4 research outputs found

    Current options of making implant supported prosthetic restorations to mitigate the impact of occlusal forces

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    Rezumat. Lipsa ţesutului parodontal pentru un implant dentar poate duce la o concentraţie mare de stres la nivelul osului, atunci când implanturile sunt încărcate protetic. Prezentul articol discută posibilităţile curente ale realizării protezelor cu suport pe implant, pentru a diminua impactul forţelor ocluzale. Stratul de ciment poate servi ca un absorbant pentru tensiune, dar rolul acestuia este redus și există riscul de reţinere al excesului de ciment în ţesutul peri-implantar. Utilizarea materialelor rășinice pentru faţetarea restaurărilor protetice cu suport pe implant a fost sugerată de-a lungul multor ani, dar rolul lor este important în cazul unei proteze ale arcadei totale fixate pe implante, cu canelură distală și mai puţin în restaurările pe un singur implant. În zilele noastre, materiale noi, cum ar fi compozitele armate cu fibră și polimerii de înaltă performanţă ca PEEK pot fi utilizate pentru scheletul restaurărilor cu suport pe implant, dar și pentru realizarea stâlpului restaurărilor protetice cu suport pe implant.Summary. The lack of a periodontium for a dental implant may lead to high stress concentration at the bone level when the implants are prosthetically loaded. The present paper discusses the current possibilities of implant supported prosthesis making in order to mitigate the impact of occlusal forces. The cement layer may serve as an absorber for the strain, but its role is reduced and poses the risk of excess cement retained in the peri-implant tissue. The use of resin materials for the implant supported prosthetic restorations veneering it has been suggested for many years, but their role it is important in the case of full-arch fixed implant-supported prosthesis with cantilever distal extensions and less in single implant restorations. Nowadays, new materials like fiber-reinforced composites and high-performance polymers as PEEK may be used for the framework of the implant supported prosthetic restorations, but also for the implant or the prosthetic abutment realization


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    Introduction: The World Health Organization has a long tradition on the methodology and monitorization of oral health epidemiological investigations, even in the field of dental caries. According to the targets to be attained in 2020, at the age of 6 years, 80% of children should be cavity‐free and, at the age of 12, DMFT should be no more than 1.5. Based on WHO targets for 2020, an epidemio‐ logical study was performed on school children affected by dental caries, aged between 7‐12 years, from the rural areas of the Dolj County. Methodology: The study protocol included conventional and meticulous visual clinical examination of students, according to WHO methodology, in the Pedodontic Clinics of Craiova ‐ Faculty of Medical Dentistry. Also calculated was the DMFT index, by analy‐ sis of the DT, MT, FT components, as well as the dmft index, by analysis of the dt, mt, ft components. Results: The mean indices of carious experience in temporary den‐ tition decrease with age, due to the progressive disappear‐ ance of milk teeth. The DMFT index values are given, in particular, by components that indicate the number of teeth affected by caries and not of the blocked ones. Con‐ clusions: The results obtained emphasize the need for den‐ tal health education programs at national and community level, the kindergartens and schools having a great poten‐ tial to influence dental health care habits in children. Also emphasized was the need for regional prevention pro‐ grams, as part of an overall national program, which has to consider the socio‐economic and cultural factors

    New Insight into Benign Tumours of Major Salivary Glands by Proteomic Approach

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    Major salivary gland tumours are uncommon neoplasms of the head and neck. The increase of precise pre-operative diagnosis is crucial for their correct management and the identification of molecular markers would surely improve the required accuracy. In this study we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of fine needle aspiration fluids of the most frequent benign neoplasms of major salivary glands, namely pleomorphic adenoma and Warthin's tumour, in order to draw their proteomic profiles and to point out their significant features. Thirty-five patients submitted to parotidectomy were included in the study, 22 were identified to have pleomorphic adenoma and 14 Warthin's tumour. Fine needle aspiration samples were processed using a two-dimensional electrophoresis/mass spectrometry-based approach. A total of 26 differentially expressed proteins were identified. Ingenuity software was used to search the biological processes to which these proteins belong and to construct potential networks. Intriguingly, all Warthin's tumour up-regulated proteins such as Ig gamma-1 chain C region, Ig kappa chain C region and Ig alpha-1 chain C region and S100A9 were correlated to immunological and inflammatory diseases, while pleomorphic adenomas such as annexin A1, annexin A4, macrophage-capping protein, apolipoprotein E and alpha crystalline B chain were associated with cell death, apoptosis and tumorigenesis, showing different features of two benign tumours. Overall, our results shed new light on the potential usefulness of a proteomic approach to study parotid tumours and in particular up regulated proteins are able to discriminate two types of benign parotid lesions