231 research outputs found

    Principales factores económicos y  de estructura en explotaciones de vacuno ecológico en dehesas de Badajoz

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Economía I. Ponencia nº 1

    Determinación de la función de beneficio en explotaciones ovinas de carne de Extremadura mediante regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLRS)

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Economía I. Ponencia nº 1

    The nuclear and extended mid-infrared emission of Seyfert galaxies

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    We present subarcsecond resolution mid-infrared (MIR) images obtained with 8-10 m-class ground-based telescopes of a complete volume-limited (DL<40 Mpc) sample of 24 Seyfert galaxies selected from the Swift/BAT nine month catalog. We use those MIR images to study the nuclear and circumnuclear emission of the galaxies. Using different methods to classify the MIR morphologies on scales of ~400 pc, we find that the majority of the galaxies (75-83%) are extended or possibly extended and 17-25% are point-like. This extended emission is compact and it has low surface brightness compared with the nuclear emission, and it represents, on average, ~30% of the total MIR emission of the galaxies in the sample. We find that the galaxies whose circumnuclear MIR emission is dominated by star formation show more extended emission (650+-700 pc) than AGN-dominated systems (300+-100 pc). In general, the galaxies with point-like MIR morphologies are face-on or moderately inclined (b/a~0.4-1.0), and we do not find significant differences between the morphologies of Sy1 and Sy2. We used the nuclear and circumnuclear fluxes to investigate their correlation with different AGN and SF activity indicators. We find that the nuclear MIR emission (the inner ~70 pc) is strongly correlated with the X-ray emission (the harder the X-rays the better the correlation) and with the [O IV] lambda 25.89 micron emission line, indicating that it is AGN-dominated. We find the same results, although with more scatter, for the circumnuclear emission, which indicates that the AGN dominates the MIR emission in the inner ~400 pc of the galaxies, with some contribution from star formation.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    RNA-Seq transcriptomic profiling of primary murine microglia treated with LPS or LPS+IFNγ

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    Microglia, the main resident immune cells in the CNS, are thought to participate in the pathogenesis of various neurological disorders. LPS and LPS + IFNγ are stimuli that are widely used to activate microglia. However, the transcriptomic profiles of microglia treated with LPS and LPS + IFNγ have not been properly compared. Here, we treated murine primary microglial cultures with LPS or LPS + IFNγ for 6 hours and then performed RNA-Sequencing. Gene expression patterns induced by the treatments were obtained by WGCNA and 11 different expression profiles were found, showing differential responses to LPS and LPS + IFNγ in many genes. Interestingly, a subset of genes involved in Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease were downregulated by both treatments. By DESeq analysis we found differentially upregulated and downregulated genes that confirmed LPS and LPS + IFNγ as inducers of microglial pro-inflammatory responses, but also highlighted their involvement in specific cell functions. In response to LPS, microglia tended to be more proliferative, pro-inflammatory and phagocytic; whereas LPS + IFNγ inhibited genes were involved in pain, cell division and, unexpectedly, production of some inflammatory mediators. In summary, this study provides a detailed description of the transcriptome of LPS- and LPS + IFNγ treated primary microglial cultures. It may be useful to determine whether these in vitro phenotypes resemble microglia in in vivo pathological conditions

    The nuclear and extended infrared emission of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992 and the interacting system Arp 245

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    We present subarcsecond resolution infrared (IR) imaging and mid-IR spectroscopic observations of the Seyfert 1.9 galaxy NGC 2992, obtained with the Gemini North Telescope and the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC). The N-band image reveals faint extended emission out to ~3 kpc, and the PAH features detected in the GTC/CanariCam 7.5-13 micron spectrum indicate that the bulk of this extended emission is dust heated by star formation. We also report arcsecond resolution MIR and far-IR imaging of the interacting system Arp 245, taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory. Using these data, we obtain nuclear fluxes using different methods and find that we can only recover the nuclear fluxes obtained from the subarcsecond data at 20-25 micron, where the AGN emission dominates. We fitted the nuclear IR spectral energy distribution of NGC 2992, including the GTC/CanariCam nuclear spectrum (~50 pc), with clumpy torus models. We then used the best-fitting torus model to decompose the Spitzer/IRS 5-30 spectrum (~630 pc) in AGN and starburst components, using different starburst templates. We find that, whereas at shorter mid-IR wavelengths the starburst component dominates (64% at 6 micron), the AGN component reaches 90% at 20 micron. We finally obtained dust masses, temperatures and star formation rates for the different components of the Arp 245 system and find similar values for NGC 2992 and NGC 2993. These measurements are within those reported for other interacting systems in the first stages of the interaction.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Seroprevalencia y factores de riesgo del virus de parainfluenza 3 (VPI-3) en bovinos de Colombia

