2,195 research outputs found

    Gathering an even number of robots in an odd ring without global multiplicity detection

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    We propose a gathering protocol for an even number of robots in a ring-shaped network that allows symmetric but not periodic configurations as initial configurations, yet uses only local weak multiplicity detection. Robots are assumed to be anonymous and oblivious, and the execution model is the non- atomic CORDA model with asynchronous fair scheduling. In our scheme, the number of robots k must be greater than 8, the number of nodes n on a network must be odd and greater than k+3. The running time of our protocol is O(n2) asynchronous rounds.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1104.566

    Design and Development of the Engine Unit for a Twin-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    Advanced computer-aided technologies played a crucial role in the design of an unconventional Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV), developed at the Turin Technical University and the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. The engine unit of the vehicle is made of a complex system of three two stroke piston engines coupled with two counter-rotating three-bladed rotors, controlled by rotary PWM servos. The focus of the present paper lies on the enabling technologies exploited in the framework of activities aimed at designing a suitable and reliable engine system, capable of performing the complex tasks required for operating the proposed rotorcraft. The synergic use of advanced computational tools for estimating the aerodynamic performance of the vehicle, solid modeling for mechanical components design, and rapid prototyping techniques for control system logic synthesis and implementation will be presented.

    Searching in Unstructured Overlays Using Local Knowledge and Gossip

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    This paper analyzes a class of dissemination algorithms for the discovery of distributed contents in Peer-to-Peer unstructured overlay networks. The algorithms are a mix of protocols employing local knowledge of peers' neighborhood and gossip. By tuning the gossip probability and the depth k of the k-neighborhood of which nodes have information, we obtain different dissemination protocols employed in literature over unstructured P2P overlays. The provided analysis and simulation results confirm that, when properly configured, these schemes represent a viable approach to build effective P2P resource discovery in large-scale, dynamic distributed systems.Comment: A revised version of the paper appears in Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2014) - Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Springer-Verlag, Bologna (Italy), March 201

    Line Structure in the Spectrum of FU Orionis

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    New high-resolution spectra of FU Ori, obtained with the HIRES spectrograph at the Keck I telescope in 2003-2006, make it possible to compare the optical line profiles with those predicted by the self-luminous accretion disk model. A dependence of line width on excitation potential and on wavelength, expected for a Keplerian disk, is definitely not present in the optical region, nor is the line duplicity due to velocity splitting. The absorption lines observed in the optical region of FU Ori must originate in or near the central object, and here their profiles are shown to be those expected of a rigidly rotating object. They can be fitted by a rapidly rotating (v sin i = 70 km/s) high-luminosity G-type star having a large dark polar spot, with axis inclined toward the line of sight. Over these years, the radial velocity of FU Ori has remained constant to within +/-0.3 km/s, so there is no indication that the star is a spectroscopic binary. These results apply to the optical region (λ<8800\lambda< 8800 \AA); more distant, cooler regions of the disk contribute in the infrared.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A

    High-Resolution Spectroscopy of FUors

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    High-resolution spectroscopy was obtained of the FUors FU Ori and V1057 Cyg between 1995 and 2002 with SOFIN at NOT and with HIRES at Keck I. During those years FU Ori remained about 1 mag. (in B) below its 1938-39 maximum brightness, but V1057 Cyg (B ~ 10.5 at peak in 1970-71) faded from about 13.5 to 14.9 and then recovered slightly. Their photospheric spectra resemble a rotating G0 Ib supergiant, with v_eq sin i = 70 km/s for FU Ori and 55 km/s for V1057 Cyg. As V1057 Cyg faded, P Cyg structure in Halpha and the IR CaII lines strengthened and a complex shortward-displaced shell spectrum increased in strength, disappeared in 1999, and reappeared in 2001. Night-to-night changes in the wind structure of FU Ori show evidence of sporadic infall. The strength of P Cyg absorption varied cyclically with a period of 14.8 days, with phase stability maintained over 3 seasons, and is believed to be the rotation period. The structure of the photospheric lines also varies cyclically, but with a period of 3.54 days. A similar variation may be present in V1057 Cyg. As V1057 Cyg has faded, the emission lines of a pre-existing low-excitation chromosphere have emerged, so we believe the `line doubling' in V1057 Cyg is produced by these central emission cores in the absorption lines, not by orbital motion in an inclined Keplerian disk. No dependence of v_eq sin i on wavelength or excitation potential was detected in either star, again contrary to expectation for a self-luminous accretion disk. Nor are critical lines in the near infrared accounted for by synthetic disk spectra. A rapidly rotating star near the edge of stability (Larson 1980), can better explain these observations. FUor eruptions may not be a property of ordinary TTS, but may be confined to a special subspecies of rapid rotators having powerful quasi-permanent winds.Comment: 41 pages (including 32 figures and 9 tables); ApJ, in press; author affiliation, figs. 3 and 9 correcte

