13 research outputs found

    Trajetória socioeducacional dos ministros brasileiros na Nova República (1985-2014)

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    RESUMO Introdução: Analisa-se a composição ministerial da Nova República a partir de cinco fatores: sexo, etnia, idade, procedência regional e escolaridade. Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de trabalho empírico e qualitativo sobre o perfil dos ministros da Nova República. Utilizou-se entrevistas, questionários e informações online de vários sites oficiais. Resultados: Mostra-se a tímida democratização do ministério no que toca ao gênero e etnia, a idade média avançada dos ministros ao longo de todo o período, o recrutamento prioritário nas regiões mais ricas e mais populosas, mas contemplando todas as regiões do país. Por fim, destaca-se a surpreendente escolarização desse grupo. De outra parte, verifica-se que, na área econômica, a qualificação acadêmica profissional dos ministros é superior à dos demais e que esse aspecto tem sido constante em todos os governos. Discussão: Sem levar em conta as alianças político-partidárias, inerentes ao presidencialismo de coalizão, mostra-se que, em termos regionais, o gabinete atesta a validade de um dos princípios desse modelo, qual seja, o do equilíbrio federativo. Ademais, ministros altamente educados e com longas carreiras não têm necessariamente habilidades específicas para as pastas que ocupam. São pessoas acima dos 50 anos de idade, do sexo masculino, recrutadas nos estados mais ricos e que estudaram nas melhores escolas. O recrutamento do ministério reflete o arranjo político do Brasil (o “presidencialismo de coalizão”) e a desigualdade estrutural do país

    Le Congrès et le coup d’État de 1964. La démocratie libérale brésilienne posait-elle unproblème institutionnel ?

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    Cet article vise à démontrer comment la critique du pouvoir législatif brésilien a été renforcée, durant les années 1970, par une nouvelle littérature se présentant comme porteuse d’une approche académique non seulement novatrice mais aussi plus rigoureuse en termes de recherche. Cette défiance a été complétée par une exaltation du pouvoir exécutif comme source de l’efficacité et de la modernisation. Cette tendance s’inscrit dans un mouvement qui débute avec la décennie 1930, quand commence le processus de centralisation de l’État brésilien notamment du point de vue de la prise de décisions. Pour une grande partie de la bibliographie examinée dans le cadre de ce travail, la rupture institutionnelle de 1964 aurait été la conséquence de l’impossibilité de concilier démocratie parlementaire et croissance économique.O artigo demonstra que os argumentos antilegislativo, no Brasil, foram reforçados nos anos 1970 por uma nova literatura que se apresentava como portadora de um recorte acadêmico não só inovador como mais rigoroso em termos de pesquisa. A descrença no Legislativo, de outra parte, foi acompanhada pela exaltação do Poder Executivo como lócus de eficiência e modernização, tendência que se verificava desde a década de 1930, quando se iniciou o processo de centralização decisória do Estado brasileiro. Para grande parte da bibliografia examinada no trabalho, a ruptura institucional de 1964 teria provado a impossibilidade de conciliar democracia parlamentar com crescimento econômico.This article shows that anti-legislative arguments in Brazil were reinforced in the 1970s by a new literature that presented itself as the vehicle for a new academic perspective that was not only innovative but also rigorous in its research. The lack of belief in the legislature on the other hand was accompanied by praise for executive power as a locus of efficiency and modernization, a tendency that could be verified since the 1930s when the Brazilian state began a process of centralized decision-making. For most of the literature examined in this work, the institutional break of 1964 proved the impossibility of reconciling parliamentary democracy with economic growth

    Taking Stock (with discomfort) of the Military Dictatorship Fifty Years after the 1964 Coup: a Bibliographical Essay

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    This essay reviews the main analyses produced for publication in 2014 alluding to the 50th anniversary of the 1964 coup and the dictatorship that followed (1964-85). It is noteworthy that most of these analyses, authored by historians and journalists, relativize several Manichaean concepts and versions; chiefly, they enhance society's responsibility for this authoritarian experiment. The coup, they claim, was not an atypical event in the country's political history; it simply expanded conservative and authoritarian values. In daring fashion, they point out the precarious or absent democratic vocation of the forces of the Left, as well as the advances in terms of the country's economic and social modernization under the military governments. The duration of the dictatorship is also questioned. In the eyes of some, it lasted only from 1964 to 1979, and arguments to this end are exhaustively presented. The fact that the report of the National Truth Commission (NTC) was released also in 2014 raised an intense debate in the press and in academia about repression and the crimes of the dictatorship, especially against urban guerrilla organizations, which are also examined in instigating fashion in this bibliography

    Volta Redonda, the City and the Steel

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    Social Scientists and Public Administration in the Lula Silva Government

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    We focus here on a new theme among studies on the Social Sciences in Brazil, namely, the presence of social scientists in high-level office in the federal government, whether as directors or advisers. In general, studies on the social sciences in Brazil are devoted to examining the academic profile of their founders, the contents prioritized in the disciplines, processes of institutionalization and methodologies adopted, among other aspects. However, there has never been an examination of the place of the social scientist in the division of labour of the state bureaucracy, in the market and close to those in power. By means of empirical research, we have ascertained that individuals with this academic background have a notable presence in the Lula da Silva government (2003-2006; 2007- ). Our hypothesis is that this presence cannot be explained chiefly by the specificity of the knowledge produced by this set of disciplines. Instead, one has to look at other variables, especially social scientists’ link with the public service