1,864 research outputs found

    Middle-out reasoning for logic program synthesis

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    Logic programs can be synthesized as a by-product of the planning of their verification proofs. This is achieved by using higher-order variables at the proof planning level, which become instantiated in the course of planning. We illustrate two uses of such variables in proof planning for program synthesis, one for synthesis proper and one for the selection of induction schemes. We demonstrate that the use of these variables can be restricted naturally in such a way that terms containing them form a tractable extension of first-order terms

    The development of reading tests for use in a regularly spelled language.

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    Data are presented on the development of tests of reading skill in rural Tanzanian primary school pupils. Instruction in these schools is in Kiswahili, a regularly spelt language. Using a translation of a standard reading test, children could read aloud all words once they had learnt sound-letter correspondences, regardless of comprehension. In addition, children can appear to pass traditional comprehension tasks by decoding only some of the words. Three graded tests were developed which allow testing of children who either have only some letter knowledge, can read single words, or are proficient readers. The tests require children to both decode and understand the reading material in order to achieve high scores. The tests correlated well with scores on other educational achievement tests, and showed age and school grade differences. It is suggested that these tests are useful measures of reading development in a regularly spelt language. Adaptation to English and validation against standardised instruments is planned

    Helminthic infections

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    A Proof Strategy Language and Proof Script Generation for Isabelle/HOL

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    We introduce a language, PSL, designed to capture high level proof strategies in Isabelle/HOL. Given a strategy and a proof obligation, PSL's runtime system generates and combines various tactics to explore a large search space with low memory usage. Upon success, PSL generates an efficient proof script, which bypasses a large part of the proof search. We also present PSL's monadic interpreter to show that the underlying idea of PSL is transferable to other ITPs.Comment: This paper has been submitted to CADE2

    An Editor for Helping Novices to Learn Standard ML

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    This paper describes a novel editor intended as an aid in the learning of the functional programming language Standard ML. A common technique used by novices is programming by analogy whereby students refer to similar programs that they have written before or have seen in the course literature and use these programs as a basis to write a new program. We present a novel editor for ML which supports programming by analogy by providing a collection of editing commands that transform old programs into new ones. Each command makes changes to an isolated part of the program. These changes are propagated to the rest of the program using analogical techniques. We observed a group of novice ML students to determine the most common programming errors in learning ML and restrict our editor such that it is impossible to commit these errors. In this way, students encounter fewer bugs and so their rate of learning increases. Our editor, C Y NTHIA, has been implemented and is due to be tested on st..

    Automating Signature Evolution in Logical Theories

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    KwaZulu-Natal coastal erosion events of 2006/2007 and 2011: A predictive tool?

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    Severe coastal erosion occurred along the KwaZulu-Natal coastline between mid-May and November 2011. Analysis of this erosion event and comparison with previous coastal erosion events in 2006/2007 offered the opportunity to extend the understanding of the time and place of coastal erosion strikes. The swells that drove the erosion hotspots of the 2011 erosion season were relatively low (significant wave heights were between 2 m and 4.5 m) but of long duration. Although swell height was important, swell-propagation direction and particularly swell duration played a dominant role in driving the 2011 erosion event. Two erosion hotspot types were noted: sandy beaches underlain by shallow bedrock and thick sandy beaches. The former are triggered by high swells (as in March 2007) and austral winter erosion events (such as in 2006, 2007 and 2011). The latter become evident later in the austral winter erosion cycle. Both types were associated with subtidal shore-normal channels seaward of megacusps, themselves linked to megarip current heads. This 2011 coastal erosion event occurred during a year in which the lunar perigee sub-harmonic cycle (a ±4.4-year cycle) peaked, a pattern which appears to have recurred on the KwaZulu-Natal coast. If this pattern proves true, severe coastal erosion may be expected in 2015. Evidence indicates that coastal erosion is driven by the lunar nodal cycle peak but that adjacent lunar perigee sub-harmonic peaks can also cause severe coastal erosion. Knowing where and when coastal erosion may occur is vital for coastal managers and planners

    Towards Ontology Evolution in Physics

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    Abstract. We investigate the problem of automatically repairing incon-sistent ontologies. A repair is triggered when a contradiction is detected between the current theory and new experimental evidence. We are work-ing in the domain of physics because it has good historical records of such contradictions and how they were resolved. We use these records to both develop and evaluate our techniques. To deal with problems of inferential search control and ambiguity in the atomic repair operations, we have developed ontology repair plans, which represent common patterns of re-pair. They first diagnose the inconsistency and then direct the resulting repair. Two such plans have been developed to repair ontologies that dis-agree over the value and the dependence of a function, respectively. We have implemented the repair plans in the galileo system and success-fully evaluated galileo on a diverse range of examples from the history of physics.
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