164 research outputs found

    Assessment of daily profiles of ADHD and ODD symptoms, and symptomatology related to ADHD medication, by parent and teacher ratings

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    DAYAS is a new two-part rating scale that assesses: (1) ADHD and ODD symptoms (externalising symptom ratings) and (2) symptomatology potentially related to ADHD medication (potentially medication-related symptoms) in real-world settings at different time periods throughout a normal school day. Data from a proof-of-concept study and two observational trials (Medikinet® retard [methylphenidate] and the Equasym XL® [methylphenidate] OBSEER study) evaluated: (1) validity of weekly externalising symptom ratings using DAYAS, in place of daily ratings; (2) reliability and internal consistency of DAYAS ratings for externalising symptoms and potentially medication-related symptoms; and (3) convergent and divergent validity of the externalising symptom ratings with existing validated scales. From the proof-of-concept study, daily scores by period of day and during the whole day correlated strongly with equivalent weekly scores (r = 0.83–0.92). Internal consistency of externalising symptom rating scales calculated from pooled data were acceptable or good by period of day (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.68–0.90) and very high for whole day scores (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.88–0.95). Internal consistency of the rating scale for potentially medication-related symptoms was also good for both teacher and parent ratings. From OBSEER data, correlations between FBB-ADHD total symptom scores and ratings on both parent and teacher versions of DAYAS were high (r = 0.73 and r = 0.84, respectively). Correlations between DAYAS and SDQ were highest for the SDQ subscales hyperactivity and conduct problems and substantially lower for pro-social behaviour, peers and emotional problems. The DAYAS rating scale had good internal consistency, and DAYAS scores correlated well with existing validated scales and the SDQ subscales hyperactivity and conduct problems. Weekly DAYAS scores (whole day and by period of day) could be considered a suitable replacement for daily assessment scores

    Gender and Age Differences in ADHD Symptoms and Co‑occurring Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Among Children and Adolescents in the BELLA Study

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most diagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. Current studies addressing gender and age differences in ADHD are lacking. The present study aims to fill this research gap by dimensionally evaluating gender and age differences in ADHD symptoms, as measured by a DSM-5-based parent rating scale, in children and adolescents who participated in the two-year follow-up of the community-based BELLA study (n = 1326). Associations between ADHD symptoms and depression symptoms and anxiety symptoms were also examined. Multiple linear regressions revealed significant associations between gender and all ADHD symptoms. Age was significantly associated with hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. Additional multiple linear regressions demonstrated significant positive associations between depression and anxiety symptoms and ADHD symptoms. Further, female gender was found to be posi- tively associated with both depression and anxiety symptoms. These findings may suggest a need for more gender-specific approaches to ADHD diagnosis and treatment, as well as more research into the intersections of ADHD and depression and anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents.Peer Reviewe

    Mental health problems of children and adolescents at special schools for emotional and behavioral disorders

