61 research outputs found

    Empirical analysis of socio-economic determinants of maternal health services utilisation in Burundi

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    BACKGROUND: Timely and appropriate health care during pregnancy and childbirth are the pillars of better maternal health outcomes. However, factors such as poverty and low education levels, long distances to a health facility, and high costs of health services may present barriers to timely access and utilisation of maternal health services. Despite antenatal care (ANC), delivery and postnatal care being free at the point of use in Burundi, utilisation of these services remains low: between 2011 and 2017, only 49% of pregnant women attended at least four ANC visits. This study explores the socio-economic determinants that affect utilisation of maternal health services in Burundi. METHODS: We use data from the 2016-2017 Burundi Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) collected from 8941 women who reported a live birth in the five years that preceded the survey. We use multivariate regression analysis to explore which individual-, household-, and community-level factors determine the likelihood that women will seek ANC services from a trained health professional, the number of ANC visits they make, and the choice of assisted childbirth. RESULTS: Occupation, marital status, and wealth increase the likelihood that women will seek ANC services from a trained health professional. The likelihood that a woman consults a trained health professional for ANC services is 18 times and 16 times more for married women and women living in partnership, respectively. More educated women and those who currently live a union or partnership attend more ANC visits than non-educated women and women not in union. At higher birth orders, women tend to not attend ANC visits. The more ANC visits attended, and the wealthier women are; the more likely they are to have assisted childbirth. Women who complete four or more ANC visits are 14 times more likely to have an assisted childbirth. CONCLUSIONS: In Burundi, utilisation of maternal health services is low and is mainly driven by legal union and wealth status. To improve equitable access to maternal health services for vulnerable population groups such as those with lower wealth status and unmarried women, the government should consider certain demand stimulating policy packages targeted at these groups

    The clinical utility of prostate cancer heterogeneity using texture analysis of multiparametric MRI

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    Purpose To determine if multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) derived filtration-histogram based texture analysis (TA) can differentiate between different Gleason scores (GS) and the D’Amico risk in prostate cancer. Methods We retrospectively studied patients whose pre-operative 1.5T mpMRI had shown a visible tumour and who subsequently underwent radical prostatectomy (RP). Guided by tumour location from the histopathology report, we drew a region of interest around the dominant visible lesion on a single axial slice on the T2, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) map and early arterial phase post-contrast T1 image. We then performed TA with a filtration-histogram software (TexRAD -Feedback Medical Ltd, Cambridge, UK). We correlated GS and D’Amico risk with texture using the Spearman’s rank correlation test. Results We had 26 RP patients with an MR-visible tumour. Mean of positive pixels (MPP) on ADC showed a significant negative correlation with GS at coarse texture scales. MPP showed a significant negative correlation with GS without filtration and with medium filtration. MRI contrast texture without filtration showed a significant, negative correlation with D’Amico score. MR T2 texture showed a significant, negative correlation with the D’Amico risk, particularly at textures without filtration, medium texture scales and coarse texture scales. Conclusion ADC map mpMRI TA correlated negatively with GS, and T2 and post-contrast images with the D’Amico risk score. These associations may allow for better assessment of disease prognosis and a non-invasive method of follow-up for patients on surveillance. Further, identifying clinically significant prostate cancer is essential to reduce harm from over-diagnosis and over-treatment