    Evolution of Migrating Planets Undergoing Gas Accretion

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    We analyze the orbital and mass evolution of planets that undergo run-away gas accretion by means of 2D and 3D hydrodynamic simulations. The disk torque distribution per unit disk mass as a function of radius provides an important diagnostic for the nature of the disk-planet interactions. We first consider torque distributions for nonmigrating planets of fixed mass and show that there is general agreement with the expectations of resonance theory. We then present results of simulations for mass-gaining, migrating planets. For planets with an initial mass of 5 Earth masses, which are embedded in disks with standard parameters and which undergo run-away gas accretion to one Jupiter mass (Mjup), the torque distributions per unit disk mass are largely unaffected by migration and accretion for a given planet mass. The migration rates for these planets are in agreement with the predictions of the standard theory for planet migration (Type I and Type II migration). The planet mass growth occurs through gas capture within the planet's Bondi radius at lower planet masses, the Hill radius at intermediate planet masses, and through reduced accretion at higher planet masses due to gap formation. During run-away mass growth, a planet migrates inwards by only about 20% in radius before achieving a mass of ~1 Mjup. For the above models, we find no evidence of fast migration driven by coorbital torques, known as Type III migration. We do find evidence of Type III migration for a fixed mass planet of Saturn's mass that is immersed in a cold and massive disk. In this case the planet migration is assumed to begin before gap formation completes. The migration is understood through a model in which the torque is due to an asymmetry in density between trapped gas on the leading side of the planet and ambient gas on the trailing side of the planet.Comment: 26 pages, 29 figures. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal vol.684 (September 20, 2008 issue

    Tomographic test of Bell's inequality for a time-delocalized single photon

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    Time-domain balanced homodyne detection is performed on two well-separated temporal modes sharing a single photon. The reconstructed density matrix of the two-mode system is used to prove and quantify its entangled nature, while the Wigner function is employed for an innovative tomographic test of Bell's inequality based on the theoretical proposal by Banaszek and Wodkiewicz [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2009 (1999)]. Provided some auxiliary assumptions are made, a clear violation of Banaszek-Bell's inequality is found.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures: revised version with additional material; accepetd for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gathering Anonymous, Oblivious Robots on a Grid

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    We consider a swarm of nn autonomous mobile robots, distributed on a 2-dimensional grid. A basic task for such a swarm is the gathering process: All robots have to gather at one (not predefined) place. A common local model for extremely simple robots is the following: The robots do not have a common compass, only have a constant viewing radius, are autonomous and indistinguishable, can move at most a constant distance in each step, cannot communicate, are oblivious and do not have flags or states. The only gathering algorithm under this robot model, with known runtime bounds, needs O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) rounds and works in the Euclidean plane. The underlying time model for the algorithm is the fully synchronous FSYNC\mathcal{FSYNC} model. On the other side, in the case of the 2-dimensional grid, the only known gathering algorithms for the same time and a similar local model additionally require a constant memory, states and "flags" to communicate these states to neighbors in viewing range. They gather in time O(n)\mathcal{O}(n). In this paper we contribute the (to the best of our knowledge) first gathering algorithm on the grid that works under the same simple local model as the above mentioned Euclidean plane strategy, i.e., without memory (oblivious), "flags" and states. We prove its correctness and an O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) time bound in the fully synchronous FSYNC\mathcal{FSYNC} time model. This time bound matches the time bound of the best known algorithm for the Euclidean plane mentioned above. We say gathering is done if all robots are located within a 2Ă—22\times 2 square, because in FSYNC\mathcal{FSYNC} such configurations cannot be solved

    Transcranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Treatment at 1.5 T: A Retrospective Study on Treatment- and Patient-Related Parameters Obtained From 52 Procedures

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    Objective: To present a retrospective analysis of patient- and sonication-related parameters of a group of patients treated with a transcranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided focused ultrasound (tcMRgFUS) system integrated with a 1.5-T MRI unit. Methods: The data obtained from 59 patients, who underwent the tcMRgFUS procedure from January 2015 to April 2019, were retrospectively reviewed for this study. The following data, among others, were mainly collected: skull density ratio (SDR), skull area (SA), number of available transducer elements (Tx), and estimated focal power at target (FP). For each of the four different treatment stages, we calculated the number of sonication processes (S-n), user-defined sonication power (S-p), effective measured power (S-mp), sonication duration (S-d), user-defined energy (E), effective measured energy (E-m), maximum temperature (T-max), and MR thermometry plane orientation. Furthermore, the time delay between each sonication (S-t) and the total treatment time (T-t) were recorded. Results: Fifty-two patients (40 males and 12 females; age 64.51 +/- SD 11.90 years; range 26-86 years), who underwent unilateral Vim thalamotomy (left = 50, 96.15%; right = 2, 3.85%) for medication-refractory essential tremor (n = 39; 78%) or Parkinson tremor (n = 13; 22%) were considered. A total of 1,068 (95.10%) sonication processes were included in our final analysis (average S-n per treatment: 20.65 +/- 6.18; range 13-41). The energy released onto the planned target was found to decrease with the SDR for all temperature ranges. A positive correlation was observed between the slope of T-max vs. E-m plot and the SDR (R-2 = 0.765; p < 0.001). In addition, the T-max was positively correlated with SDR (R-2 = 0.398; p < 0.005). On the contrary, no significant correlation was found between SDR and SA or Tx. An analysis of the MR thermometry scanning plane indicated that, at our site, the axial and the coronal planes were used (on average) 10.4 (SD +/- 3.8) and 7.7 (SD +/- 3.0) times, respectively, whereas the sagittal plane was used only 2.5 (SD +/- 3.0) times per treatment. Conclusion: Our results confirm the factors that significantly influence the course of a tcMRgFUS procedure even when a 1.5-T MRI scanner is used for procedure guidance. The experience we gained in this study indicates that the SDR remains one of the most significant technical parameters to be considered in a tcMRgFUS procedure. The possibility of prospectively setting the sonication energy according to the presented curves of energy delivery as a function of SDR for each treatment stage could provide a further understanding and a greater awareness of this emerging technology

    Estudio paleoestomatolĂłgico de la poblaciĂłn tardorromana de La Muela (Valencia de Don Juan, LeĂłn)

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    X Congreso Nacional de PaleopatologĂ­a. Univesidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200
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