42 research outputs found

    The amalgamated duplication of a ring along a multiplicative-canonical ideal

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    After recalling briefly the main properties of the amalgamated duplication of a ring RR along an ideal II, denoted by R\JoinI, we restrict our attention to the study of the properties of R\JoinI, when II is a multiplicative canonical ideal of RR \cite{hhp}. In particular, we study when every regular fractional ideal of R⋈IR\Join I is divisorial

    Effects of the Manufacturing Methods on the Mechanical Properties of a Medical-Grade Copolymer Poly(L-Lactide-co-D,L-Lactide) and Poly(L-Lactide-co-ɛ-Caprolactone) Blend

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    11openopenMariana Rodriguez Reinoso; Marco Civera; Vito Burgio; Annalisa Chiappone; Oliver Grimaldo Ruiz; Alessandra D'Anna; Carmela Riccio; Ignazio Roppolo; Alberto Frache; Paola Antonaci; Cecilia SuraceRODRIGUEZ REINOSO, Mariana; Civera, Marco; Burgio, Vito; Chiappone, Annalisa; GRIMALDO RUIZ, Oliver; D'Anna, Alessandra; Riccio, Carmela; Roppolo, Ignazio; Frache, Alberto; Antonaci, Paola; Surace, Cecili

    Apéry Sets and the Ideal Class Monoid of a Numerical Semigroup

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    The aim of this article is to study the ideal class monoid Cl(S) of a numerical semigroup S introduced by V. Barucci and F. Khouja.We prove new bounds on the cardinality of Cl(S). We observe that Cl(S) is isomorphic to the monoid of ideals of S whose smallest element is 0, which helps to relate Cl(S) to the Apéry sets and the Kunz coordinates of S. We study some combinatorial and algebraic properties of Cl(S), including the reduction number of ideals, and the Hasse diagrams of Cl(S) with respect to inclusion and addition. From these diagrams, we can recover some notable invariants of the semigroup. Finally, we prove some results about irreducible elements, atoms, quarks, and primes of (Cl(S), +). Idempotent ideals coincide with over-semigroups and idempotent quarks correspond to unitary extensions of the semigroup. We show that a numerical semigroup is irreducible if and only if Cl(S) has at most two quarks.Open access funding provided by Università degli Studi di Catania within the CRUI-CARE Agreemen

    The effect of some amines and alcohols on the organized structure of [bmim][BF4] investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy

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    The effect exerted by some amines and alcohols on the 1H NMR spectra of 1-butyl-3- methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [bmim][BF4] has been studied. This ionic liquid, which is one of the most widely used, is characterized by a high structural order degree, as a consequence of the symmetry and the coordination ability of the anion. In order to have information about the dependence of the detected effects on the alcohol or amine structure, some different primary, secondary and tertiary amines and alcohols have been considered. Furthermore, in the case of amines, their basicity has been also taken into account. Both amines and alcohols induce variation in chemical shifts values and signal multiplicity of imidazolium protons. Collected data show that, among imidazolium protons, the aromatic ones are the most affected by the presence of organic molecule. Cross-correlations among chemical shift values relevant to these protons allow us to explain how 1H NMR spectrum variations depend on probe structural properties

    Impact of assisted reproduction techniques on the neuro-psycho-motor outcome of newborns: a critical appraisal

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    Subfertility and infertility are common problems among couples of reproductive age, and they increasingly require the use of assisted reproductive techniques (ART). Understandably, doubts about the safety of such methods are increasing among future parents. The purpose of this review is to analyse the real impact of ART, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), on the health of the unborn baby; in particular, this work is focussed on the problems related to the neuro-psycho-motor area. Twenty-four studies were reviewed and outcomes investigated were: risk of the onset of neurodevelopmental diseases, worsening of school cognitive performance and risk of developing infantile cerebral palsy (CP) or neurological sequelae. For the first two outcomes, we did not find a correlation with ART; nevertheless, the results of the included studies about risk of CP are discordant and influenced by various confounding factors, such as pre-term birth and multiple pregnancies.IMPACT STATEMENT What is already known on this subject? Assisted reproductive techniques (ART) are the main answer for achieving pregnancy in infertile couples. However, a wide number of studies have tried to focus on possible different outcomes in terms of maternal and foetal/new-born health. Regarding this scenario, a peculiar importance is given to diseases affecting the neuro-psycho-motor area of the new-born. Since this group of detrimental pathologies could heavily affect the new-born’s quality of life and require costly social facilities, different studies have tried to focus on possible outcomes after ART. What do the results of this study add? This manuscript provides a review of the literature regarding ART procedures and neuro-psycho-motor implication. A review is strongly required due to the importance of collecting evidence from studies with different methodologies. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? This manuscript provides evidence about the need for wider and more congruent studies regarding neurodevelopment disorders in new-borns after ART procedures. Data are prone to suggest a slight correlation, but several confounding factors can heavily hamper the possibility to draw a firm conclusion about the topic

    Biochar Particles Obtained from Agricultural Carob Waste as a Suitable Filler for Sustainable Biocomposite Formulations

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    In the context of sustainable and circular economy, the recovery of biowaste for sustainable biocomposites formulation is a challenging issue. The aim of this work is to give a new life to agricultural carob waste after glucose extraction carried out by a local factory for carob candy production. A pyrolysis process was carried out on bio-waste to produce biofuel and, later, the solid residual fraction of pyrolysis process was used as interesting filler for biocomposites production. In this work, biochar particles (BC) as a pyrolysis product, after fuels recovery of organic biowaste, specifically, pyrolyzed carobs after glucose extraction, were added on poly(butylene-adipate-co-terephthalate), (PBAT), at two different concentrations, i.e., 10 and 20 wt%. The BC have been produced using three pyrolysis processing temperatures (i.e., 280, 340 and 400 °C) to optimize the compositions of produced solid fractions and biofuels. The resulting particles from the pyrolysis process (BC280, BC340 and BC400) were considered as suitable fillers for PBAT. Firstly, the BC particles properties were characterized by elemental composition and spectroscopy analysis, particle size measurements and evaluation of radical scavenging activity and efficiency. Moreover, PBAT/BC composites were subjected to analysis of their rheological and thermal behavior, morphologies and mechanical properties. In addition, accelerated weathering, monitored by both tensile test and spectroscopic analysis, was carried out, and obtained results show that the biochar particles can exert a beneficial effect on photo-oxidation delay of PBAT matrix