83 research outputs found

    Asymmetric spin echo sequences. a simple new method for obtaining NMR 1H spectral images

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    Journal ArticleThe nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal decay produced by reversible tissue-induced dephasing of the magnetization components in the transverse plane (reversible tissue-induced dephasing) was measured and expressed as a function of a new transverse relaxation time T'2 (T2 prime) for samples of rat liver, retroperitoneal fat, inflated lung, and corn oil. Simple exponentials did not adequately describe the observed NMR signal decay. Inflated lung demonstrated the most rapid signal decay (T'2 = 4.8 ms) followed by retroperitoneal fat (T'2 = 16 ms). No reversible tissue-induced dephasing was observed in liver (T'2 immeasurably long). In tissues which contain both fat and water, the chemically shifted 'H resonance peaks from -OH and -CH- are in phase with symmetric spin echo sequences but out of phase with asymmetric sequences. The interference of these two peaks produces a beat pattern with asymmetric sequences. Subtraction images obtained from paired symmetric- and asymmetric-sequence images accurately (r = .96) reflect T'2 and can be used to indicate the presence of fat. In vivo subtraction images of ethionine-induced fatty rat livers were significantly different from similar in vivo images of normal rat livers (P<.0005). Since for each pixel of a subtraction image, the magnitude of the difference signal should be approximately proportional to the ratio of hydroxyl and alkyl protons, this simple spin echo sequence modification may obviate the need for more timeconsuming 3-dimensional Fourier transform proton chemical shift images

    Dynamics of Quasi-ordered Structure in a Regio-regulated pi-Conjugated Polymer:Poly(4-methylthiazole-2,5-diyl)

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    Dynamics of regio-regulated Poly(4-methylthiazole-2,5-diyl) [HH-P4MeTz] was inves tigated by solid-state 1H, 2D, 13C NMR spectroscopies, and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) measurements. DSC, 2D quadrupolar echo NMR, 13C cross-polarization and magic-angle spinning(CPMAS) NMR, and 2D spin-echo(2DSE) CPMAS NMR spectroscopy suggest existence of a quasi-ordered phase in which backbone twists take place with weakened pi-stackings. Two-dimensional exchange 2D NMR(2DEX) detected slow dynamics with a rate of an order of 10^2Hz for the CD_3 group in d_3-HH-P4MeTz at 288K. The frequency dependence of proton longitudinal relaxation rate at 288K shows a omega^-1/2 dependence, which is due to the one-dimensional diffusion-like motion of backbone conformational modulation waves. The diffusion rate was estimated as 3+/-2 GHz, which was approximately 10^7 times larger than that estimated by 2DEX NMR measurements. These results suggest that there exists anomalous dispersion of modulation waves in HH-P4MeTz. The one-dimensional group velocity of the wave packet is responsible for the behavior of proton longitudinal relaxation time. On the other hand, the 2DEX NMR is sensitive to phase velocity of the nutation of methyl groups that is associated with backbone twists. From proton T_1 and T_2 measurements, the activation energy was estimated as 2.9 and 3.4 kcal/mol, respectively. These were in agreement with 3.0 kcal/mol determined by Moller-Plesset(MP2) molecular orbital(MO) calculation. We also performed chemical shielding calculation of the methyl-carbon in order to understand chemical shift tensor behavior, leading to the fact that a quasi-ordered phase coexist with the crystalline phase.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    The Membrane-Associated Proteins FCHo and SGIP Are Allosteric Activators of the AP2 Clathrin Adaptor Complex

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    The AP2 clathrin adaptor complex links protein cargo to the endocytic machinery but it is unclear how AP2 is activated on the plasma membrane. Here we demonstrate that the membrane-associated proteins FCHo and SGIP1 convert AP2 into an open, active conformation. We screened for C. elegans mutants that phenocopy the loss of AP2 subunits and found that AP2 remains inactive in fcho-1 mutants. A subsequent screen for bypass suppressors of fcho-1 nulls identified 71 compensatory mutations in all four AP2 subunits. Using a protease-sensitivity assay we show that these mutations restore the open conformation in vivo. The domain of FCHo that induces this rearrangement is not the F-BAR domain or the mu-homology domain, but rather is an uncharacterized 90 amino acid motif, found in both FCHo and SGIP proteins, that directly binds AP2. Thus, these proteins stabilize nascent endocytic pits by exposing membrane and cargo binding sites on AP2

    Spin Lifetime in Small Electron Spin Ensembles Measured by Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy

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    Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy can enable nanoscale imaging of spin lifetime. We report temperature dependent measurements of the spin correlation time Ο„m\tau_m of the statistical fluctuations of the spin polarization---the spin noise---of ensembles containing ∼100\sim 100 electron spins by this technique. Magneto-mechanical relaxation due to spin-cantilever coupling was controlled and spurious mechanisms that can affect the spin correlation time of the microscopic signal were characterized. These measurements have ramifications for optimizing spin sensitivity, understanding local spin dynamics and for nanoscale imaging.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.

