1,301 research outputs found

    Meaningful auditory information enhances perception of visual biological motion

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    Robust perception requires efficient integration of information from our various senses. Much recent electrophysiology points to neural areas responsive to multisensory stimulation, particularly audiovisual stimulation. However, psychophysical evidence for functional integration of audiovisual motion has been ambiguous. In this study we measure perception of an audiovisual form of biological motion, tap dancing. The results show that the audio tap information interacts with visual motion information, but only when in synchrony, demonstrating a functional combination of audiovisual information in a natural task. The advantage of multimodal combination was better than the optimal maximum likelihood prediction

    Completeness of algebraic CPS simulations

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    The algebraic lambda calculus and the linear algebraic lambda calculus are two extensions of the classical lambda calculus with linear combinations of terms. They arise independently in distinct contexts: the former is a fragment of the differential lambda calculus, the latter is a candidate lambda calculus for quantum computation. They differ in the handling of application arguments and algebraic rules. The two languages can simulate each other using an algebraic extension of the well-known call-by-value and call-by-name CPS translations. These simulations are sound, in that they preserve reductions. In this paper, we prove that the simulations are actually complete, strengthening the connection between the two languages.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2011, arXiv:1207.682

    Perceptual synchrony of audiovisual streams for natural and artificial motion sequences

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    A Sensorimotor Numerosity System

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    On the completeness of quantum computation models

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    The notion of computability is stable (i.e. independent of the choice of an indexing) over infinite-dimensional vector spaces provided they have a finite "tensorial dimension". Such vector spaces with a finite tensorial dimension permit to define an absolute notion of completeness for quantum computation models and give a precise meaning to the Church-Turing thesis in the framework of quantum theory. (Extra keywords: quantum programming languages, denotational semantics, universality.)Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Semantics of a Typed Algebraic Lambda-Calculus

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    Algebraic lambda-calculi have been studied in various ways, but their semantics remain mostly untouched. In this paper we propose a semantic analysis of a general simply-typed lambda-calculus endowed with a structure of vector space. We sketch the relation with two established vectorial lambda-calculi. Then we study the problems arising from the addition of a fixed point combinator and how to modify the equational theory to solve them. We sketch an algebraic vectorial PCF and its possible denotational interpretations

    The Impact of Alzheimer's Disease on the Chinese Economy.

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    BACKGROUND: Recent increases in life expectancy may greatly expand future Alzheimer's Disease (AD) burdens. China's demographic profile, aging workforce and predicted increasing burden of AD-related care make its economy vulnerable to AD impacts. Previous economic estimates of AD predominantly focus on health system burdens and omit wider whole-economy effects, potentially underestimating the full economic benefit of effective treatment. METHODS: AD-related prevalence, morbidity and mortality for 2011-2050 were simulated and were, together with associated caregiver time and costs, imposed on a dynamic Computable General Equilibrium model of the Chinese economy. Both economic and non-economic outcomes were analyzed. FINDINGS: Simulated Chinese AD prevalence quadrupled during 2011-50 from 6-28 million. The cumulative discounted value of eliminating AD equates to China's 2012 GDP (US8trillion),andtheannualpredictedrealvalueapproachesUSADcost−of−illness(COI)estimates,exceedingUS8 trillion), and the annual predicted real value approaches US AD cost-of-illness (COI) estimates, exceeding US1 trillion by 2050 (2011-prices). Lost labor contributes 62% of macroeconomic impacts. Only 10% derives from informal care, challenging previous COI-estimates of 56%. INTERPRETATION: Health and macroeconomic models predict an unfolding 2011-2050 Chinese AD epidemic with serious macroeconomic consequences. Significant investment in research and development (medical and non-medical) is warranted and international researchers and national authorities should therefore target development of effective AD treatment and prevention strategies

    Delegating Quantum Computation in the Quantum Random Oracle Model

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    A delegation scheme allows a computationally weak client to use a server's resources to help it evaluate a complex circuit without leaking any information about the input (other than its length) to the server. In this paper, we consider delegation schemes for quantum circuits, where we try to minimize the quantum operations needed by the client. We construct a new scheme for delegating a large circuit family, which we call "C+P circuits". "C+P" circuits are the circuits composed of Toffoli gates and diagonal gates. Our scheme is non-interactive, requires very little quantum computation from the client (proportional to input length but independent of the circuit size), and can be proved secure in the quantum random oracle model, without relying on additional assumptions, such as the existence of fully homomorphic encryption. In practice the random oracle can be replaced by an appropriate hash function or block cipher, for example, SHA-3, AES. This protocol allows a client to delegate the most expensive part of some quantum algorithms, for example, Shor's algorithm. The previous protocols that are powerful enough to delegate Shor's algorithm require either many rounds of interactions or the existence of FHE. The protocol requires asymptotically fewer quantum gates on the client side compared to running Shor's algorithm locally. To hide the inputs, our scheme uses an encoding that maps one input qubit to multiple qubits. We then provide a novel generalization of classical garbled circuits ("reversible garbled circuits") to allow the computation of Toffoli circuits on this encoding. We also give a technique that can support the computation of phase gates on this encoding. To prove the security of this protocol, we study key dependent message(KDM) security in the quantum random oracle model. KDM security was not previously studied in quantum settings.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figures. Update to be consistent with the proceeding versio
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