15 research outputs found

    Wpływ masażu głębokiego na mięsień czworogłowy piłkarzy nożnych, w badaniach izokinetycznych i termowizyjnych = Influence of massage deep in quadriceps soccer players, in isokinetic testing and thermography

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    Żuk Maciej, Dębiec-Bąk Agnieszka, Pawik Łukasz, Skrzek Anna. Wpływ masażu głębokiego na mięsień czworogłowy piłkarzy nożnych, w badaniach izokinetycznych i termowizyjnych = Influence of massage deep in quadriceps soccer players, in isokinetic testing and thermography. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(7):236-251. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.57448http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3689https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/735974  The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 15.06.2016. Revised 09.07.2016. Accepted: 09.07.2016.  Artykuł oryginalny WPŁYW MASAŻU GŁĘBOKIEGO NA MIĘSIEŃ CZWOROGŁOWY PIŁKARZY NOŻNYCH, W BADANIACH IZOKINETYCZNYCH I TERMOWIZYJNYCHINFLUENCE OF MASSAGE DEEP IN QUADRICEPS SOCCER PLAYERS, IN ISOKINETIC TESTING AND THERMOGRAPHYŻuk Maciej, Dębiec-Bąk Agnieszka, Pawik Łukasz, Skrzek AnnaWydział Fizjoterapii, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we WrocławiuFaculty of Physiotherapy, University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw Wydział Fizjoterapii AWF WrocławAl. I. J. Paderewskiego 35 51-612 Wrocławtel. +48 71 34 73 046e-mail: [email protected]  STRESZCZENIECelem pracy była ocena zmian parametrów prędkościowo-siłowych mięśnia czworogłowego uda oraz ocena zmian rozkładu temperatury powierzchniowej kończyn dolnych w wyniku zastosowania elementów masażu głębokiego. W badaniach wzięło udział 21 piłkarzy nożnych, w wieku od 16 do 17 roku życia (średnia 16,8 lat). Przed zastosowaniem elementów masażu głębokiego każdy z zawodników został poddany badaniu termowizyjnemu i izokinetycznemu. Po przeprowadzeniu pierwszej części badań u każdego piłkarza mięsień czworogłowy uda został poddany 10 minutowemu głębokiemu rozcieraniu. Po wykonanej pracy kończyny dolne zostały poddane analizie termowizyjnej przy pomocy specjalnej kamery. Następnie badani ponownie wzięli udział w badaniu na stanowisku do badań izokinetycznych Biodex System 4, przy prędkości 60 o/s i 180 o/s.Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wykazano, że zastosowanie elementów masażu głębokiego ma pozytywy wpływ na narząd ruchu piłkarzy nożnych. Zastosowanie masażu wpływa na istotny wzrost temperatury powierzchniowej kończyn dolnych zarówno w rejonie przednim jak i tylnym. W badaniach izokinetycznych wykazano istotny wzrost parametrów prędkościowo – siłowych przy prędkości 180 o/s. Przy prędkości 60 o/s   istotnego wzrostu nie zaobserwowano. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań potwierdzają zdrowotny wpływ masażu głębokiego. ABSTRACTThe aim of the thesis was to assess the changes in force – velocity parameters generated by quadriceps femoris and to assess the changes in lower limb’s surface temperature as a result of deep tissue massage application. The study involved 21 soccer players  in age of 16 to 17 years (mean 16,8 years). Before using deep tissue massage elements, each of players has been tested in thermography and isokinetic research. After the first part of this study each player’s quadriceps femoris was subjected to 10- minutes deep grinding. After application of deep tissue massage elements lower limbs were analyzed once again using a special thermal imaging camera. Then, again the subjects took part in the isokinetic test on Biodex System 4 with 60 deg/s and 180 deg/s speed.On the grounds of the conducted studies it has been shown that deep tissue massage application has positive effects on footballer’s motor system. Massage application cause a significant increase of the lower limb’s surface temperature in area of the front as well as rear part. Isokinetic studies have been shown a significant increase in force – velocity parameters at a speed of 180 deg/s. At 60 deg/s significant increase was not observed. Results of this study confirm the health impact of deep tissue massage. Słowa kluczowe: masaż, piłkarze nożni, termografia, badania izokinetyczne.Key words: massage, soccer players, thermography, isokinetic research

