2,083 research outputs found

    Synchronization of a WDM Packet-Switched Slotted Ring

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    In this paper, we present two different strategies of slot synchronization in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) packet-switched slotted-ring networks. Emphasis is given to the architecture behind the WDM Optical Network Demonstrator over Rings (WONDER) project, which is based on tunable transmitters and fixed receivers. The WONDER experimental prototype is currently being developed at the laboratories of Politecnico di Torino. In the former strategy, a slotsynchronization signal is transmitted by the master station on a dedicated control wavelength; in the latter, slave nodes achieve slot synchronization aligning on data packets that are received from the master. The performance of both synchronization strategies, particularly in terms of packet-collision probability, was evaluated by simulation. The technique based on transmitting a timing signal on a dedicated control wavelength achieves better performance, although it is more expensive due to the need for an additional wavelength. However, the technique based on aligning data packets that are received from the master, despite attaining lower timing stability, still deserves further study, particularly if limiting the number of wavelengths and receivers is a major requirement. Some experimental results, which were measured on the WONDER prototype, are also shown. Measurement results, together with theoretical findings, demonstrate the good synchronization performance of the prototype

    Dealing with Qualitative and Quantitative Features in Legal Domains

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    In this work, we enrich a formalism for argumentation by including a formal characterization of features related to the knowledge, in order to capture proper reasoning in legal domains. We add meta-data information to the arguments in the form of labels representing quantitative and qualitative data about them. These labels are propagated through an argumentative graph according to the relations of support, conflict, and aggregation between arguments.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1903.0186

    Effect of modified-release methylphenidate on cognition in children with ADHD: evidence from a temporal preparation task

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    ADHD is associated with various cognitive deficits, including general performance decrements and specific impairments, for instance in temporal processing. However, time preparation under uncertain conditions has been under-investigated in this population. We aimed at filling this gap. We administered a variable foreperiod paradigm to children with ADHD before and after a one-month treatment with modified-release methylphenidate. Age-matched ADHD children with no treatment and healthy children were also tested as control groups with the same time-schedule. Children with ADHD had general performance deficits (longer and more variable response times), which disappeared in the experimental group after pharmacological intervention. Moreover, ADHD children showed a marked dependency on sequential foreperiod effects (i.e., slower responses for longer preceding foreperiods), especially at short current foreperiods, which were not modulated by the pharmacological treatment. In conclusion, the present findings show that methylphenidate enhances general motor processes rather than more specific time preparation processes, some of which appear deviant in ADHD

    Management of HCV Infection in the Elderly

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    US Food and Drug Administration's Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy for Extended-Release and Long-Acting Opioids Pros and Cons, and a European Perspective

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    Prescriptions for opioid analgesics to manage moderate-to-severe chronic non-cancer pain have increased markedly over the last decade. An unintentional consequence of greater prescription opioid utilization has been the parallel increase in misuse, abuse and overdose, which are serious risks associated with all opioid analgesics. In response to disturbing rises in prescription opioid abuse, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed the implementation of aggressive Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS). While REMS could dramatically change the development, release, marketing and prescription of extended-release opioids, questions remain on how these programmes may influence prescribing practices, patient safety and ultimately patient access to these agents. The extent of the availability and misuse of prescription opioids in Europe is difficult to assess from the data currently available, due in large part to the considerable differences in prescribing patterns and regulations between countries. Balancing the availability of prescription opioids for those patients who have pain, while discouraging illicit use, is a complex challenge and requires effective efforts on many levels, particularly in Europe where policies are quite different between countries


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    We introduce on physical grounds a new measure of multipartite entanglement for pure states. The function we define is discriminant and monotone under LOCC; moreover, it can be expressed in terms of observables of the system.We introduce on physical grounds a new measure of multipartite entanglement for pure states. The function we define is discriminant and monotone under LOCC; moreover, it can be expressed in terms of observables of the system

    Application of infrared thermography to failure detection in industrial induction motors: case stories

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    (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works[EN] Infrared thermography has been extensively applied over decades to areas such as maintenance of electrical installations. Its use in electrical machinery has been mainly circumscribed to the detection of faults in static machines, such as power transformers. However, with regard to the predictive maintenance of rotating electrical machines, its use has been much more limited. In spite of this fact, the potential of this tool, together with the progressive decrease in the price of infrared cameras, make this technique a very interesting option to, at least, complement, the diagnosis provided by other well-known techniques, such as current or vibration data analysis. In this context, infrared thermography has recently shown potential for the detection of motor failures including misalignments, cooling problems, bearing damages or connection defects. This work presents several industrial cases that help to illustrate the effectiveness of this technique for the detection of a wide range of faults in field induction motors. The data obtained with this technique made it possible to detect the presence of faults of diverse nature (electrical, mechanical, thermal and environmental); these data were very useful to either diagnose or to complement the diagnosis provided by other tools.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the FEDER Program in the framework of the Proyectos I+D del Subprograma de Generacion de Conocimiento, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia under Grant DPI2014-52842-P.Lopez-Perez, D.; Antonino-Daviu, J. (2017). Application of infrared thermography to failure detection in industrial induction motors: case stories. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 53(3):1901-1908. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2017.2655008S1901190853

    Crystal Structure and Local Dynamics in Tetrahedral Proton-Conducting La1-xBa1+xGaO4

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    La1-xBa1+xGaO4-0 (LBG) compounds, based on unconnected GaO4 moieties, were recently proposed as proton conductors. Protonic defects in the lattice are inserted through self-doping with Ba2+, to create oxygen vacancies subsequently filled by hydroxyl ions. We present a combined structural analysis on self-doped LBG using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption (EXAFS): these results unravel the finer structural details on the short-range and long-range scales, and they are correlated with the dynamical properties of protonic conduction coming from vibrational spectroscopy. The structure of the GaO4 groups is independent of the oxide composition. On hydration, an array of short intertetrahedral hydrogen bonds is formed, producing a contraction of the a axis. On the basis of thermogravimetric analysis, EXAFS, XRD and infrared spectroscopy (IR) results, we propose that the stiffness of the GaO4 tetrahedra hinders the intratetrahedral proton transfer, while the noticeable fraction of protons involved in strong hydrogen bonds limit the proton reorientational freedom