55 research outputs found

    Ferumoxytol and Stroke: Assessing CNS Vascular Disease

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    A carotis-vertebralis rendszer color Doppler ultrahangvizsgálata

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    Vénafalhoz szívósan szervülő centrális vénás hemodialíziskatéter eltávolítása endovascularis technikával = Endovascular removal of a hemodialysis catheter stuck in central vein

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    Absztrakt: A hemodialízisre szoruló, krónikus veseelégtelenségben szenvedő betegek száma évről évre növekszik, aminek következtében egyre gyakrabban kerül sor tartós centrális vénás dializálókanülök beültetésére. A kanülök hosszú idejű alkalmazásakor – a kialakuló fibrinhüvely miatt – a későbbi eltávolításuk nehézségekbe ütközhet. Egy új, minimálinvazív intervenciós radiológiai módszerrel (úgynevezett Hong-technikával), kis feltárásból végzett endoluminalis tágítással a vénafalhoz, illetve a jobb pitvarhoz szívósan tapadó katéterek mellkasnyitás nélkül távolíthatók el. Hazánkban először vettünk ki ezzel a technikával egy 6 évig használt és a szokásos módszerekkel nem eltávolítható dializálókanült a bal vena subclaviából. Tapasztalatunk alapján javasolható a Hong-technika rutinszerű alkalmazása. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(11): 435–437. | Abstract: The number of patients with end-stage kidney disease requiring hemodialysis has been growing. The use of permanent central venous dialysis catheters has been increasing. Catheters in the central veins may adhere strongly to the vessel wall, so their removal may lead to difficulties. A recently published endovascular method (so-called Hong technique) turns the catheter removal to an easy and fast outpatient method and avoids sternotomy. We successfully removed a catheter inserted into the left subclavian vein 6 years ago which was impossible to extract by the usual techniques. Based on our experience, we recommend the routine use of the Hong technique. Orv Hetil. 2019, 160(11): 435–437

    A nagyérvasculitisek képalkotó vizsgálatának lehetőségei és azok jelentősége [The potentials and importance of imaging in large-vessel vasculitis]

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    According to the nomenclature of the Chapel Hill Consensus Conference, giant-cell arteritis and Takayasu's arteritis belong to the group of large-vessel vasculitis. Recognition of these diseases is primarily based on the clinical assessment and the use of various vascular imaging modalities. With regard to the latter one, significant technological advances have been observed in recent years, which allow not only to make a diagnosis but also to evaluate the extent of the disease and the degree of vascular inflammation. In addition, subsequent complications of vascular inflammation can be examined. Ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron-emission tomography represent imaging modalities that are essential for recognizing affected patients and planning effective treatment and follow-up. The review of this topic may be of interest to a number of medical specialties that are potentially involved in the care of these patients

    Dose escalation study of intravenous and intra-arterial N-acetylcysteine for the prevention of oto- and nephrotoxicity of cisplatin with a contrast-induced nephropathy model in patients with renal insufficiency.

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    BACKGROUND: Cisplatin neuro-, oto-, and nephrotoxicity are major problems in children with malignant tumors, including medulloblastoma, negatively impacting educational achievement, socioemotional development, and overall quality of life. The blood-labyrinth barrier is somewhat permeable to cisplatin, and sensory hair cells and cochlear supporting cells are highly sensitive to this toxic drug. Several chemoprotective agents such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) were utilized experimentally to avoid these potentially serious and life-long side effects, although no clinical phase I trial was performed before. The purpose of this study was to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and pharmacokinetics of both intravenous (IV) and intra-arterial (IA) NAC in adults with chronic kidney disease to be used in further trials on oto- and nephroprotection in pediatric patients receiving platinum therapy. METHODS: Due to ethical considerations in pediatric tumor patients, we used a clinical population of adults with non-neoplastic disease. Subjects with stage three or worse renal failure who had any endovascular procedure were enrolled in a prospective, non-randomized, single center trial to determine the MTD for NAC. We initially aimed to evaluate three patients each at 150, 300, 600, 900, and 1200 mg/kg NAC. The MTD was defined as one dose level below the dose producing grade 3 or 4 toxicity. Serum NAC levels were assessed before, 5 and 15 min post NAC. Twenty-eight subjects (15 men; mean age 72.2 +/- 6.8 years) received NAC IV (N = 13) or IA (N = 15). RESULTS: The first participant to experience grade 4 toxicity was at the 600 mg/kg IV dose, at which time the protocol was modified to add an additional dose level of 450 mg/kg NAC. Subsequently, no severe NAC-related toxicity arose and 450 mg/kg NAC was found to be the MTD in both IV and IA groups. Blood levels of NAC showed a linear dose response (p < 0.01). Five min after either IV or IA NAC MTD dose administration, serum NAC levels reached the 2-3 mM concentration which seemed to be nephroprotective in previous preclinical studies. CONCLUSIONS: In adults with kidney impairment, NAC can be safely given both IV and IA at a dose of 450 mg/kg. Additional studies are needed to confirm oto- and nephroprotective properties in the setting of cisplatin treatment. Clinical Trial Registration URL: https://eudract.ema.europa.eu . Unique identifier: 2011-000887-92