    External quality monitoring facilitates improvement in already well-performing stroke units: insights from RES-Q Poland

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    Introduction. The Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q) is used in Poland for quality monitoring by numerous hospitals participating in the Angels Initiative. Our aim was to assess the degree of improvement in highly stroke-oriented centres that report cases to the RES-Q each year. Material and methods. This retrospective analysis included Polish stroke units that from January 2017 to December 2020 contributed to the RES-Q at least 25 patients annually. Results. Seventeen out of 180 Polish stroke units reported patients each year (2017, n = 1,691; 2018, n = 2,986; 2019, n = 3,750; 2020, n = 3,975). The percentage of ischaemic stroke patients treated with alteplase remained stable (26%, 29%, 30% and 28%, respectively). The door-to-needle time progressively decreased, from a median 49 minutes to 32 minutes. The percentage of patients treated ≤ 60 minutes and ≤ 45 minutes significantly increased (from 68% to 86% and from 43% to 70%, respectively), with no change observed between 2019 and 2020. Despite a general improvement in dysphagia screening (81%, 91%, 98% and 99%), screening performed within the first 24h from admission became less frequent (78%, 76%, 69% and 65%). In-hospital mortality significantly increased (11%, 11%, 13% and 15%), while the proportion of patients discharged home remained stable. Conclusions. Quality-oriented projects facilitate the improvement of stroke care, even in centres demonstrating good baseline performance. Polish stroke units that consistently reported cases to the RES-Q demonstrated improvement in terms of door-to- -needle time and dysphagia screening. However, there is still a need to shorten the time to dysphagia screening, and carefully monitor stroke unit mortality following the COVID-19 pandemic

    Aspects of a Bandkeramik settlement near Olteni in Transylvania

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    In Transylvania, settlements of the Transdanubian Linienbandkeramik (LBK) are predominantly found in the Brasov Depression. Excavations at the LBK settlement of Olteni, located on the right bank of the Olt River, brought to light the fragmented remains of at least two ground plans of Early Neolithic longhouses. These are the first convincing evidence of such structures in Romania. The pottery allows dating the site to a later Notenkopf phase of the LBK. Among the ceramic pieces, a fragment of a small altar and several multiply perforated objects are particularly conspicuous; this is the first time sieves have been discovered in an LBK context in Romania. In addition, the Olteni site yielded the most extensive collection of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic plastic in the entire Eastern Bandkeramik milieu

    Scanări geofizice şi cercetări arheologice pe situri din neoliticul târziu - eneoliticul timpuriu de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova (2014-2015) / Geophysical prospections and archaeological investigations of Late Neolithic - Early Copper Age sites from the Republic of Moldova (2014-2015)

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    Between 2014-2015, a joint Moldavian-German expedition undertook surface investigations, geophysical prospections and small-scale excavations on several LBK sites from the Republic of Moldova. This fieldwork allowed us to obtain unique data on the internal organization of Neolithic sites from the Prut-Dniester interfluve. The geomagnetic scans led to the identification of long houses, typical for the LBK from Central and Western Europe. Some of these complexes have been checked by small test-trenches. The geophysical plots also included some Copper Age structures overlapping the LBK ones. Thus, we have been able to obtain the first complete geophysical plan of a Precucuteni settlement from the territory of Moldova. The analysis of the data obtained from the field led to a reconsideration of some older conceptions regarding the architecture and internal organization of LBK settlements from the North-Western Black Sea region

