90 research outputs found

    Enhanced light intensity increases flavonol and anthocyanin concentrations but reduces flavone levels in the cotyledons of common buckwheat seedlings

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    The effects of two light intensities on the concentration of several flavonoids were investigated in the cotyledons of common buckwheat seedlings. The study was performed on four days old seedlings of cvs. Hruszowska, Panda, Kora and Red Corolla. One group of seedlings was grown under exposure to 180 ± 20 μmol · m−2 · s−1 photosynthetically active radiation, whereas the other group was exposed to 360 ± 20 μmol · m−2 · s−1. The experiment lasted 5 days. The results revealed that light intensity induces changes in the levels of flavonols and flavones. Increased light intensity contributed to a decrease in the concentrations of all flavone C-glucosides: orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside) and iso-orientin (luteolin-6-C-glucoside), and apigenin: vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside) and iso-vitexin (apigenin-6-C-glucoside). Simultaneously, a substantial increase in the content of flavonols, i.e. quercetin O-glycosides, was found. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence to demonstrate the contrary responses of plant flavonols and flavones to light intensity. The content of anthocyanin also increased under exposure to higher light intensity. Our results indicate that quercetin O-glycosides can play a similar role to anthocyanins in the cotyledons of common buckwheat seedlings. Results of correlation analysis indicate that the increase in flavonol and anthocyanin concentrations in response to higher light intensity is maintained through reduced accumulation of flavones and proanthocyanidins

    Adsorption properties of porous silicon, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2001, nr 1

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    Porous silicon shows some interesting features for micromechanical applications. Some applications make use of its high surface-to-volume ratio. A capacitive gas or humidity sensor using the adsorption of gases on the porous surface can be easily fabricated. However an opportunity for more sensitive device is given by micromechanical structure. In this paper we report on the piezoresistive cantilever beam structure with porous silicon adsorbing spot as a gas sensor

    Piezoresistive sensors for atomic force microscopy – numerical simulations by means of virtual wafer fab, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2001, nr 1

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    An important element in microelectronics is the comparison of the modelling and measurements results of the real semiconductor devices. Our paper describes the final results of numerical simulation of a micromechanical process sequence of the atomic force microscopy (AFM) sensors. They were obtained using the virtual wafer fab (VWF) software, which is used in the Institute of Electron Technology (IET). The technology mentioned above is used for fabrication of the AFM cantilevers, which has been designed for measurement and characterization of the surface roughness, the texturing, the grain size and the hardness. The simulation are very useful in manufacturing other microcantilever sensors

    Fabrication and properties of the field emission array with self-alignment gate electrode, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2001, nr 1

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    A new method for the fabrication of field emission arrays (FEA) based on bulk/surface silicon micromachining and diamond-like-carbon (DLC) coating was developed. A matrix of self-aligned electron field emitters is formed in silicon by mean anisotropic etching in alkali solution of the front silicon film through micro holes opened in silicon oxide layer. The field emission of the fabricated emitter tips is enhanced by a diamond-like-carbon film formed by chemical vapor deposition on the microtips. Back side contacts are formed by metal patterning. Detailed Raman, Auger and TEM investigations of the deposited DLC films (nanocrystalline diamond smaller than 10 nm) will be presented. In this paper we discuss the problems related to the development of field emission arrays technology. We also demonstrate examples of devices fabricated according to those technologies

    Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. VI. The sixth year (2013-2014)

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    © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Astronomical Society of Japan. All rights reserved. Continuing the project undertaken by Kato et al. (2009), we collected times of superhump maxima for 56 SU UMa-type dwarf novae mainly observed during the 2013-2014 season and characterized these objects. We detected negative superhumps in VW Hyi and indicated that the low number of normal outbursts in some supercycles can be interpreted as a result of disk tilt. This finding, combined with the Kepler observation of V1504 Cyg and V344 Lyr, suggests that disk tilt is responsible for modulating the outburst pattern in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. We also studied the deeply eclipsing WZ Sge-type dwarf nova MASTER OT J005740.99+443101.5 and found evidence of a sharp eclipse during the phase of early superhumps. The profile can be reproduced by a combination of the eclipse of the axisymmetric disk and the uneclipsed light source of early superhumps. This finding shows the lack of evidence for a greatly enhanced hot spot during the early stage of WZ Sge-type outburst. We detected growing (stage A) superhumps in MN Dra and give a suggestion that some of SU UMa-type dwarf novae situated near the critical condition of tidal instability may show long-lasting stage A superhumps. The large negative period derivatives reported in such systems can be understood as a result of the combination of stage A and B superhumps. Two WZ Sge-type dwarf novae, AL Com and ASASSN-13ck, showed a long-lasting (plateau-type) rebrightening. In the early phase of their rebrightenings, both objects showed a precursor-like outburst, suggesting that the long-lasting rebrightening is triggered by a precursor outburst