    Using iron oxide nanoparticles to diagnose CNS inflammatory diseases and PCNSL

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: The study goal was to assess the benefits and potential limitations in the use of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles in the MRI diagnosis of CNS inflammatory diseases and primary CNS lymphoma. METHODS: Twenty patients with presumptive or known CNS lesions underwent MRI study. Eighteen patients received both gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) and 1 of 2 USPIO contrast agents (ferumoxytol and ferumoxtran-10) 24 hours apart, which allowed direct comparative analysis. The remaining 2 patients had only USPIO-enhanced MRI because of a renal contraindication to GBCA. Conventional T1- and T2-weighted MRI were acquired before and after contrast administration in all patients, and perfusion MRI for relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) assessment was obtained in all 9 patients receiving ferumoxytol. RESULTS: USPIO-enhanced MRI showed an equal number of enhancing brain lesions in 9 of 18 patients (50%), more enhancing lesions in 2 of 18 patients (11%), and fewer enhancing lesions in 3 of 18 patients (17%) compared with GBCA-enhanced MRI. Four of 18 patients (22%) showed no MRI enhancement. Dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI using ferumoxytol showed low rCBV (ratio <1.0) in 3 cases of demyelination or inflammation, modestly elevated rCBV in 5 cases of CNS lymphoma or lymphoproliferative disorder (range: 1.3-4.1), and no measurable disease in one case. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that USPIO-enhanced brain MRI can be useful in the diagnosis of CNS inflammatory disorders and lymphoma, and is also useful for patients with renal compromise at risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis who are unable to receive GBCA

    A nyaki verőér-szűkületes betegek ellátási irányelveinek különbségei Európa különböző országaiban

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    A tudomány jelenlegi állása szerint – csoportok összehasonlítására épülő matematikai-statisztikai eszközökkel – a leginkább hatékonynak és hatásosnak vélt kezelési módszerek szisztematikus elemzése mentén, a bizonyítékokon alapuló irányelveken nyugvó gyógyító munkát tekintjük követendőnek. A nyaki verőérszűkület ellátása esetén az utóbbi években elkészült mind a hazai, mind az európai irányelv, mindemellett a társszakmák irányelveiben is megje- lentek kezelési javaslatok. Közleményünkben összehasonlítottuk a témában publikált magyar, angol, német és olasz nyelvű, valamint az európai társaságok által kiadott irányelveket. Az irányelvek alapelveikben hasonlóak, formailag és tartalmilag azonban jelentős (időnként egymásnak ellentmondani látszó) különbségeket találhatunk. Az ellentmon- dások három leggyakoribb oka: 1) az egyes irányelvek által kitűzött célok különbözősége, 2) az aszimptomatikus és szimptomatikus betegcsoport definíciói, valamint 3) az eltérő evidenciaszintek. Az irányelvek összevetése alapján a tünetes, szignifikáns nyaki verőérszűkületek sebészi ellátása evidenciának tekinthető. A szimptomatikus nyaki verőér- szűkület a definíció szerint ellenoldali cerebralis ischaemia okozta, tranziens vagy definitív plegia, paresis, aphasia és az azonos oldali arteria centralis retinae embolisatiója miatti amaurosis fugax. A tünetmentes nyaki verőérszűkületek ellátása tekintetében az európai és a nemzeti irányelvek nem azonosak, ezen esetek terápiás döntése egyéni mérlege- lést igényel. Tünetmentes, 70%-os stenosis esetén vascularteam-konzílium javasolt

    Echolucent or predominantly echolucent femoral plaques predict early restenosis after eversion carotid endarterectomy.

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    OBJECTIVE: Although the association between vulnerable lesions and cardiovascular events is well established, little is known about their relationship to postsurgery restenosis. To address this issue, we initiated a prospective, nonrandomized study to examine the femoral plaques on both sides in patients who were undergoing eversion carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and were longitudinally followed-up for early restenosis development. METHODS: The final analysis enrolled 321 patients (189 women) with a median age of 67.0 years (interquartile range, 59.0-73.0 years), who underwent eversion CEA (2005 to 2007). Using duplex ultrasound scanning, we evaluated 321 common femoral atherosclerotic lesions on the day before CEA. A quantitative scale was used to grade the size of plaques as grade 1, one or more small plaques ( or = 50% was detected in 33 patients (10.28%) in the operated region. Neither the size (grade 1, P = .793; grade 2, P = .540; grade 3, P = .395) nor the surface characteristics of the femoral plaques (smooth, P = .278; irregular, P = .281; ulcerated, P = .934) were significantly different between the patients with and without carotid restenosis. Echolucent-predominantly echolucent femoral lesions were an independent predictor of recurrent carotid stenosis (adjusted odds ratio, 5.63; 95% confidence interval, 2.14-10.89; P < .001). CONCLUSION: Ultrasound evaluation of femoral plaque morphology before CEA can be useful for identifying patients at higher risk for carotid restenosis