1,419 research outputs found

    Symbol synchronization in convolutionally coded systems

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    Alternate symbol inversion is sometimes applied to the output of convolutional encoders to guarantee sufficient richness of symbol transition for the receiver symbol synchronizer. A bound is given for the length of the transition-free symbol stream in such systems, and those convolutional codes are characterized in which arbitrarily long transition free runs occur

    Scaling graphs of heart rate time series in athletes demonstrate the VLF, LF and HF regions

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    Scaling analysis of heart rate time series has emerged as an useful tool for assessment of autonomic cardiac control. We investigate the heart rate time series of ten athletes (five males and five females), by applying detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). High resolution ECGs are recorded under standardized resting conditions over 30 minutes and subsequently heart rate time series are extracted and artefacts filtered. We find three distinct regions of scale-invariance, which correspond to the well-known VLF, LF, and HF bands in the power spectra of heart rate variability. The scaling exponents alpha are alphaHF: 1.15 [0.96-1.22], alphaLF: 0.68 [0.57-0.84], alphaVLF: 0.83[0.82-0.99]; p<10^-5). In conclusion, DFA scaling exponents of heart rate time series should be fitted to the VLF, LF, and HF ranges, respectively

    Complete Solving for Explicit Evaluation of Gauss Sums in the Index 2 Case

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    Let pp be a prime number, q=pfq=p^f for some positive integer ff, NN be a positive integer such that gcd⁥(N,p)=1\gcd(N,p)=1, and let \k be a primitive multiplicative character of order NN over finite field \fq. This paper studies the problem of explicit evaluation of Gauss sums in "\textsl{index 2 case}" (i.e. f=\f{\p(N)}{2}=[\zn:\pp], where \p(\cd) is Euler function). Firstly, the classification of the Gauss sums in index 2 case is presented. Then, the explicit evaluation of Gauss sums G(\k^\la) (1\laN-1) in index 2 case with order NN being general even integer (i.e. N=2^{r}\cd N_0 where r,N0r,N_0 are positive integers and N03N_03 is odd.) is obtained. Thus, the problem of explicit evaluation of Gauss sums in index 2 case is completely solved

    Adaptive Dispersion Compensation for Remote Fiber Delivery of NIR Femtosecond Pulses

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    We report on remote delivery of 25 pJ broadband near-infrared femtosecond light pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser through 150 meters of single-mode optical fiber. Pulse distortion due to dispersion is overcome with pre-compensation using adaptive pulse shaping techniques, while nonlinearities are mitigated using an SF10 rod for the final stage of pulse compression. Near transform limited pulse duration of 130 fs is measured after the final compression.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Investigating the impact of feedback update interval on the efficacy of restorative brain–computer interfaces

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    Restorative brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have been proposed to enhance stroke rehabilitation. Restorative BCIs are able to close the sensorimotor loop by rewarding motor imagery (MI) with sensory feedback. Despite the promising results from early studies, reaching clinically significant outcomes in a timely fashion is yet to be achieved. This lack of efficacy may be due to suboptimal feedback provision. To the best of our knowledge, the optimal feedback update interval (FUI) during MI remains unexplored. There is evidence that sensory feedback disinhibits the motor cortex. Thus, in this study, we explore how shorter than usual FUIs affect behavioural and neurophysiological measures following BCI training for stroke patients using a single-case proof-of-principle study design. The action research arm test was used as the primary behavioural measure and showed a clinically significant increase (36%) over the course of training. The neurophysiological measures including motor evoked potentials and maximum voluntary contraction showed distinctive changes in early and late phases of BCI training. Thus, this preliminary study may pave the way for running larger studies to further investigate the effect of FUI magnitude on the efficacy of restorative BCIs. It may also elucidate the role of early and late phases of motor learning along the course of BCI training

    Proprioceptive feedback facilitates motor imagery-related operant learning of sensorimotor ÎČ-band modulation

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    Motor imagery (MI) activates the sensorimotor system independent of actual movements and might be facilitated by neurofeedback. Knowledge on the interaction between feedback modality and the involved frequency bands during MI-related brain self-regulation is still scarce. Previous studies compared the cortical activity during the MI task with concurrent feedback (MI with feedback condition) to cortical activity during the relaxation task where no feedback was provided (relaxation without feedback condition). The observed differences might, therefore, be related to either the task or the feedback. A proper comparison would necessitate studying a relaxation condition with feedback and a MI task condition without feedback as well. Right-handed healthy subjects performed two tasks, i.e., MI and relaxation, in alternating order. Each of the tasks (MI vs. relaxation) was studied with and without feedback. The respective event-driven oscillatory activity, i.e., sensorimotor desynchronization (during MI) or synchronization (during relaxation), was rewarded with contingent feedback. Importantly, feedback onset was delayed to study the task-related cortical activity in the absence of feedback provision during the delay period. The reward modality was alternated every 15 trials between proprioceptive and visual feedback. Proprioceptive input was superior to visual input to increase the range of task-related spectral perturbations in the α- and ÎČ-band, and was necessary to consistently achieve MI-related sensorimotor desynchronization (ERD) significantly below baseline. These effects occurred in task periods without feedback as well. The increased accuracy and duration of learned brain self-regulation achieved in the proprioceptive condition was specific to the ÎČ-band. MI-related operant learning of brain self-regulation is facilitated by proprioceptive feedback and mediated in the sensorimotor ÎČ-band

    Coherent strong-field control of multiple states by a single chirped femtosecond laser pulse

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    We present a joint experimental and theoretical study on strong-field photo-ionization of sodium atoms using chirped femtosecond laser pulses. By tuning the chirp parameter, selectivity among the population in the highly excited states 5p, 6p, 7p and 5f, 6f is achieved. Different excitation pathways enabling control are identified by simultaneous ionization and measurement of photoelectron angular distributions employing the velocity map imaging technique. Free electron wave packets at an energy of around 1 eV are observed. These photoelectrons originate from two channels. The predominant 2+1+1 Resonance Enhanced Multi-Photon Ionization (REMPI) proceeds via the strongly driven two-photon transition 4s←←3s4s\leftarrow\leftarrow3s, and subsequent ionization from the states 5p, 6p and 7p whereas the second pathway involves 3+1 REMPI via the states 5f and 6f. In addition, electron wave packets from two-photon ionization of the non-resonant transiently populated state 3p are observed close to the ionization threshold. A mainly qualitative five-state model for the predominant excitation channel is studied theoretically to provide insights into the physical mechanisms at play. Our analysis shows that by tuning the chirp parameter the dynamics is effectively controlled by dynamic Stark-shifts and level crossings. In particular, we show that under the experimental conditions the passage through an uncommon three-state "bow-tie" level crossing allows the preparation of coherent superposition states

    Coherent control using adaptive learning algorithms

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    We have constructed an automated learning apparatus to control quantum systems. By directing intense shaped ultrafast laser pulses into a variety of samples and using a measurement of the system as a feedback signal, we are able to reshape the laser pulses to direct the system into a desired state. The feedback signal is the input to an adaptive learning algorithm. This algorithm programs a computer-controlled, acousto-optic modulator pulse shaper. The learning algorithm generates new shaped laser pulses based on the success of previous pulses in achieving a predetermined goal.Comment: 19 pages (including 14 figures), REVTeX 3.1, updated conten

    A note on the Griesmer bound

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    Griesmer's lower bound for the word length n of a linear code of dimension k and minimum distance d is shown to be sharp for fixed k, when d is sufficiently large. For k ≀ 6 and all d the minimum word length is determined
