78 research outputs found

    Growth without finance, finance without growth

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    The international comparative evidence on the nexus between finance and growth is ambiguous, owing to the many difficulties in isolating finance, separating its growth effect from that of the other factors. To overcome this problem, we study the effects of financial development on growth from 1960 to 2010 in one country – Italy. Thus we have the same political, legal and regulatory framework but also sharply differing development conditions between regions. After World War II Italy achieved an “economic miracle” similar to what China and India are now experiencing, followed by a lengthy phase of decline. Accordingly, we can distinguish the effect of financial development on growth from other potential causal factors while also considering regions with sharply different economic conditions. Our results show that from 1960 to 1980, when the Italian “economic miracle” was still under way, finance played no significant role in favouring the surge in economic growth, which most likely depended on internal consumption. Between 1980 and 2010, by contrast, the great expansion of Italian financial markets and institutions did have a positive effect on regional economic performance, but overall growth rates were nevertheless low. Although our empirical evidence supports the view that finance is more important for growth in less highly developed regions, it also shows that financial development has not helped to overcome the Italian economic divide

    Recent advances on smart glycoconjugate vaccines in infections and cancer

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    Vaccination is one of the greatest achievements in biomedical research preventing death and morbidity in many infectious diseases through the induction of pathogen-specific humoral and cellular immune responses. Currently, no effective vaccines are available for pathogens with a highly variable antigenic load, such as the human immunodeficiency virus or to induce cellular T-cell immunity in the fight against cancer. The recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has reinforced the relevance of designing smart therapeutic vaccine modalities to ensure public health. Indeed, academic and private companies have ongoing joint efforts to develop novel vaccine prototypes for this virus. Many pathogens are covered by a dense glycan-coat, which form an attractive target for vaccine development. Moreover, many tumor types are characterized by altered glycosylation profiles that are known as “tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens”. Unfortunately, glycans do not provoke a vigorous immune response and generally serve as T-cell-independent antigens, not eliciting protective immunoglobulin G responses nor inducing immunological memory. A close and continuous crosstalk between glycochemists and glycoimmunologists is essential for the successful development of efficient immune modulators. It is clear that this is a key point for the discovery of novel approaches, which could significantly improve our understanding of the immune system. In this review, we discuss the latest advancements in development of vaccines against glycan epitopes to gain selective immune responses and to provide an overview on the role of different immunogenic constructs in improving glycovaccine efficacy

    Side-Payments and the Costs of Conflict

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    Conflict and competition often impose costs on both winners and losers, and conflicting parties may prefer to resolve the dispute before it occurs. The equilibrium of a conflict game with side-payments predicts that with binding offers, proposers make and responders accept side-payments, generating settlements that strongly favor proposers. When side-payments are non-binding, proposers offer nothing and conflicts always arise. Laboratory experiments confirm that binding side-payments reduce conflicts. However, 30 % of responders reject binding offers, and offers are more egalitarian than predicted. Surprisingly, non-binding side-payments also improve efficiency, although less than binding. With binding side-payments, 87 % of efficiency gains come from avoided conflicts. However, with non-binding side-payments, only 39 % of gains come from avoided conflicts and 61 % from reduced conflict expenditures

    Acquisition and Evolution of Plant Pathogenesis–Associated Gene Clusters and Candidate Determinants of Tissue-Specificity in Xanthomonas

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    is a large genus of plant-associated and plant-pathogenic bacteria. Collectively, members cause diseases on over 392 plant species. Individually, they exhibit marked host- and tissue-specificity. The determinants of this specificity are unknown. lineage. genome and indicate that differentiation with respect to host- and tissue-specificity involved not major modifications or wholesale exchange of clusters, but subtle changes in a small number of genes or in non-coding sequences, and/or differences outside the clusters, potentially among regulatory targets or secretory substrates

    A Survey of Experimental Research on Contests, All-Pay Auctions and Tournaments

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    Many economic, political and social environments can be described as contests in which agents exert costly efforts while competing over the distribution of a scarce resource. These environments have been studied using Tullock contests, all-pay auctions and rankorder tournaments. This survey provides a review of experimental research on these three canonical contests. First, we review studies investigating the basic structure of contests, including the contest success function, number of players and prizes, spillovers and externalities, heterogeneity, and incomplete information. Second, we discuss dynamic contests and multi-battle contests. Then we review research on sabotage, feedback, bias, collusion, alliances, and contests between groups, as well as real-effort and field experiments. Finally, we discuss applications of contests to the study of legal systems, political competition, war, conflict avoidance, sales, and charities, and suggest directions for future research. (author's abstract

    D-serine for the treatment of negative symptoms in individuals at clinical high risk of schizophrenia: a pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised parallel group mechanistic proof-of-concept trial

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    BACKGROUND: Antagonists of N-methyl-D-aspartate-type glutamate receptors (NMDAR) induce symptoms that closely resemble those of schizophrenia, including negative symptoms. D-serine is a naturally occurring NMDAR modulator that reverses the effects of NMDAR antagonists in animal models of schizophrenia. D-serine effects have been assessed previously for treatment of established schizophrenia, but not in the early stages of the disorder. We aimed to assess effects of D-serine on negative symptoms in at risk individuals. METHODS: We did a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group randomised clinical trial at four academic US centres. Individuals were eligible for inclusion in the study if they were at clinical high risk of schizophrenia, aged between 13-35 years, had a total score of more than 20 on the Scale of Prodromal Symptoms (SOPS), and had an interest in participation in the clinical trial. Exclusion criteria included a history of suprathreshold psychosis symptoms (ie, no longer qualifying as prodromal) or clinical judgment that the reported symptoms from the SOPS were accounted for better by another disorder (eg, depression). Randomisation was done using a generated list with block sizes of four. Participants were stratified by site, with participants, investigators, and assessors all masked through use of identical looking placebos and centralised drug dispensation to study assignment. D-serine (60 mg/kg) was given orally in divided daily doses for 16 weeks. The primary endpoint was for negative SOPS, measured weekly for the first 6 weeks, then every 2 weeks. Participants who received at least one post-baseline assessment were included in analysis. Serum cytokine concentrations were collected at baseline, midpoint, and endpoint to assess the mechanism of action. Safety outcomes including laboratory assessments were obtained for all individuals. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT0082620. FINDINGS: We enrolled participants between April 2, 2009, and July 23, 2012. 44 participants were randomly assigned to receive either D-serine (n=20) or placebo (n=24); 35 had assessable data (15 D-serine, 20 placebo). D-serine induced a 35.7% (SD 17.8) improvement in negative symptoms, which was significant compared with placebo (mean final SOPS negative score 7.6 [SEM 1.4] for D-serine group vs 11.3 [1.2] for placebo group; d=0.68, p=0.03). Five participants who received D-serine and nine participants who received placebo discontinued the study early because of withdrawn consent or loss to follow-up (n=8), conversion to psychosis (n=2), laboratory-confirmed adverse events (n=2), or protocol deviations (n=2). INTERPRETATION: This study supports use of NMDAR-based interventions, such as D-serine, for treatment of prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia. On the basis of observed effect sizes, future studies with sample sizes of about 40 per treatment group would be needed for confirmation of beneficial effects on symptoms and NMDAR-related inflammatory changes. Long-term studies are needed to assess effects on psychosis conversion in individuals at clinical high risk of schizophrenia. FUNDING: National Institutes of Health