5 research outputs found

    Paralelni pristupi u fazi prije proizvodnje - Proces tehničke pripreme proizvodnje i procjena rizika tehničkih sustava

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    The possibility to identify and subsequently to react to the bottlenecks of the new proposed technical systems in pre-manufacturing phase, based on the principle of concurrent engineering, brings a number of positive effects on financial savings by improving the quality of the finished product. An important feature of the new product is that during its technical life it will not be the source of adverse events, whether in the form of injury or harm on other technical system or environment. The process of risk assessment must therefore be an integral part of all creative activities, resulting in a functional, reliable and safe product. These were the reasons for our development team to attempt to create an intelligent computer system that performs the chosen method of risk assessment in close cooperation with the selected computer aided process planning systems (CAPP). The aim of this article is to present a modern process of digital information processing in pre-manufacturing phase in terms of predicting security features of the new system through the knowledge system that we proposed.Mogućnost identificiranja, a potom reagiranja na uska grla novih predloženih tehničkih sustava još u fazi prije proizvodnje, temeljena na načelu simultanog inženjerstva, donosi niz pozitivnih učinaka na financijske uštede poboljšanjem kvalitete gotovog proizvoda. Važna značajka novog proizvoda je da tijekom njegovog tehničkog života on neće biti izvor negativnih događaja, bilo u obliku ozljede, ili štete na drugi tehnički sustav ili okoliš. Postupak procjene opasnosti, dakle, mora biti sastavni dio svih kreativnih aktivnosti, rezultirajući funkcionalnim, pouzdanim i sigurnim proizvodom. To su bili razlozi da naš razvojni tim pokuša stvoriti inteligentni računalni sustav koji odabranu metodu procjene rizika izvodi u uskoj suradnji s odabranim računalno potpomognutim sustavom planiranja procesa (CAPP). Cilj ovoga članka je predstaviti suvremeni proces digitalne obrade informacija u fazi prije proizvodnje u smislu predviđanja sigurnosnih značajki novog sustava kroz sustav znanja koji smo predložili

    Kompleksni pristup upravljanju sigurnosti na radu uz računalnu podršku

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    Requirements of the actual framework of directives of the European Union as well as national legal enactments demand the realization of systematic activities within the scope of risk management; and the task is to export to market such devices for which the value of residual risk is within the range of acceptable risk and to finally realize the steps of technical and human risk valuation in existing workplaces as well. These requests were the incentive for members of the realization team for development of a knowledge system which would be able to realize the selected method of risk valuation as a part of the preparation of production documentation to be realized by the system of computer aid for the technological preparation of the production program Sysklass. This solution realizes the approach of concurrent engineering where together during product development can be realized the steps which reveal the errors that may later appear as the source of an unfavorable event in the form of death, health hazards, technical system damage or environmental damage. Properties of the proposed and created knowledge system predict its usage in both the educational area during student training at our university and in technical praxis in the environment of safety management of smaller and middle-sized companies.Zahtjevi direktiva Europske Unije kao i državnih pravnih akata zahtjevaju realizaciju sistematskih aktivnosti u području upravljanja rizikom. Zadatak je ponuditi tržištu takve uređaje, za koje je vrijednost rezidualnog rizika u rasponu prihvatljivog rizika, i shvaćanje koraka za evaluaciju ljudskog i tehničkog rizika na postojećim radnim mjestima. Ovi zahtjevi su ponukali članove izvršnog tima za razvoj računalnog sustava znanja koji će biti u mogućnosti izvršiti evaluaciju rizika odabranom metodom u toku pripremanja proizvodne dokumentacije sa računalnom podrškom, pomoću programa Sysklass. Ovakvo rješenje objedinjuje pristup koji omogućava pronalaženje grešaka u procesu razvoja proizvoda koje mogu kasnije rezultirati neželjenim učinkom, npr. smrti, opasnosti po zdravlje, tehničkog oštećenja, ili zagađenja okoliša. Predstavljeni računalni sustav se može primjeniti u edukacijske svrhe za obrazovanje studenata, kao i u praksi u smislu rukovanja rizikom u malom i srednjem poduzetništvu

    Ekonomska usporedba rezanja materijala pomoću lasera, plazme i kisika

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    This paper compares three of the most common processes: laser, plasma and oxygen cutting in terms of economical point of view. It illustrates the introduction of thermal cutting methods into the manufacturing of the companies with an emphasis on their productivity. This comparison can be carried out only to a limited extent what is given by many factors.U članku se uspoređuju tri najčešća procesa: rezanje laserom, plazmom i kisikom s ekonomskog motrišta. Članak prikazuje uvođenje metoda toplinskog rezanja u proizvodnju poduzeća s naglaskom na njihovu produktivnost. Ova usporedba može se provoditi samo u ograničenom opsegu, što je dano pomoću mnogo faktora.Web of Science19481781

    Techno-economical comparison of cutting material by laser, plasma and oxygen

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    U članku se uspoređuju tri najčešća procesa: rezanje laserom, plazmom i kisikom s ekonomskog motrišta. Članak prikazuje uvođenje metoda toplinskog rezanja u proizvodnju poduzeća s naglaskom na njihovu produktivnost. Ova usporedba može se provoditi samo u ograničenom opsegu, što je dano pomoću mnogo faktora.This paper compares three of the most common processes: laser, plasma and oxygen cutting in terms of economical point of view. It illustrates the introduction of thermal cutting methods into the manufacturing of the companies with an emphasis on their productivity. This comparison can be carried out only to a limited extent what is given by many factors

    Techno-economical comparison of cutting material by laser, plasma and oxygen

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    U članku se uspoređuju tri najčešća procesa: rezanje laserom, plazmom i kisikom s ekonomskog motrišta. Članak prikazuje uvođenje metoda toplinskog rezanja u proizvodnju poduzeća s naglaskom na njihovu produktivnost. Ova usporedba može se provoditi samo u ograničenom opsegu, što je dano pomoću mnogo faktora.This paper compares three of the most common processes: laser, plasma and oxygen cutting in terms of economical point of view. It illustrates the introduction of thermal cutting methods into the manufacturing of the companies with an emphasis on their productivity. This comparison can be carried out only to a limited extent what is given by many factors