8 research outputs found

    Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis in a 23-year-old Man – Cytological and Histological Typing and Rapid Response to Steroid and Cyclophosphamide Combination Therapy

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    Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LG) is currently called as extranodal angiocentric and angiodestructive immunoproliferative disorder with various degrees of histological differentiation and disease severity. Histological grading and clinical manifestations are due to number of atypical large EBV+ B-lymphatic cells. We report the case of a 23-year-old man clinically presented with fever, sweating, and physical intolerance, and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates of nodular type and destructive changes on the chest X-ray, previously treated with antituberculotics for 1.5 month. As the disease showed progression, diagnostic procedures extended to transbronchial lung biopsy and percutaneous fine needle aspiration with cytological and histological analysis of collected specimens, all being not conclusive enough. LG was confirmed by open lung biopsy, followed by induction of corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide therapy. Very good clinical, functional and radiomorphologic improvement was achieved in a few weeks, and remission of disease maintained in long term follow-up

    Value of Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology in Diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: One Centre Experience

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    The aim of the study was to determine the value and limitations of cytology in diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) as well as differentiation between these two entities. We analysed the FNA cytodiagnoses and histopathological reports, as well as treatment and survival in 89 newly diagnosed consecutive patients with these lymphomas treated in our clinical department. These patients (40 male, 49 female; age range 16–93 years; 44 in clinical stages I–II; 38 with B symptoms) were diagnosed and treated during a period of 64 months (1.1. 2004–1.5.2009). The FNA cytodiagnoses were available in 86 patients and the pathohistological diagnoses were available in 84 patients. Cytology revealed 65 classic HL, 18 ALCL and three patients in which diagnosis was not informative. Among 65 FNA cytodiagnoses of HL, comparison with histopathology was made in 61 cases and the histopathological diagnoses were as follows: 56 (91.8%) HL; three ALCL; one diffuse large B cell lymphoma and one marginal zone B cell lymphoma. In the group of 18 FNA cytodiagnoses of ALCL eight patients (53.3%) had definitive diagnosis of ALCL (either as T-cell or O type), five (33.3%) of HL and in three cases a histopathological diagnosis could not be made. These results confirm the value of FNA in diagnostic procedure in patients with HL and ALCL, especially in HL group of patients. Since we have an almost uniform group of patients according to therapeutic approach, we did univariate analyses and found out that patients with FNA cytodiagnoses of HL, younger than 55 years, with early stage of the disease and without B symptoms had significantly longer overall survival (OS). FNA cytodiagnosis has clinical relevance in differentiation between HL and ALCL

    Cervical HPV type-specific pre-vaccination prevalence and age distribution in Croatia

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    The main etiological factor of precancerous lesion and invasive cervical cancer are oncogenic human papillomaviruses types (HPVs). The objective of this study was to establish the distribution of the most common HPVs in different cervical lesions and cancer prior to the implementation of organized population- based cervical screening and HPV vaccination in Croatia. In this study, 4, 432 cervical specimens, collected through a 16-year period, were tested for the presence of HPV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with three sets of broad-spectrum primers and type-specific primers for most common low-risk (LR) types (HPV-6, 11) and the most common high-risk (HR) types (HPV-16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58). Additional 35 archival formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue of cervical cancer specimens were analyzed using LiPA25 assay. The highest age-specific HPV-prevalence was in the group 18–24 years, which decreased continuously with age (P<0.0001) regardless of the cytological diagnosis. The prevalence of HR-HPV types significantly increased (P<0.0001) with the severity of cervical lesions. HPV-16 was the most common type found with a prevalence (with or without another HPV-type) of 6.9% in normal cytology, 15.5% in atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, 14.4% in low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 33.3% in high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, and 60.9% in cervical cancer specimens (P<0.0001). This study provides comprehensive and extensive data on the distribution of the most common HPV types among Croatian women, which will enable to predict and to monitor the impact of HPV-vaccination and to design effective screening strategies in Croatia

    Value of fine-needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma and anaplastic large cell lymphoma: one centre experience [Važnost citološke aspiracijske punkcije tankom iglom u dijagnostici Hogkinovog limfoma i anaplastičnog velikostaničnog limfoma: iskustvo jednog kliničkog centra]

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    The aim of the study was to determine the value and limitations of cytology in diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) as well as differentiation between these two entities. We analysed the FNA cytodiagnoses and histopathological reports, as well as treatment and survival in 89 newly diagnosed consecutive patients with these lymphomas treated in our clinical department. These patients (40 male, 49 female; age range 16–93 years; 44 in clinical stages I–II; 38 with B symptoms) were diagnosed and treated during a period of 64 months (1.1. 2004–1.5.2009). The FNA cytodiagnoses were available in 86 patients and the pathohistological diagnoses were available in 84 patients. Cytology revealed 65 classic HL, 18 ALCL and three patients in which diagnosis was not informative. Among 65 FNA cytodiagnoses of HL, comparison with histopathology was made in 61 cases and the histopathological diagnoses were as follows: 56 (91.8%) HL; three ALCL; one diffuse large B cell lymphoma and one marginal zone B cell lymphoma. In the group of 18 FNA cytodiagnoses of ALCL eight patients (53.3%) had definitive diagnosis of ALCL (either as T-cell or O type), five (33.3%) of HL and in three cases a histopathological diagnosis could not be made. These results confirm the value of FNA in diagnostic procedure in patients with HL and ALCL, especially in HL group of patients. Since we have an almost uniform group of patients according to therapeutic approach, we did univariate analyses and found out that patients with FNA cytodiagnoses of HL, younger than 55 years, with early stage of the disease and without B symptoms had significantly longer overall survival (OS). FNA cytodiagnosis has clinical relevance in differentiation between HL and ALCL