBench to address query result correctness verification using an automatic method

    Wikipedia as an encyclopaedia of life

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    In his 2003 essay E O Wilson outlined his vision for an “encyclopaedia of life” comprising “an electronic page for each species of organism on Earth”, each page containing “the scientific name of the species, a pictorial or genomic presentation of the primary type specimen on which its name is based, and a summary of its diagnostic traits.” Although the “quiet revolution” in biodiversity informatics has generated numerous online resources, including some directly inspired by Wilson's essay (e.g., "http://ispecies.org":http://ispecies.org, "http://www.eol.org":http://www.eol.org), we are still some way from the goal of having available online all relevant information about a species, such as its taxonomy, evolutionary history, genomics, morphology, ecology, and behaviour. While the biodiversity community has been developing a plethora of databases, some with overlapping goals and duplicated content, Wikipedia has been slowly growing to the point where it now has over 100,000 pages on biological taxa. My goal in this essay is to explore the idea that, largely independent of the efforts of biodiversity informatics and well-funded international efforts, Wikipedia ("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) has emerged as potentially the best platform for fulfilling E O Wilson’s vision

    Where the streets have known names

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    Street names provide important insights into the local culture, history, and politics of places. Linked open data provide a wealth of knowledge that can be associated with street names, enabling novel ways to explore cultural geographies. This paper presents a three-fold contribution. We present (1) a technique to establish a correspondence between street names and the entities that they refer to. The method is based on Wikidata, a knowledge base derived from Wikipedia. The accuracy of this mapping is evaluated on a sample of streets in Rome. As this approach reaches limited coverage, we propose to tap local knowledge with (2) a simple web platform. Users can select the best correspondence from the calculated ones or add another entity not discovered by the automated process. As a result, we design (3) an enriched OpenStreetMap web map where each street name can be explored in terms of the properties of its associated entity. Through several filters, this tool is a first step towards the interactive exploration of toponymy, showing how open data can reveal facets of the cultural texture that pervades places

    GUN: An Efficient Execution Strategy for Querying the Web of Data

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    International audienceLocal-As-View (LAV) mediators provide a uniform interface to a federation of heterogeneous data sources, attempting to execute queries against the federation. LAV mediators rely on query rewriters to translate mediator queries into equivalent queries on the federated data sources. The query rewriting problem in LAV mediators has shown to be NP-complete, and there may be an exponential number of rewritings, making unfeasible the execution or even generation of all the rewritings for some queries. The complexity of this problem can be particularly impacted when queries and data sources are described using SPARQL conjunctive queries, for which millions of rewritings could be generated. We aim at providing an efficient solution to the problem of executing LAV SPARQL query rewritings while the gathered answer is as complete as possible. We formulate the Result-Maximal k-Execution problem (ReMakE) as the problem of maximizing the query results obtained from the execution of only k rewritings. Additionally, a novel query execution strategy called GUN is proposed to solve the ReMakE problem. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that GUN outperforms traditional techniques in terms of answer completeness and execution time

    SRBench: A streaming RDF/SPARQL benchmark

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    We introduce SRBench, a general-purpose benchmark primarily designed for streaming RDF/SPARQL engines, completely based on real-world data sets from the Linked Open Data cloud. With the increasing problem of too much streaming data but not enough tools to gain knowledge from them, researchers have set out for solutions in which Semantic Web technologies are adapted and extended for publishing, sharing, analysing and understanding streaming data. To help researchers and users comparing streaming RDF/SPARQL (strRS) engines in a standardised application scenario, we have designed SRBench, with which one can assess the abilities of a strRS engine to cope with a broad range of use cases typically encountered in real-world scenarios. The data sets used in the benchmark have been carefully chosen, such that they represent a realistic and relevant usage of streaming data. The benchmark defines a concise, yet omprehensive set of queries that cover the major aspects of strRS processing. Finally, our work is complemented with a functional evaluation on three representative strRS engines: SPARQLStream, C-SPARQL and CQELS. The presented results are meant to give a first baseline and illustrate the state-of-the-art

    Mind the Cultural Gap: Bridging Language-Specific DBpedia Chapters for Question Answering

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    International audienceIn order to publish information extracted from language specific pages of Wikipedia in a structured way, the Semantic Web community has started an effort of internationalization of DBpedia. Language specific DBpedia chapters can contain very different information from one language to another, in particular they provide more details on certain topics, or fill information gaps. Language specific DBpedia chapters are well connected through instance interlinking, extracted from Wikipedia. An alignment between properties is also carried out by DBpedia contributors as a mapping from the terms in Wikipedia to a common ontology, enabling the exploitation of information coming from language specific DBpedia chapters. However, the mapping process is currently incomplete, it is time-consuming as it is performed manually, and it may lead to the introduction of redundant terms in the ontology. In this chapter we first propose an approach to automatically extend the existing alignments, and we then present an extension of QAKiS, a system for Question Answering over Linked Data that allows to query language specific DB-pedia chapters relying on the above mentioned property alignment. In the current version of QAKiS, English, French and German DBpedia chapters are queried using a natural language interface
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