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    Bisher liegen für Deutschland kaum belastbare Daten zur Verbreitung psychischer Auffälligkeiten und zur Inanspruchnahme von Versorgungsleistungen von Schüler*innen an Förderschulen mit dem Förderschwerpunkt emotionale-soziale Entwicklung (FSP EsE) vor. Die vorliegende Studie geht daher der Fragestellung nach, wie häufig die unterschiedlichen Formen psychischer Auffälligkeiten an Förderschulen mit dem FSP EsE vorkommen und wie sich die Versorgungssituation betroffener Schüler*innen darstellt. Hierzu schätzten Lehrkräfte an sieben Förderschulen mit dem FSP EsE das Verhalten ihrer 6 – 18 Jahre alten Schüler*innen (N = 745) mit Hilfe des Fragebogens DISYPS-III (Döpfner & Görtz-Dorten, 2017) ein. 60,5% der Schüler*innen wurden als auffällig bzw. sehr auffällig im Bereich Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) beschrieben. Auffälligkeiten im Bereich oppositioneller Störungen (OPP) lagen aus Sicht der Lehrkräfte bei 42% aller Schüler*innen, im Bereich der Störung des Sozialverhaltens (SSV) bei 25,9%, der Angststörung bei 6,5% und der Depression bei 15,0% vor. Bei einem beträchtlichen Anteil der Schüler*innen wurden Auffälligkeiten in mehreren Bereichen gesehen, z. B. wiesen 47,1% derjenigen, die als auffällig im Bereich ADHS eingeschätzt wurden, auch Auffälligkeiten in Bezug auf OPP/ SSV auf. Bei 20,7% traten Symptome der SSV gemeinsam mit depressiven Problemen auf. Demgegenüber steht eine sehr viel geringere Anzahl an Schüler*innen, die außerschulische Unterstützungsleistungen wie Psychotherapie, Jugendhilfe etc. erhalten. (DIPF/Orig.)So far, there are no reliable data on the prevalence of mental health problems and the use of care services of students at special schools for emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Therefore, the current study investigates how often the different forms of mental disorders can be found at special schools for EBD and how the care situation of affected students can be described. As part of the PEARL research project, seven special schools for students with EBD (N = 745) were surveyed for mental health problems and the use of care services. Using the DISYPS-III questionnaire (Döpfner & Görtz-Dorten, 2017), teachers rated 60.5% of their 6 – 18 years old students to have severe problems in the area of ADHD. Symptoms of oppositional disorders (OPP) were present in 42% of all students, in the area of conduct disorder (CD) in 25.9%, anxiety disorder in 6.5%, and depression in 15.0%. A significant proportion of students were seen to have severe problems in multiple domains, e.g., 47.1% of those assessed as having symptoms of ADHD also had symptoms related to OPP/ SSV. In 20.7%, symptoms of SSV co-occurred with depressive problems. In contrast, there is a much smaller number of students who receive support services outside of school, such as psychotherapy, youth services, etc. (DIPF/Orig.

    Langversion der interdisziplinären evidenz- und konsensbasierten S3-Leitlinie für Diagnostik und Therapie von Zwangsstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter

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    Zwangsstörungen gehören mit einer Langzeitprävalenz von 1-3% auch im Kindes- und Jugendalter zu den häufigsten psychischen Störungen. Es liegen zwei Erkrankungsgipfel im Altersbereich von 11-14 Jahren und im jungen Erwachsenenalter mit 20 Jahren vor. 20% der Zwangsstörungen beginnen vor dem Alter von 10 Jahren und 60% vor dem Alter von 25 Jahren. Die Erkrankung wird oftmals sehr spät erkannt. Es dauert im Durchschnitt über 10 Jahre bis die Patienten professionelle Hilfe aufsuchen. Es gibt einige behandlungsrelevante Unterschiede von Zwangsstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter im Vergleich zum Erwachsenenalter. In der Diagnostik und Behandlung müssen das Alter und der Entwicklungsstand der Betroffenen sowie die Bedingungen um familiären und sozialen Umfeld berücksichtigt werden. Die Fehl- und Unterdiagnosen sind im Kindes- und Jugendalter wie im Erwachsenenalter sehr hoch. Verlaufsstudien zeigen, dass die Erkrankung oft chronisch verläuft und zu einer erheblichen psychosozialen Beeinträchtigung führt. Auch ist das Risiko für die Entwicklung von weiteren psychischen, aber auch somatischen Störungen und Folgeerkrankungen hoch. Aus der Studienlage wird deutlich, dass der frühe Behandlungsbeginn einer der wichtigsten positiven prognostischen Faktoren ist (Walitza et al., 2020, Fineberg et al., 2019). Wegen der hohen Bedeutung der Früherkennung und frühen Interventionen wurde 2019 ein internationales Consensus-Statement verfasst (Fineberg et al., 2019) in welchem auch die Aspekte, die Kinder und Jugendliche betreffen, berücksichtigt werden. Zudem besteht eine Unterversorgung, diese kommt unter anderem zustande durch mangelnde Verfügbarkeit von einer anwendergerechten Zusammenfassung der Evidenz von Behandlungsansätzen im Rahmen einer Leitlinie für Diagnostik und Therapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Diese Gründe, aber auch das Ziel der breiten Disseminierung der Leitlinie zu allen Versorgern, die Kinder und Jugendliche sehen, ist Anlass und Grund für diese Leitlinie. Neben der Praxis und Anwendung selbst, ist eine Leitlinie auch relevant für die Aus- und Weiterbildung. Zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt werden die evidenzbasierten Therapien national und international nicht flächendeckend eingesetzt. Bislang gibt es für Zwangsstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter keine S3-Leitlinie. Ziel ist es die Diagnostik und Behandlung von Zwangsstörungen zu verbessern und den Therapeuten eine Leitlinie auf S3 Niveau an die Hand zu geben. Die Langversion der Leitlinie gibt zusätzlich eine Zusammenfassung des Hintergrundwissens zu Zwangsstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter und einen Teil der Diskussion im Konsentierungsprozess wieder, die neben der Evidenz und der Konsentierung ebenfalls hinter den Empfehlungen steht

