5 research outputs found

    Intramedullary gangliogliomas: histopathologic and molecular features of 25 cases

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    Gangliogliomas are uncommon glioneuronal tumors, which usually arise in the cerebral hemispheres and occasionally in the brain stem. Gangliogliomas occurring in the spinal cord are extremely rare. In this study, we analyzed the clinical, histopathologic, and molecular features of 25 spinal gangliogliomas. The cases included in our series affected mostly children and young adults (15 males and 10 females; mean age, 20 years; median age, 14 years; age range, 1-72 years) and were predominantly localized in the cervical and thoracic spine. From the clinical point of view (detailed follow-up available for 9 pediatric cases; mean follow-up: 2 years 10 months; range, 3 months to 5 years 10 months), most patients showed stable disease after subtotal resection. Radiotherapy was rarely used as adjuvant treatment. Histologically, gangliogliomas (WHO grade I) (21 cases) showed features largely similar to their supratentorial counterparts. Anaplastic gangliogliomas (World Health Organization grade III) (4 cases) showed features of anaplasia (including high cellularity and increased mitotic and proliferation activity). From a molecular point of view, only 2 tumors (2/19, 11%) harbored a BRAFV600E mutation. In conclusion, although spinal gangliogliomas display histologic and clinical features similar to their supratentorial counterparts, they show a relatively low frequency of BRAFV600E mutations, alteration otherwise common in hemispheric and brain stem gangliogliomas

    Supratentorial ependymoma in childhood: more than just RELA or YAP

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    Two distinct genetically defined entities of ependymoma arising in the supratentorial compartment are characterized by the presence of either a C11orf95-RELA or a YAP-MAMLD1 fusion, respectively. There is growing evidence that supratentorial ependymomas without these genetic features exist. In this study, we report on 18 pediatric non-RELA/non-YAP supratentorial ependymomas that were systematically characterized by means of their histology, immunophenotype, genetics, and epigenomics. Comprehensive molecular analyses included high-resolution copy number analysis, methylation profiling, analysis of fusion transcripts by Nanostring technology, and RNA sequencing. Based upon histological and immunohistochemical features two main patterns were identified-RELA-like (n = 9) and tanycytic ependymomas (n = 6). In the RELA-like group histologically assigned to WHO grade III and resembling RELA-fused ependymomas, tumors lacked nuclear expression of p65-RelA as a surrogate marker for a pathological activation of the NF-kappa B pathway. Three tumors showed alternative C11orf95 fusions to MAML2 or NCOA1. A methylation-based brain tumor classifier assigned two RELA-like tumors to the methylation class EP, RELA-fusion; the others demonstrated no significant similarity score. Of the tanycytic group, 5/6 tumors were assigned a WHO grade II. No gene fusions were detected. Methylation profiling did not show any association with an established methylation class. We additionally identified two astroblastoma-like tumors that both presented with chromothripsis of chromosome 22 but lacked MN1 breaks according to FISH analysis. They revealed novel fusion events involving genes in chromosome 22. One further tumor with polyploid cytogenetics was interpreted as PFB ependymoma by the brain tumor methylation classifier but had no relation to the posterior fossa. Clinical follow-up was available for 16/18 patients. Patients with tanycytic and astroblastoma-like tumors had no relapse, while 2 patients with RELA-like ependymomas died. Our data indicate that in addition to ependymomas discovered so far, at least two more supratentorial ependymoma types (RELA-like and tanycytic) exist

    <i>CDKN2A</i> deletion in supratentorial ependymoma with <i>RELA</i> alteration indicates a dismal prognosis: a retrospective analysis of the HIT ependymoma trial cohort

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    Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a 4R-tauopathy predominated by subcortical pathology in neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendroglia associated with various clinical phenotypes. In the present international study, we addressed the question of whether or not sequential distribution patterns can be recognized for PSP pathology. We evaluated heat maps and distribution patterns of neuronal, astroglial, and oligodendroglial tau pathologies and their combinations in different clinical subtypes of PSP in postmortem brains. We used conditional probability and logistic regression to model the sequential distribution of tau pathologies across different brain regions. Tau pathology uniformly predominates in the neurons of the pallido-nigro-luysian axis in different clinical subtypes. However, clinical subtypes are distinguished not only by total tau load but rather cell-type (neuronal versus glial) specific vulnerability patterns of brain regions suggesting distinct dynamics or circuit-specific segregation of propagation of tau pathologies. For Richardson syndrome (n = 81) we recognize six sequential steps of involvement of brain regions by the combination of cellular tau pathologies. This is translated to six stages for the practical neuropathological diagnosis by the evaluation of the subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, striatum, cerebellum with dentate nucleus, and frontal and occipital cortices. This system can be applied to further clinical subtypes by emphasizing whether they show caudal (cerebellum/dentate nucleus) or rostral (cortical) predominant, or both types of pattern. Defining cell-specific stages of tau pathology helps to identify preclinical or early-stage cases for the better understanding of early pathogenic events, has implications for understanding the clinical subtype-specific dynamics of disease-propagation, and informs tau-neuroimaging on distribution patterns

    Childhood supratentorial ependymomas with fusion: an entity with characteristic clinical, radiological, cytogenetic and histopathological features

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    Ependymoma with YAP1‐MAMLD1 fusion is a rare, recently described supratentorial neoplasm of childhood, with few cases published so far. We report on 15 pediatric patients with ependymomas carrying YAP1‐MAMLD1 fusions, with their characteristic histopathology, immunophenotype and molecular/cytogenetic, radiological and clinical features. The YAP1‐MAMLD1 fusion was documented by RT‐PCR/Sanger sequencing, and tumor genomes were studied by molecular inversion probe (MIP) analysis. Significant copy number alterations were identified by GISTIC (Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer) analysis. All cases showed similar histopathological features including areas of high cellularity, presence of perivascular pseudo‐rosettes, small to medium‐sized nuclei with characteristic granular chromatin and strikingly abundant cells with dot‐like cytoplasmic expression of epithelial membrane antigen. Eleven cases presented features of anaplasia, corresponding to WHO grade III. MRI showed large supratentorial multinodular tumors with cystic components, heterogeneous contrast enhancement, located in the ventricular or periventricular region. One of two variants of YAP1‐MAMLD1 fusions was detected in all cases. The MIP genome profiles showed balanced profiles, with focal alterations of the YAP1 locus at 11q22.1–11q21.2 (7/14), MAMLD1 locus (Xp28) (10/14) and losses of chromosome arm 22q (5/14). Most patients were female (13/15) and younger than 3 years at diagnosis (12/15; median age, 8.2 months). Apart from one patient who died during surgery, all patients are alive without evidence of disease progression after receiving different treatment protocols, three without postoperative further treatment (median follow‐up, 4.84 years). In this to date, largest series of ependymomas with YAP1‐MAMLD1 fusions we show that they harbor characteristic histopathological, cytogenetic and imaging features, occur mostly in young girls under 3 years and are associated with good outcome. Therefore, this genetically defined neoplasm should be considered a distinct disease entity. The diagnosis should be confirmed by demonstration of the specific fusion. Further studies on large collaborative series are warranted to confirm our findings