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    Bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (IPV-3) is considered one of the most important pathogens associated with bovine respiratory diseases. It is considered as a part of the bovine respiratory complex, since it is a multifactorial disease associated with the manifestation of different etiological agents that cause pneumonia or upper respiratory tract infections in all cattle ages. It is widely distributed worldwide and is characterized by causing symptoms such as severe bronchopneumonia, cough, anorexia, pyrexia, nasal and eye secretions, dyspnea and sometimes diarrhea. The objective was to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors of parainfluenzavirus (IPV-3) in cattle from the Oicatá (Boyacá, Colombia). Blood samples were collected from 360 bovine females, which were processed in the Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory of the Colombia University through the implementation of the ELISA Primacheck (Agrolabo, Spain). The seroprevalence of IPV-3 in the municipality of Oicatá was 31%, however, no statistical association was found with the breed and age of the individuals evaluated. The seroprevalence of the disease is high in this municipality, which directly affects the productivity and profitability of productions, for this reason it is necessary to implement control and prevention plans for this pathology.El virus de la parainfluenza bovina tipo 3 (VPI-3) es considerado como uno de los patógenos más importantes asociados con las enfermedades respiratorias bovinas. Está calificado como parte del complejo respiratorio bovino, porque es una enfermedad multifactorial asociada a la manifestación de diferentes agentes etiológicos que causan neumonía o infección de las vías respiratorias superiores, en todas las edades del ganado. Está ampliamente distribuido a nivel mundial y se caracteriza por causar síntomas como bronconeumonía grave, tos, anorexia, pirexia, secreciones nasales y oculares, disnea y -a veces- diarrea. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la seroprevalencia y los factores de riesgo del virus de parainfluenza en bovinos del municipio de Oicatá (Boyacá, Colombia). Se recolectaron 360 muestras de sangre de hembras bovinas, las cuales se procesaron mediante la implementación del kit comercial ELISA PrimacheckVPI-3®, Agrolabo (España). La seroprevalencia de VPI-3 fue del 31%, sin embargo no se encontró asociación estadística con la raza y edad de los individuos evaluados. La seroprevalencia de la enfermedad es elevada en Oicatá, afectando directamente a la productividad y rentabilidad de la producción animal, razón por la cual se hace necesaria la implementación de planes de control y prevención de dicha patología

    Using radio astronomical receivers for molecular spectroscopic characterization in astrochemical laboratory simulations: A proof of concept

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    We present a proof of concept on the coupling of radio astronomical receivers and spectrometers with chemical reactorsand the performances of the resulting setup for spectroscopy and chemical simulations in laboratory astrophysics. Several experiments including cold plasma generation and UV photochemistry were performed in a 40\,cm long gas cell placed in the beam path of the Aries 40\,m radio telescope receivers operating in the 41-49 GHz frequency range interfaced with fast Fourier transform spectrometers providing 2 GHz bandwidth and 38 kHz resolution. The impedance matching of the cell windows has been studied using different materials. The choice of the material and its thickness was critical to obtain a sensitivity identical to that of standard radio astronomical observations. Spectroscopic signals arising from very low partial pressures of CH3OH, CH3CH2OH, HCOOH, OCS,CS, SO2 (<1E-03 mbar) were detected in a few seconds. Fast data acquisition was achieved allowing for kinetic measurements in fragmentation experiments using electron impact or UV irradiation. Time evolution of chemical reactions involving OCS, O2 and CS2 was also observed demonstrating that reactive species, such as CS, can be maintained with high abundance in the gas phase during these experiments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics in September 21, 2017. 16 pages, 18 figure

    El futuro de las revistas científicas españolas: un esfuerzo científico, social e institucional

