18 research outputs found

    Učinci aflatoksina i glukomanana na pokazatelje grušanja u kunića

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aflatoxin and glukomannan on some coagulation parameters. In the study, 40 New Zealand rabbits were used and the rabbits were separated equally into four groups as control (C), glucomannan (G), glucomannan + aflatoksin (AG) and aflatoxin (A). At the end of the (10 week) experiment, APTT and PT values in group A were significantly (P<0.05) shorter than those in the control group. Fibrinogen concentrations were higher in groups A and AG than in the control group, but there was no significant difference between the groups. The thrombocyte count was significantly (P<0.05) increased in group A compared with the other groups. In conclusion, in this study this aflatoxin dose did not cause coagulation disorders as seen by shortness in PT and APTT levels. This might be explained by the fact that this dose stimulated the coagulation mechanism due to the slight negatively effect which initiated coagulation response.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinke aflatoksina i glukomanana na neke pokazatelje grušanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 40 novozelandskih kunića podijeljenih u četiri jednake skupine: kontrolnu skupinu, skupinu koja je dobivala glukomanan, skupinu koja je dobivala istodobno aflatoksin i glukomanan te skupinu koja je dobivala samo aflatoksin. Na kraju pokusa koji je trajao 10 tjedana aktivirano parcijalno tromboplastinsko vrijeme (APTT) i protrombinsko vrijeme (PT) bilo je značajno kraće (P<0,05) u skupini koja je dobivala aflatoksin nego u životinja kontrolne skupine. Koncentracije fibrinogena bile su veće u kunića skupine koja je dobivala aflatoksin i skupine koja je dobivala istodobno aflatoksin i glukomanan nego u kontrolne skupine, ali nije bila ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika između skupina. Broj trombocita bio je značajno (P<0,05) veći u kunića skupine koja je dobivala aflatoksin u usporedbi s drugim skupinama. Zaključuje se da davane doze aflatoksina nisu uzrokovale poremećaje grušanja kako se vidi iz PT i APTT. To se može objasniti time da je davana doza potaknula mehanizam grušanja zbog blagoga negativnoga učinka koji je bio začetnik grušanja

    Effects of Aflatoxin on Some Haematological Parameters and Protective Effectiveness of Esterified Glucomannan in Merino Rams

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin on some hematological parameters and to determine the preventive effectiveness of added glucomannan. In the study, 32 Merino rams were used, and the rams were separated equally to four groups as control (C), glucomannan (G), glucomannan + aflatoxin (AG), and aflatoxin (A). Erythrocyte, leukocyte count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels were decreased in A group compared with the other groups, and there was a reduction in similar parameters in AG group compared to control values. On the other hand, these parameters were tended to increase in AG group compared to A group values. Aflatoxicosis caused the lymphocytopenia and monocytopenia but increased percentage of neutrophil counts. In conclusion, the results determined in the study might be important to demonstrate the effects of aflatoxicosis and glucomannan on some haematological parameters before the clinical symptoms appear

    Dönmez ve Karslı YYU Vet Fak Derg

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    SUMMARY The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different levels of protein restriction on live weight gain, feed intake and some blood parameters in immature and mature rats

    Pseudoperikarditis krave uzrokovan tajleriozom.

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    Pseudopericarditis has been used to describe jugular engorgement and oedema of the brisket and ventral abdominal wall. Similar symptoms can be seen in cattle with traumatic pericarditis. Pressure caused by tumours, abscesses, Echinococcus cysts, swollen lymph nodes resulting from tuberculosis and leukosis, one-sided pleuritis and diaphragmatic hernia to the base of cranial and caudal vena cava returning blood to the heart have been reported to cause pseudopericarditis in cattle. These mediastinal lymph nodes may also be swollen due to theileriosis and cause pressure on the v. cava. This study aims to describe the clinical, haematological and electrocardiographical findings of a pseudopericarditis case in a cow caused by theileriosis, and to add the disease into the aetiology of pseudopericarditis.Opisan je pseudoperikarditis kod zastoja u jugularnoj veni te edema prsišta i ventralne abdominalne stijenke. Slični simptomi mogu se zabilježiti u goveda kod traumatskog perikarditisa. Pritisak uzrokovan tumorima, apscesima, hidatidnim cistama, povećanim limfnim čvorovima kod tuberkuloze i leukoze, jednostranim pleuritisom te dijafragmatskom hernijom prema bazi kranijalne i kaudalne šuplje vene već su opisani kod pseudoperikarditisa u goveda. Medijastinalni limfni čvorovi mogu biti povećani i kod tajlerioze te pritisnuti šuplju venu. Opisani su klinički, hematološki i elektrokardiografski nalazi kod pseudoperikarditisa u krave uzrokovanog tajleriozom čime je povećan niz uzroka koji dovode do navedene bolesti

    Učinci melatonina na hematološke pokazatelje, hormone štitnjače i testosteron u jaraca izvan sezone mrkanja.

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    In the present study, the effects of melatonin application on some haematological parameters, testosterone and thyroid hormones in male goat in out of breeding season were investigated. In this study 16 Coloured Mohair male goats were used. At the beginning of the study the animals were randomly divided into two equal groups as control and test groups. Melatonin (Regulin, Hoechst) was implanted in the test group. Thirty and 70 days after melatonin implantation, blood samples were obtained from both control and melatonin groups for determination of erythrocyte and leukocyte counts, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit level, plasma testosterone, T3 and T4 concentrations. T3 and T4 levels were lower both 30 and 70 days after melatonin implantation in the test group compared to the values obtained from the control group. However, important decreases (P<0.05) were seen only in T3 concentration obtained from the melatonin group on day 70 of the experiment. Testosterone values increased in the melatonin-implanted group for 30 and 70 days after implantation, but results were not significant. Accordingly, it is believed that the effects of melatonin implantation on certain haematological parameters, testosterone and thyroid hormone levels in male goats in the non-breeding season, should be taken into consideration.Istraženi su učinci davanja melatonina na hematološke pokazatelje, testosteron i koncentraciju hormona štitnjače u jaraca izvan sezone mrkanja. Pokus je proveden na 16 Mohair jaraca podijeljenih na pokusnu i kontrolnu skupinu. životinjama pokusne skupine supkutano je dan melatonin (Regulin, Hoechst). Tridesetog i 70. dana nakon davanja melatonina svima je bila izvađena krv radi određivanja broja eritrocita i leukocita, koncentracije hemoglobina, vrijednosti hematokrita, razine testosterona u plazmi te koncentracije T3 i T4. Koncentracije T3 i T4 bile su 30. i 70. dana nakon davanja melatonina manje u pokusnoj skupini nego u kontrolnoj. Značajno povećanje (P<0,05) ustanovljeno je samo za koncentraciju T3 u pokusnoj skupini 70. dana pokusa. Vrijednosti testosterona bile su povećane u pokusnoj skupini 30. i 70. dana nakon aplikacije, ali ne statistički značajno. Zaključuje se da valja uzeti u obzir moguće učinke davanja melatonina na neke hematološke pokazatelje te koncentraciju testosterona i hormona štitnjače u jaraca izvan sezone mrkanja

    Antinociceptive, antiinflammatory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extract of Crataegus orientalis leaves

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    Aim: To determine the in vitro antioxidant activity and to investigate the possible antinociceptive and antiinflammatory effects of the ethanol extract of Crataegus orientalis leaves. The medicinal use of extracts prepared from the leaves, flowers, and fruits of Crataegus (hawthorn) dates back to ancient times. It has been proposed that its antioxidant constituents account for these beneficial therapeutic effects