80 research outputs found

    An approach to build XML-based domain specific languages solutions for client-side web applications

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    Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) allow for the building of applications that ease the labour of both software engineers and domain experts thanks to the level of abstraction they provide. In cases where the domain is restricted to Client-Side Web Applications (CSWA), XML-based languages, frameworks and widgets are commonly combined in order to provide fast, robust and flexible solutions. This article presents an approach designed to create XML-based DSL solutions for CSWA that includes an evaluation engine, a programming model and a lightweight development environment. The approach is able to evaluate multiple XML-based DSL programs simultaneously to provide solutions to those Domain Specific Problems for CSWAs. To better demonstrate the capabilities and potential of this novel approach, we will employ a couple of case studies, namely Anisha and FeedPsi.This work has been partially supported by the DSVL-B2T research and development department from the B2T-Concept Company (http://www.b2tconcept.com/)

    A Semantic Framework to Debug Parallel Lazy Functional Languages

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    It is not easy to debug lazy functional programs. The reason is that laziness and higherorder complicates basic debugging strategies. Although there exist several debuggers for sequential lazy languages, dealing with parallel languages is much harder. In this case, it is important to implement debugging platforms for parallel extensions, but it is also important to provide theoretical foundations to simplify the task of understanding the debugging process. In this work, we deal with the debugging process in two parallel languages that extend the lazy language Haskell. In particular, we provide an operational semantics that allows us to reason about our parallel extension of the sequential debugger Hood. In addition, we show how we can use it to analyze the amount of speculative work done by the processes, so that it can be used to optimize their use of resources

    Applications of river formation dynamics

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    River formation dynamics is a metaheuristic where solutions are constructed by iteratively modifying the values associated to the nodes of a graph. Its gradient orientation provides interesting features such as the fast reinforcement of new shortcuts, the natural avoidance of cycles, and the focused elimination of blind alleys. Since the method was firstly proposed in 2007, several research groups have applied it to a wide variety of application domains, such as telecommunications, software testing, industrial manufacturing processes, or navigation. In this paper we review the main works of the last decade where the river formation dynamics metaheuristic has been applied to solve optimization problems

    How to make a best-seller: optimal product design problems

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    We formalize and analyze the computational complexity of three problems which are at the keystone of anymarketingmanagement process. Given the preferences of customers over the attribute values wemay assign to our product (i.e. its possible features), the attribute values of products sold by our competitors, and which attribute values are available to each producer (due to e.g. technological limitations, legal issues, or availability of resources), we consider the following problems: (a) select the attributes of our product in such a way that the number of customers is maximized; (b) find out whether there is a feasible strategy guaranteeing that, at some point in the future before some deadline, we will reach a given average number of customers during some period of time; and (c) the same question as (b), though the number of steps before the deadline is restricted to be, at most, the number of attributes. We prove that these problems are Poly-APX-complete, EXPTIME-complete, and PSPACE-complete, respectively. After presenting these theoretical properties, heuristic methods based on genetic, swarm and minimax algorithms are proposed to suboptimally solve these problems. We report experimental results where these methods are applied to solve some artificially-designed problem instances, and next we present a case study, based on real data, where these algorithms are applied to a particular kind of product: we automatically design the political platform of a political party to maximize its numbers of votes in an election (problem (a)) and its number of supporters along time (problems (b) and (c)). The problem instances solved in this case study are constructed from publicly released polls on political tendencies in Spain

    Propuesta de regulación de los ingresos involuntarios

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    A propósito de la declaración de incostitucionalidad del Artículo 763-1 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil en virtud de sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional Nº 132/2010 de 2 de diciembre

    Comentario sobre el proyecto de modificación del código penal en relación a las medidas de seguridad. Grupo de “etica y legislación” Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría (AEN)

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    El proyecto de modificación del CódigoPenal que propone el Gobierno introduce elementosque pueden ser seriamente lesivos para los derechos ylibertades de las personas que padecen algún trastornomental. El presente documento hace un análisis dedicho proyecto en lo que se refiere especialmente a lasmedidas de seguridad, propone una serie de enmiendasy fija la posición de la AEN en este tema.ABSTRACT: The project of modification of the PenalCode that the Government proposes introduceselements that can be seriously harmful for the rightsand freedoms of the persons who suffer some mentaldisorder. The present document does an analysis of theabove mentioned project in what it refers specially tothe safety measures, proposes a series of amendmentsand fixes the position of the AEN in this topic

    Comentario sobre el proyecto de modificación del código penal en relación a las medidas de seguridad. Grupo de “etica y legislación” Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría (AEN)

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    El proyecto de modificación del CódigoPenal que propone el Gobierno introduce elementosque pueden ser seriamente lesivos para los derechos ylibertades de las personas que padecen algún trastornomental. El presente documento hace un análisis dedicho proyecto en lo que se refiere especialmente a lasmedidas de seguridad, propone una serie de enmiendasy fija la posición de la AEN en este tema.ABSTRACT: The project of modification of the PenalCode that the Government proposes introduceselements that can be seriously harmful for the rightsand freedoms of the persons who suffer some mentaldisorder. The present document does an analysis of theabove mentioned project in what it refers specially tothe safety measures, proposes a series of amendmentsand fixes the position of the AEN in this topic