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    In spite of the increasingly high level of scientific production by Spanish researchers on terrestrial vertebrate biology, Spanish journals on this topic are, paradoxically, in a delicate situation that seriously threatens their future. This paper surnrnarises the results obtained in an analysis of the current situation of these journals and their perspectives for the near future: Such results are fully applicable to most scientific journals edited both in Spain and in countries in a similar situation. The international status of a journal determines the quality and quantity of original works that receives and publishes. The quality of the published papers was, in turn, the rnain deterrnining factor of this international status until the appearance of the "impact factors" elaborated by a private company, the North American lnstitute for Scientific lnformation (ISI), The ISI also elaborates a list of journals classified according to their irnpact factors, as well as to a nurnber of inclusion criteria. In spite of the fact that both the irnpact factors and the criteria for inclusion of journals are now under close scrutiny by the scientific cornrnunity, journals not included on this list are considered "non-prestigious". The future of such journals is thus threatened as this " label" prevents scientists frorn subrnitting their good quality papers to thern. Few Spanish scientific journals are included on the list, and the ISI is reluctant to lengthen it unless the journals are new, published in English and, usually, supported by the major publishing houses which monopolise the international rnarket of scientific publications. Most Spanish scientific journals, especially those focused on terrestrial vertebrates, are published by scientific societies integrated by both professional scientists and naturalists interested in the study of these organisrns. The Spanish Administration partially supported some of them in the past through specific funding. In addition, sorne journals were fully supported by public funds, but they have either disappeared or are not published periodically. This situation contradicts the governrnent's objectives to prornote the Spanish language and to obtain returns on the investment in training high-level scientists. On this basis, one way to ensure the long-term rnaintenance of Spanish journals would be to enhance alternatives such as the publication of local studies or the support and training of novel scientists. This option may be carried out by scientific societies thernselves without institutional aid by means of ¡.e. reducing the subscription cost, as far as some disagreernents between the scientific and non-scientific partners were solved properly. However, this would limit the international projection of the Spanish journals. The only alternative would be a social, institutional and political agreement aimed at promoting those Spanish journals, either already established or new, with the best perspectives for international diffusion. The final goal should be the inclusion of these journals on the ISI list. The co-ordinated efforts of scientists, scientific societies and the administration would thus eventually reach the objective of maintaining high-quality scientific journals, one of the main mid-term returns on the investment in science. Key words: Problems for long-term maintenance, Scientific journals, Scientific policy, Scientific societies, Social and institutional support, Terrestrial vertebrates.In spite of the increasingly high level of scientific production by Spanish researchers on terrestrial vertebrate biology, Spanish journals on this topic are, paradoxically, in a delicate situation that seriously threatens their future. This paper surnrnarises the results obtained in an analysis of the current situation of these journals and their perspectives for the near future: Such results are fully applicable to most scientific journals edited both in Spain and in countries in a similar situation. The international status of a journal determines the quality and quantity of original works that receives and publishes. The quality of the published papers was, in turn, the rnain deterrnining factor of this international status until the appearance of the "impact factors" elaborated by a private company, the North American lnstitute for Scientific lnformation (ISI), The ISI also elaborates a list of journals classified according to their irnpact factors, as well as to a nurnber of inclusion criteria. In spite of the fact that both the irnpact factors and the criteria for inclusion of journals are now under close scrutiny by the scientific cornrnunity, journals not included on this list are considered "non-prestigious". The future of such journals is thus threatened as this " label" prevents scientists frorn subrnitting their good quality papers to thern. Few Spanish scientific journals are included on the list, and the ISI is reluctant to lengthen it unless the journals are new, published in English and, usually, supported by the major publishing houses which monopolise the international rnarket of scientific publications. Most Spanish scientific journals, especially those focused on terrestrial vertebrates, are published by scientific societies integrated by both professional scientists and naturalists interested in the study of these organisrns. The Spanish Administration partially supported some of them in the past through specific funding. In addition, sorne journals were fully supported by public funds, but they have either disappeared or are not published periodically. This situation contradicts the governrnent's objectives to prornote the Spanish language and to obtain returns on the investment in training high-level scientists. On this basis, one way to ensure the long-term rnaintenance of Spanish journals would be to enhance alternatives such as the publication of local studies or the support and training of novel scientists. This option may be carried out by scientific societies thernselves