    Feminisation of the health workforce and wage conditions of health professions: an exploratory analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The feminisation of the global health workforce presents a unique challenge for human resource policy and health sector reform which requires an explicit gender focus. Relatively little is known about changes in the gender composition of the health workforce and its impact on drivers of global health workforce dynamics such as wage conditions. In this article, we use a gender analysis to explore if the feminisation of the global health workforce leads to a deterioration of wage conditions in health. METHODS: We performed an exploratory, time series analysis of gender disaggregated WageIndicator data. We explored global gender trends, wage gaps and wage conditions over time in selected health occupations. We analysed a sample of 25 countries over 9 years between 2006 and 2014, containing data from 970,894 individuals, with 79,633 participants working in health occupations (48,282 of which reported wage data). We reported by year, country income level and health occupation grouping. RESULTS: The health workforce is feminising, particularly in lower- and upper-middle-income countries. This was associated with a wage gap for women of 26 to 36% less than men, which increased over time. In lower- and upper-middle-income countries, an increasing proportion of women in the health workforce was associated with an increasing gender wage gap and decreasing wage conditions. The gender wage gap was pronounced in both clinical and allied health professions and over lower-middle-, upper-middle- and high-income countries, although the largest gender wage gaps were seen in allied healthcare occupations in lower-middle-income countries. CONCLUSION: These results, if a true reflection of the global health workforce, have significant implications for health policy and planning and highlight tensions between current, purely economic, framing of health workforce dynamics and the need for more extensive gender analysis. They also highlight the value of a more nuanced approach to health workforce planning that is gender sensitive, specific to countries' levels of development, and considers specific health occupations

    Assessing the infection burden and associated risk factors in children under 5 across Jaipurs urban slums: A feasibility study using a One Health approach

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    Purpose: Infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death among children under five (U5s) across both India & globally. This is worse in slum environments with poor access to water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH), good nutrition & a safe built environment. / Globally, a One Health (e.g. human, animal & environment) approach is increasingly advocated by WHO, FAO & OIE to reduce infections & antimicrobial resistance. As U5s living in peri-urban slums are exposed to household and community owned companion & livestock animals and pests, the CHIP Consortium hypothesized that utilizing a One Health approach to co-produce behavior change & slum upgrading interventions may reduce this burden where other WASH & nutrition interventions have failed. / This study aimed to assess the feasibility of utilising a One Health approach to assess U5 infection & risk factor prevalence in Jaipurs urban slums prior to undertaking prospective cohort studies involving culture and culture independent sampling of U5s and animals across our study sites in Jaipur, Jakarta & Antofagasta. / Methods: We administered a Rapid Household Survey to 25 purposely selected households across six slums. The questionnaire evaluated infection prevalence, health seeking behaviors, the built environment, presence of animals & pests, and individual to household-level demographics. Associations were calculated using correlations among continuous variables to show strength of significance between continuous variables. / Results: We found a high incidence of infections in children under five at 40%. This was most significantly correlated with accessibility of sanitary toilets (r = .62) and household expenditure. Vaccination coverage and child characteristics (such as size) were minimally correlated, while the presence of animals (pets or pests) was not correlated; the latter was likely due to the design of the survey. / Conclusion: This study found a higher infection prevalence than previous studies. We also found higher correlations with infection incidence among household-level characteristics, indicating that effective interventions need to address both the built and socio-economic environments. A pilot prospective cohort study, which includes researcher observations for the presence of animals to account for inconsistencies in the survey, is now underway

    The response to COVID-19 among drug retail outlets in Indonesia: A cross-sectional survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices

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    Background: Pharmacists have been at the frontline of the COVID-19 response in Indonesia, providing medicines, advice, and referral services often in areas with limited healthcare access. This study aimed to explore their knowledge, attitudes, and practices during the pandemic, so that we can be better prepared for future emergencies. / Methods: A cross-sectional online survey of community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Indonesia was conducted between July and August 2020. The dataset was analysed descriptively, and logistic regression was used to explore willingness to participate in COVID-19 interventions. / Findings: 4716 respondents participated in the survey. Two-thirds (66·7%) reported knowing only “a little” about COVID-19 and around a quarter (26·6%) said they had not received any COVID-19 guidelines. Almost all were concerned about being infected (97·2%) and regularly took steps to protect themselves and their clients (87·2%). Stock-outs of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other products (32·3%) was the main reason for not taking any precautions. Around a third (37·7%) mentioned having dispensed antibiotics to clients suspected of having COVID-19. To support COVID-19 response efforts, most respondents were willing to provide verbal advice to clients (97·8%), distribute leaflets to clients (97·7%), and participate in surveillance activities (88·8%). Older respondents, those identifying as male, and those working in smaller outlets were more willing to provide information leaflets. Those working in smaller outlets were also more willing to engage in outbreak surveillance. / Interpretation: Drug retail outlets continue to operate at the frontline of disease outbreaks and pandemics around the world. These providers have an important role to play by helping to reduce the burden on facilities and providing advice and treatment. To fulfil this role, drug retail outlets require regular access to accurate guidelines and steady supplies of PPE. Calls for drug retail outlet staff to plat in response efforts including the provision of information to clients and surveillance could ease escalating pressures on the health system during future outbreaks. / Funding: This study was funded by a grant from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, under the Stronger Health Systems for Health Security Scheme