    Опыт внедрения электронного курса на базе платформы LMS Moodle с использованием содержания на английском языке

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    Представлен разработанный курс для смешанного обучения магистрантов направления "Инноватика" профиля "Информационные технологии в рекламе и связях с общественностью"

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with and without affective dysregulation and their families

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    Analyzing COVID-19-related stress in children with affective dysregulation (AD) seems especially interesting, as these children typically show heightened reactivity to potential stressors and an increased use of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies. Children in out-of-home care often show similar characteristics to those with AD. Since COVID-19 has led to interruptions in psychotherapy for children with mental health problems and to potentially reduced resources to implement treatment strategies in daily life in families or in out-of-home care, these children might show a particularly strong increase in stress levels. In this study, 512 families of children without AD and 269 families of children with AD reported on COVID-19-related stress. The sample comprised screened community, clinical, and out-of-home care samples. Sociodemographic factors, characteristics of child and caregiver before the pandemic, and perceived change in external conditions due to the pandemic were examined as potential risk or protective factors. Interestingly, only small differences emerged between families of children with and without AD or between subsamples: families of children with AD and families in out-of-home care were affected slightly more, but in few domains. Improvements and deteriorations in treatment-related effects balanced each other out. Overall, the most stable and strongest risk factor for COVID-19-related stress was perceived negative change in external conditions—particularly family conditions and leisure options. Additionally, caregiver characteristics emerged as risk factors across most models. Actions to support families during the pandemic should, therefore, facilitate external conditions and focus on caregiver characteristic to reduce familial COVID-19-related stress. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS), ADOPT Online: DRKS00014963 registered 27 June 2018, ADOPT Treatment: DRKS00013317 registered 27 September 2018, ADOPT Institution: DRKS00014581 registered 04 July 2018

    Relationship between quality of life and psychopathological profile: data from an observational study in children with ADHD

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    Although ADHD significantly affects the quality of life (QoL) of patients and their families, QoL in children with ADHD has rarely been investigated in association with psychopathological profile, and the relationship remains unclear. The open-label OBSEER study evaluated the effectiveness and tolerability of Equasym XL®, a modified-release methylphenidate, in routine care of children and adolescents (aged 6–17 years) with ADHD. At baseline, questionnaires assessing psychopathological profile (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, SDQ; parental ratings) and QoL (KINDL; parent, child or adolescent versions) were completed; QoL was reassessed at final visit. We analysed the relationship between psychopathology and parent/patient-rated QoL in ADHD at baseline. Data from 721 consecutively referred children and adolescents were analysed. QoL was similarly low from parent and self-ratings and independent of severity on the SDQ subscale hyperactivity/inattention. Self-ratings indicated that additional conduct disorder was associated with further reduction in QoL. Similarly, children with high scores from parent and adolescent ratings on the SDQ subscale conduct problems had reduced QoL on some KINDL subscales. Adolescents with ADHD not receiving medication at baseline reported lower QoL than those already on medication. Results show that children and adolescents with ADHD have low QoL, independent of core symptom severity. Additional conduct problems may further impact QoL negatively, while ADHD medication use may show a trend towards improved QoL. Not all psychopathological problems associated with ADHD affect QoL similarly. As parents appear to have a less critical view of QoL compared with children’s self-ratings, both parent and child ratings should be included in clinical assessments