    Kozachyi Yar 1: An enclosed Trypillian settlement on the Southern Bug River in Kozavchyn (Ukraine)

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    In Kozavchyn on the Southern Bug, an Early Copper Age settlement surrounded by trenches was explored by means of field surveys and magnetic prospection. In addition to the enclosing trenches, the magnetogram revealed a palisade trench and remains of pits and burnt houses, which covered a contiguous area with archaeological findings of almost 4 ha situated on a spur with the field name "Kozachyi Yar". The settlement belongs to the Trypillia BI local group Sabatynivka, as does the nearby site Kamyane, "Kamyane-Zavallia 1", also surrounded by ditches, which was investigated a few years ago and dated to the last third of the 5th millennium BC. The Sabatynivka group is documented in a narrowly confined area on both sides of the Southern Bug River and may have once been a jointly acting political entity. Internal conflicts or external threats from the steppe area to the east are often considered as reasons for the enclosure of CTCC settlements. It seems conceivable, however, that the apparently once much more numerous enclosures had less of a protective than merely a delimiting character

    Zur Bandkeramik zwischen Pruth und Südlichem Bug

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    Our knowledge of the Bandkeramik (LBK) to the east of the Carpathian Mountains is rather limited, especially when compared to the level of scientific discourse reached in some western parts of the vast area of LBK's distribution. Therefore, it would seem useful to examine selected LBK settlements in western Ukraine and Moldova. Our research focused on the question of whether the full LBK package reached the easternmost area of distribution of the Bandkeramik, especially with regard to the longhouses that are so characteristic of this culture. Until recent years the existence of these structures was questioned by various scholars. Six sites with LBK layers were chosen for magnetometer survey, and on some of them additional test trenches were dug; evidence of earlier excavations was reconsidered. As a first result of our work, proof of the long-debated presence of longhouses could be established, mainly on the basis of parallel long pits. Most of the longhouses are orientated more or less NE-SW, which seems to be a common peculiarity of the eastern region. But at the same time, due to unfavourable soil conditions of the local chernozem, it was not possible to obtain detailed ground plans. Only in some cases could a limited number of postholes be detected. At the Bandkeramik settlement of Kamyane, situated on the right bank of the middle course of the Southern Bug river, abundant LBK material and some pottery fragments decorated in the style of the Romanian Dudesti Culture were unearthed during small-scale excavations. In the vicinity of the settlement a shoe-last adze was found whose raw material originated from the Iser Mountains of northern Bohemia. Hence, long-distance contacts were apparently also a key feature of the easternmost LBK sites

    Rezultatele preliminare ale cercetărilor arheologice întreprinse în anul 2016 în aşezarea neoeneolitică de la Nicolaevca V / Preliminary results of the archaeological investigations in the Neolithic and Copper Age site of Nicolaevca V during the 2016 excavation season

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    The small scale excavations conducted in 2016 on the site of Nicolaevca V had as objective to substantiate the existing interpretation of the geophysical plan and to date the anomalies from the two areas of the site. By making three archaeological excavations of various sizes we found out that the anomalies in the northern part of the settlement relate to the Precucuteni-Tripolye A stage of the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture, while the anomalies in the southern part date back to the Neolithic and belong to the Linear Pottery Culture. On the early Copper Age settlement there were partially investigated a large underground complex (probably dugout) and a burnt surface dwelling. The investigation of the Linear Pottery culture settlement allowed us to obtain a complete section of a longhouse with its inner space and two afferent long pits

    Case Report of Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis Related to Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Following Administration of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 for Vaccination against COVID-19

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    Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) has been recently reported after vaccination against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). We present a case of a patient with fulminant CVST and thrombocytopenia after receiving the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. Although the patient received immediate anticoagulant and intravenous immune globulin treatment, he died within 24 h after hospital admission. VITT and CVST are rare conditions; however, the course may be fatal. Therefore, clinicians should be familiarized with the clinical and laboratory features of VITT