    New Features of Entall Database: Comparison of Experimental and Model Formation Enthalpies/ Nowe Funkcje Bazy Danych Entall: Porównanie Doświadczalnych I Modelowych Entalpii Tworzenia

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    This paper presents a new version of the Entall database of the thermodynamic properties of metals and their alloys. The changes are related to the thermodynamic data of new binary and ternary systems as well as the integration of the database with an application for the modeling of the formation enthalpies of intermetallic phases with the use of the Miedema model. Using this tool, calculations of the enthalpies of formation of 38 intermetallic phases from 12 binary systems were performed and a comparative analysis conducted. The results of the analysis clearly showed a weak correlation between the model and experimental data. To improve this correlation, an intermediate method of proportional change was proposed, on the basis of the measurement of the enthalpy of formation for one of the phases. The values for the other phases obtained from this indirect method should not deviate much from the experimental ones provided that before the measurements (dissolving or pulping) or after them (direct synthesis), the phase being examined should undergo structural tests, in order to confirm its dominating amount in the samples.W pracy przedstawiona została nowa wersja bazy właściwośsci termodynamicznych metali i stopów Entall. Modyfikacja dotyczyła z jednej strony danych termodynamicznych nowych układów dwu i trójskładnikowych a z drugiej zaadaptowania do niej opracowanego programu (kalkulatora) do modelowania entalpii tworzenia faz międzymetalicznych modelem Miedemy. Korzystając z tego nowego narzędzia wykonane zostały obliczenia entalpii tworzenia dla 38 faz międzymetalicznych z 12 układów dwuskładnikowych oraz przeprowadzona została analiza porównawcza. Wyniki analizy pokazały jednoznacznie słaba korelacje między danymi modelowymi i doświadczalnymi. Dla poprawienia tej korelacji zaproponowana została pośrednia metoda proporcjonalnej zmiany w oparciu o pomiar entalpii tworzenia dla jednej z faz. Uzyskane z tej pośredniej metody wartości dla innych faz powinny niewiele odbiegąc od eksperymentalnych przy spełnieniu warunku, że faza dla której wykonywane były badania została przed pomiarami (rozpuszczanie lub roztwarzanie) lub po nich (bezpośrednia synteza) poddana badaniom strukturalnym, w celu potwierdzenia jej dominującej ilości w próbkach

    Nowe funkcje bazy danych Entall: porównanie doświadczalnych i modelowych entalpii tworzenia

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    This paper presents a new version of the Entall database of the thermodynamic properties of metals and their alloys. The changes are related to the thermodynamic data of new binary and ternary systems as well as the integration of the database with an application for the modeling of the formation enthalpies of intermetallic phases with the use of the Miedema model. Using this tool, calculations of the enthalpies of formation of 38 intermetallic phases from 12 binary systems were performed and a comparative analysis conducted. The results of the analysis clearly showed a weak correlation between the model and experimental data. To improve this correlation, an intermediate method of proportional change was proposed, on the basis of the measurement of the enthalpy of formation for one of the phases. The values for the other phases obtained from this indirect method should not deviate much from the experimental ones provided that before the measurements (dissolving or pulping) or after them (direct synthesis), the phase being examined should undergo structural tests, in order to confirm its dominating amount in the samples.W pracy przedstawiona została nowa wersja bazy właściwośsci termodynamicznych metali i stopów Entall. Modyfikacja dotyczyła z jednej strony danych termodynamicznych nowych układów dwu i trójskładnikowych a z drugiej zaadaptowania do niej opracowanego programu (kalkulatora) do modelowania entalpii tworzenia faz międzymetalicznych modelem Miedemy. Korzystając z tego nowego narzędzia wykonane zostały obliczenia entalpii tworzenia dla 38 faz międzymetalicznych z 12 układów dwuskładnikowych oraz przeprowadzona została analiza porównawcza. Wyniki analizy pokazały jednoznacznie słaba korelacje między danymi modelowymi i doświadczalnymi. Dla poprawienia tej korelacji zaproponowana została pośrednia metoda proporcjonalnej zmiany w oparciu o pomiar entalpii tworzenia dla jednej z faz. Uzyskane z tej pośredniej metody wartości dla innych faz powinny niewiele odbiegąc od eksperymentalnych przy spełnieniu warunku, że faza dla której wykonywane były badania została przed pomiarami (rozpuszczanie lub roztwarzanie) lub po nich (bezpośrednia synteza) poddana badaniom strukturalnym, w celu potwierdzenia jej dominującej ilości w próbkach