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    The results of various embodiments study of the hardware and software phase-locked loops, suggesting possible variants of generalized mathematical models of the multi-systems as well as devices with a cyclic interrupt mode-locked are presented. One of the possible algorithms of phase-locked loops software functioning is offered.Приведены результаты исследования различных вариантов реализации аппаратных и программных систем фазовой синхронизации, предложены возможные варианты построения обобщенных математических моделей многокольцевых систем, а также устройств с циклическим прерыванием режима автоподстройки. Предложен один из возможных алгоритмов функционирования программной системы фазовой синхронизации

    Novel CARMIL2 loss-of-function variants are associated with pediatric inflammatory bowel disease

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    CARMIL2 is required for CD28-mediated co-stimulation of NF-kappa B signaling in T cells and its deficiency has been associated with primary immunodeficiency and, recently, very early onset inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Here we describe the identification of novel biallelic CARMIL2 variants in three patients presenting with pediatric-onset IBD and in one with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS). None manifested overt clinical signs of immunodeficiency before their diagnosis. The first patient presented with very early onset IBD. His brother was found homozygous for the same CARMIL2 null variant and diagnosed with APS. Two other IBD patients were found homozygous for a nonsense and a missense CARMIL2 variant, respectively, and they both experienced a complicated postoperative course marked by severe infections. Immunostaining of bowel biopsies showed reduced CARMIL2 expression in all the three patients with IBD. Western blot and immunofluorescence of transfected cells revealed an altered expression pattern of the missense variant. Our work expands the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of CARMIL2 deficiency, which can present with either IBD or APS, aside from classic immunodeficiency manifestations. CARMIL2 should be included in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected monogenic IBD

    Point-of-care testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections to improve birth outcomes in high-burden, low-income settings: Study protocol for a cluster randomized crossover trial (the WANTAIM Trial, Papua New Guinea) [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Chlamydia trachomatis , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis have been associated with preterm birth and low birth weight, and are highly prevalent among pregnant women in many low- and middle-income settings. There is conflicting evidence on the potential benefits of screening and treating these infections in pregnancy. Newly available diagnostic technologies make it possible, for the first time, to conduct definitive field trials to fill this knowledge gap. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate whether antenatal point-of-care testing and immediate treatment of these curable sexually transmitted and genital infections (STIs) leads to reduction in preterm birth and low birth weight. Methods : The Women and Newborn Trial of Antenatal Interventions and Management (WANTAIM) is a cluster-randomised crossover trial in Papua New Guinea to compare point-of-care STI testing and immediate treatment with standard antenatal care (which includes the WHO-endorsed STI ‘syndromic’ management strategy based on clinical features alone without laboratory confirmation). The unit of randomisation is a primary health care facility and its catchment communities. The primary outcome is a composite measure of two events: the proportion of women and their newborns in each trial arm, who experience either preterm birth (delivery <37 completed weeks of gestation as determined by ultrasound) and/or low birth weight (<2500 g measured within 72 hours of birth). The trial will also evaluate neonatal outcomes, as well as the cost-effectiveness, acceptability and health system requirements of this strategy, compared with standard care. Conclusions: WANTAIM is the first randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, acceptability and health system requirements of point-of-care STI testing and treatment to improve birth outcomes in high-burden settings. If the intervention is proven to have an impact, the trial will hasten access to these technologies and could improve maternal and neonatal health in high-burden settings worldwide. Registration: ISRCTN37134032