without institutional aid by means of ¡.e. reducing the subscription cost, as far as some disagreernents between the scientific and non-scientific partners were solved properly. However, this would limit the international projection of the Spanish journals. The only alternative would be a social, institutional and political agreement aimed at promoting those Spanish journals, either already established or new, with the best perspectives for international diffusion. The final goal should be the inclusion of these journals on the ISI list. The co-ordinated efforts of scientists, scientific societies and the administration would thus eventually reach the objective of maintaining high-quality scientific journals, one of the main mid-term returns on the investment in science. Key words: Problems for long-term maintenance, Scientific journals, Scientific policy, Scientific societies, Social and institutional support, Terrestrial vertebrates.In spite of the increasingly high level of scientific production by Spanish researchers on terrestrial vertebrate biology, Spanish journals on this topic are, paradoxically, in a delicate situation that seriously threatens their future. This paper surnrnarises the results obtained in an analysis of the current situation of these journals and their perspectives for the near future: Such results are fully applicable to most scientific journals edited both in Spain and in countries in a similar situation. The international status of a journal determines the quality and quantity of original works that receives and publishes. The quality of the published papers was, in turn, the rnain deterrnining factor of this international status until the appearance of the "impact factors" elaborated by a private company, the North American lnstitute for Scientific lnformation (ISI), The ISI also elaborates a list of journals classified according to their irnpact factors, as well as to a nurnber of inclusion criteria. In spite of the fact that both the irnpact factors and the criteria for inclusion of journals are now under close scrutiny by the scientific cornrnunity, journals not included on this list are considered "non-prestigious". The future of such journals is thus threatened as this " label" prevents scientists frorn subrnitting their good quality papers to thern. Few Spanish scientific journals are included on the list, and the ISI is reluctant to lengthen it unless the journals are new, published in English and, usually, supported by the major publishing houses which monopolise the international rnarket of scientific publications. Most Spanish scientific journals, especially those focused on terrestrial vertebrates, are published by scientific societies integrated by both professional scientists and naturalists interested in the study of these organisrns. The Spanish Administration partially supported some of them in the past through specific funding. In addition, sorne journals were fully supported by public funds, but they have either disappeared or are not published periodically. This situation contradicts the governrnent's objectives to prornote the Spanish language and to obtain returns on the investment in training high-level scientists. On this basis, one way to ensure the long-term rnaintenance of Spanish journals would be to enhance alternatives such as the publication of local studies or the support and training of novel scientists. This option may be carried out by scientific societies thernselves without institutional aid by means of ¡.e. reducing the subscription cost, as far as some disagreernents between the scientific and non-scientific partners were solved properly. However, this would limit the international projection of the Spanish journals. The only alternative would be a social, institutional and political agreement aimed at promoting those Spanish journals, either already established or new, with the best perspectives for international diffusion. The final goal should be the inclusion of these journals on the ISI list. The co-ordinated efforts of scientists, scientific societies and the administration would thus eventually reach the objective of maintaining high-quality scientific journals, one of the main mid-term returns on the investment in science. Key words: Problems for long-term maintenance, Scientific journals, Scientific policy, Scientific societies, Social and institutional support, Terrestrial vertebrates

    Seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cattle from Sotaquirá, Colombia

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    Worldwide distributed Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) represents a high risk of infection in most bovine farms, in which it is associated with gastrointestinal, respiratory, and reproductive diseases. The purpose of this research was to establish the seroprevalence and the main risk factors associated with the presentation of BVDV in the municipality of Sotaquirá, Colombia. Samples were taken from 1000 cattle of Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey, Normande Gyr and Holstein x Gyr. Epidemiological surveys were implemented, reproductive and management variables were taken into consideration. Indirect ELISA was performed to detect specific antibodies against BVDV using the commercial kit SERELISA® BVD p80 Ab Mono Blocking. The overall seroprevalence of antibodies against BVDV was 42.5% (425/1000), where the Gyr breed (59.1% apparent prevalence (AP); 60.3% real prevalence (PR)) and the age group > 4 years (53.0% PA; 54.4% PR) presented the highest seroprevalences. A significant statistical association was found for the breed, age, management practices evaluated and the presentation of PI3 (p ≤ 0.05). Age group > 4 years, Normande breed, presentation of PI3 and grazing lease were established as risk factors associated with BVDV in the herds. These infections are mainly associated with dairy cattle and herds with many animals, so it is important to consider vaccination plans as a preventive system and follow up on the most common diseases