    RNAi Screen of DAF-16/FOXO Target Genes in C. elegans Links Pathogenesis and Dauer Formation

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    The DAF-16/FOXO transcription factor is the major downstream output of the insulin/IGF1R signaling pathway controlling C. elegans dauer larva development and aging. To identify novel downstream genes affecting dauer formation, we used RNAi to screen candidate genes previously identified to be regulated by DAF-16. We used a sensitized genetic background [eri-1(mg366); sdf-9(m708)], which enhances both RNAi efficiency and constitutive dauer formation (Daf-c). Among 513 RNAi clones screened, 21 displayed a synthetic Daf-c (SynDaf) phenotype with sdf-9. One of these genes, srh-100, was previously identified to be SynDaf, but twenty have not previously been associated with dauer formation. Two of the latter genes, lys-1 and cpr-1, are known to participate in innate immunity and six more are predicted to do so, suggesting that the immune response may contribute to the dauer decision. Indeed, we show that two of these genes, lys-1 and clc-1, are required for normal resistance to Staphylococcus aureus. clc-1 is predicted to function in epithelial cohesion. Dauer formation exhibited by daf-8(m85), sdf-9(m708), and the wild-type N2 (at 27Β°C) were all enhanced by exposure to pathogenic bacteria, while not enhanced in a daf-22(m130) background. We conclude that knockdown of the genes required for proper pathogen resistance increases pathogenic infection, leading to increased dauer formation in our screen. We propose that dauer larva formation is a behavioral response to pathogens mediated by increased dauer pheromone production

    A Novel Sperm-Delivered Toxin Causes Late-Stage Embryo Lethality and Transmission Ratio Distortion in C. elegans

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    The evolutionary fate of an allele ordinarily depends on its contribution to host fitness. Occasionally, however, genetic elements arise that are able to gain a transmission advantage while simultaneously imposing a fitness cost on their hosts. We previously discovered one such element in C. elegans that gains a transmission advantage through a combination of paternal-effect killing and zygotic self-rescue. Here we demonstrate that this element is composed of a sperm-delivered toxin, peel-1, and an embryo-expressed antidote, zeel-1. peel-1 and zeel-1 are located adjacent to one another in the genome and co-occur in an insertion/deletion polymorphism. peel-1 encodes a novel four-pass transmembrane protein that is expressed in sperm and delivered to the embryo via specialized, sperm-specific vesicles. In the absence of zeel-1, sperm-delivered PEEL-1 causes lethal defects in muscle and epidermal tissue at the 2-fold stage of embryogenesis. zeel-1 is expressed transiently in the embryo and encodes a novel six-pass transmembrane domain fused to a domain with sequence similarity to zyg-11, a substrate-recognition subunit of an E3 ubiquitin ligase. zeel-1 appears to have arisen recently, during an expansion of the zyg-11 family, and the transmembrane domain of zeel-1 is required and partially sufficient for antidote activity. Although PEEL-1 and ZEEL-1 normally function in embryos, these proteins can act at other stages as well. When expressed ectopically in adults, PEEL-1 kills a variety of cell types, and ectopic expression of ZEEL-1 rescues these effects. Our results demonstrate that the tight physical linkage between two novel transmembrane proteins has facilitated their co-evolution into an element capable of promoting its own transmission to the detriment of organisms carrying it

    Role of Pleiotropy in the Evolution of a Cryptic Developmental Variation in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Using vulval phenotypes in Caenorhabditis elegans, the authors show that cryptic genetic variation can evolve through selection for pleiotropic effects that alter fitness, and identify a cryptic variant that has conferred enhanced fitness on domesticated worms under laboratory conditions

    A TRPV Channel Modulates C. elegans Neurosecretion, Larval Starvation Survival, and Adult Lifespan

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    For most organisms, food is only intermittently available; therefore, molecular mechanisms that couple sensation of nutrient availability to growth and development are critical for survival. These mechanisms, however, remain poorly defined. In the absence of nutrients, newly hatched first larval (L1) stage Caenorhabditis elegans halt development and survive in this state for several weeks. We isolated mutations in unc-31, encoding a calcium-activated regulator of neural dense-core vesicle release, which conferred enhanced starvation survival. This extended survival was reminiscent of that seen in daf-2 insulin-signaling deficient mutants and was ultimately dependent on daf-16, which encodes a FOXO transcription factor whose activity is inhibited by insulin signaling. While insulin signaling modulates metabolism, adult lifespan, and dauer formation, insulin-independent mechanisms that also regulate these processes did not promote starvation survival, indicating that regulation of starvation survival is a distinct program. Cell-specific rescue experiments identified a small subset of primary sensory neurons where unc-31 reconstitution modulated starvation survival, suggesting that these neurons mediate perception of food availability. We found that OCR-2, a transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) channel that localizes to the cilia of this subset of neurons, regulates peptide-hormone secretion and L1 starvation survival. Moreover, inactivation of ocr-2 caused a significant extension in adult lifespan. These findings indicate that TRPV channels, which mediate sensation of diverse noxious, thermal, osmotic, and mechanical stimuli, couple nutrient availability to larval starvation survival and adult lifespan through modulation of neural dense-core vesicle secretion

    Profiling Synaptic Proteins Identifies Regulators of Insulin Secretion and Lifespan

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    Cells are organized into distinct compartments to perform specific tasks with spatial precision. In neurons, presynaptic specializations are biochemically complex subcellular structures dedicated to neurotransmitter secretion. Activity-dependent changes in the abundance of presynaptic proteins are thought to endow synapses with different functional states; however, relatively little is known about the rules that govern changes in the composition of presynaptic terminals. We describe a genetic strategy to systematically analyze protein localization at Caenorhabditis elegans presynaptic specializations. Nine presynaptic proteins were GFP-tagged, allowing visualization of multiple presynaptic structures. Changes in the distribution and abundance of these proteins were quantified in 25 mutants that alter different aspects of neurotransmission. Global analysis of these data identified novel relationships between particular presynaptic components and provides a new method to compare gene functions by identifying shared protein localization phenotypes. Using this strategy, we identified several genes that regulate secretion of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and influence lifespan in a manner dependent on insulin/IGF signaling
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